
What's the difference between this and Christianity? Or any other religion for that matter?


That's just because you are an immature bigot.


Christianity is pro God and light. Scientology is pro the devil and dark.




Both God and Devil are fictional characters. Also define "light" and "dark"....?


Christianity won't charge you 1,000 dollars for a bible.

I get it, religion is stupid. I agree with that. But to equate a ponzi scheme like Scientology to a real religion with real beliefs and ethics based on a strong moral foundation should be offensive even to the most cynical atheists.


Right, but the whole point I'm trying to make is that in the end they all fall into that general category of BS and it's insane for Christians, or anyone of any religion, to sit there and watch this show and be amazed and disgusted or even entertained by the absurdity of Scientology when their own religion is, in all actuality, JUST AS RIDICULOUS!



Both of those are nothing more than opinions with nothing to support them. In addition, it seems like both of you have no interest in learning anything about Christianity which might change your mind.

I don't mean convert you - I mean stop your contempt and hatred.


Right this whole thing is about opinion. And all I'm doing is pointing out how funny I think it is that Christians (and people of many other religions) are sitting there casting their negative opinion of a belief system that's not so far from their own. I'm just trying to show that the same way you look at scientology I look at you....


Except that it IS far from other religions. Back during the time of Christ, He said, "Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's." There was no tax exemptions for anyone.

Moron Hubbard SPECIFICALLY created a "religion" to avoid paying taxes.

Your argument fails from the beginning.


So where do you draw the line? Where do you set the bar for skepticism? Scientology is crazy but I believe a man rose from the dead....?




I've looked at my own religion, and you even complimented me on it.

I have learned about Christianity and it was through the darkness of Christ have I realized that it's a perverted religion.

More like through the hatred in your heart which you are blind to that you consider it perverted.


Thank you for posting your opinion.


Christianity - like most other religions - have a core belief and premise that is known to everyone. Scientology's core belief is not (intentionally) known to the public, or even its followers who have not reached the "level" which entitles them to know. Followers are supposed to reach certain levels before they are privy to the CoS's "secrets" - and even then they must not share this information with others (they are told that if they tell anyone, "bad things" will happen).

Whatever secretive beliefs are known about CoS (aliens, etc.) are only known because information has been leaked. Many of this "information" they try to keep close hold so they have a way of manipulating followers into paying more money to get closer to "truth".


And what would you say is Christianity's core belief and premise that is known to everyone?


Do unto others....



And what would you say is Christianity's core belief and premise that is known to everyone?

What everyone else says to be Christianity's core belief and premise. Have you never been educated?

Christianity is built on the belief that there is one Supreme God, who sent his Son, Jesus Christ, to save humanity from their sins. Christianity is centered around the faith that Jesus is the son of God, who died via crucifixion for humanity's sins and was resurrected, and in the Holy Trinity - The Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit.

seriously - have you never been educated? You don't even need to be a Christian, or even believe in Christianity, to know its core belief. The core belief of Christianity is widely known and promoted around the world. One doesn't need to pay thousands of dollars to get to the next level to know more "information" about its purpose or existence. It is all right there for anyone and everyone to know.

Seriously - please educate yourself. It will do you some good in this world.


I am very educated on philosophy and religion. The reason why I asked is because my whole point is that the core of Christianity isn't so far from Scientology. That's why I started this conversation, to bring up the fact that believing that a man was resurrected from the dead is just an absurd as believing that we have alien souls inside of us. Belief is a slippery slope...


But that's not what you asked. Your OP of this entire thread was, "What's the difference between this and Christianity? Or any other religion for that matter?"

My response was direct and clear. The difference is that CoS is secretive and closed about their core beliefs and premise. Whereas most of the other world-wide religions, if not all - including Christianity - are completely open and transparent about the belief system upon which they were built.

Perhaps you should have worded your question differently if you were looking for a different type of response. Maybe something along the lines of, what is the difference in the beliefs or belief system of "this" and Christianity.


I am very educated on philosophy and religion.

Perhaps your education missed 1 Corinthians 1:18:
For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.

If you live in America, then you should also know that no one can either:
1. Use force of government to make you follow any religion; or
2. Use force of government to prevent you from following (or not following) any religion.

One point that Mr. Rinder made that is correct is that courts cannot dictate ecclesiastical policies of churches. This causes knee-jerk reactions from Christians when for example the religion is Islam and the judge correctly rules a Mosque must follow Sharia law for an internal policy issue. What they fail to realize is that a court that can dictate policy to Islam can likewise dictate policy to Christianity.

Ecclesiastical policies differ from actions that violate crimes against persons, such as false imprisonment, assault, fraud, or battery. These crimes usually require a complainant/victim, which from what I've seen so far on this series usually does not exist. This is similar to a domestic violence complaint where the victim refuses to cooperate in the prosecution.

Ignoring politics doesn't mean politics will ignore you.
-Pericles paraphrased in <100 characters


The only real difference i guess is that scientology you have to pay to hear the "truth" (lol). Other than that its pretty similar. They all pretty much have "space beings" (aliens) and they require you to believe in it or you get punished (declared SP in scientology and go to hell in christianity for example).


A lot of Atheists point out that every religion is a cult. Ever religion is about money. And to most points I can agree;

But what religion hides what they're preaching? What religion forces you to buy their "scripture" and forces you to pay for classes to maintain membership?

What religion buys out their opponents like The Cult Awareness Network or sneaks into cities under the guise of a rehab center like Narconon?


You're really asking this because you can't tell what's different about them?

You really can't see it?
