I saw this as there was a lot of hype around it. The two main characters were very good. I found most of it boring, had it not been very short episodes don't think I would have carried on.
No idea. I found it quite boring, too. "Edgy" gets you far, though, these days. But boring isn't a death sentence. If you're doing "boring" right critics will call it a, "Slow burner" like The Missing. This is not a slow burner. It's just slow.
As I said above, Can someone explain why this is so highly rated? What is so good about it? Although I didn't like it and considered it a waste of time I'd like to know what and why other people enjoyed it.
"I'd like to know what and why other people enjoyed it. "
Why do you need to know this? Are you suspicious that people are pretending to like it?
I liked it because it was different, interesting and funny. I simply enjoyed watching it...
Is that acceptable to you? Will you rest easy at night now? lol
I heard so many good things about it hence the reason I watched it. But I ended up wasting my time as it was rubbish. The only positive thing was the great acting. @RAJH you seem quite triggered, I'm just asking a general question. Maybe I missed something, or there was a message in it I didn't understand.
OR....Maybe it just wasn't for you?
I am not triggered lol I just don't get why you need to know why others enjoyed it?
What do you gain from this?
I didn't enjoy the show Power....But I didn't go on the boards n demand people tell me what and why they enjoyed it Why would I? It literally sounds like you need people to explain why they liked it because you don't believe they genuinely did.
Be honest.....You were suspicious of this, weren't you? lol
Wow, honestly there is nothing to be suspicious about. I'm not forcing anyone to not like it, you're kind of accusing me of calling people liars, I'm not "demanding" I'm asking. There's nothing wrong with going to Power forums mentioning why you didn't like it. Like I said, isn't that why we have these forums to discuss these things?
Considering so many people liked I didn't, I thought there must have been something I missed or didn't understand. But whatever man, I guess you don't get forums.
Haha I get forums, as sofisticated as they are.....But fair enough if you are genuinely wondering. I was just letting you know how it sounds.
As I am sure you are aware, there is a certain type of moviegoer who will watch a film they don't like and then assume anyone who did like it must either be lying or be a paid shill.
I hate these kinda people.
I apologise for wrongly suspecting that you were one of them.
There are many shows I like but others don't. For example Mr. Robot and Legion, I know people who didn't like these shows. They at the very least appreciated some parts that I had explained to them, for example, they didn't understand what a honeypot was, or what schizophrenic is. This made them look at the shows differently rather than just some "weird" characters acting strangely.
I watched this show with my friend and she didn't like it either....So, I don't think you missed anything, it's just not your kinda thing.
I couldn't even really tell you why I enjoyed it TBH lol
It's nothing special. I just found it consistantly entertaining and the characters interested me.
Plus it was a little different to the shows I normally watch.
Different strokes, I guess!
Wow, you are so defensive, someone just wants to know what you liked about it, is that really such an odd question? I like hearing other people’s perspectives on films, they are an art form after all, everyone feels differently.
Kinda agree, it's not awful or bad. It's quite enjoyable and you could see the potential there and I can see why it's got so much hype. But it kind of lost me after the 3rd episode, when the two coppers and their storyline came into it. It took away from the two main characters and it would have probably been a classic series if it was just set around James and Alyssa ad their adventures.
Even at 8 episodes it felt overlong, great soundtrack from Blur's Graham Coxon and great central acting Jessica Barden and the fantastic Alex Lawther. I give it a 7.5 for it's first season, fingers crossed the second season is better.