MovieChat Forums > The Little Mermaid (2023) Discussion > I thought conservatives didn't see race....

I thought conservatives didn't see race.

Except when minorities have a prominent role. Then race is all you people point out. Funny how that works.



Blah blah blah...


Why can't you counter his statement with something mature?


Because she knows they made a good point, simple as that lol


Yeah, I suspect they know that too.


Incidentally, the "two wrongs make a right" philosophy that is deeply embedded in wokism

spot on.


Mermaids don't exist. They can be played by anyone.



Her father is clearly not white, therefore she's not white.

The mermaid story was created by Asians in 1,000 B.C.. Whites stole the story from Asians. You shouldn't culturally appropriate and attempt to white wash.


But you just said mermaids could be played by anyone.


Please let the OP know that.


All seafaring cultures had mermaid stories, going back further than 1,000 BC.


Including Africans. No reason why the Mermaid can't be black or any race. I'd like to see a Native-American actress next time.


So, to the OPs point, all you see is race.


"wokeness" aside, it's just not a very good movie. My kids were bored to tears. I liked the original one trillion times better.


Heh, good point there. When it comes to injustices or learning of black history the right don't want to see race and misquote MLK. When it comes to race swapping beloved characters played first by a white character, color all of a sudden comes into view as if they just got new ocular implants that turned their view of black and white to full blown HD.


Lmao. That's what I'm saying!


What else is new?


I agree they give too much credit to MLK he was a POS communist too



You should also look at the poverty stats and compare them to those crime stats.



Whites living in poverty kill themselves with Opioid overdoses or blow their own brains out.


Poverty is no excuse for crime.


Never said it was an excuse, but there is a correlation regardless.


White people commit the most crime so what was your point?



Not really. Most prisoners are white, also.

And when you add racist-related crimes like discrimination, land theft, genocide, rape, slavery, Jim Crow, voter suppression, wage gap, white supremacist laws and policies favoring white race which are still in effect, lynchings, mass incarceration on manufactured "crime", then whites are clearly committing crime at vastly higher rates.

Of course, racist whites, like yourself, don't consider crimes against blacks and other persons of color to be a crime.



Racist whites also attempted to overthrow the government on Jan. 6th. It's good to see that long sentences are being handed out to the underlings. But, we're still waiting patiently for your leader to join them.



The irony is that you're a racist white who is stereotyping.



Only a racist white would assume all whites are racist against black people.



So you're a racist black who believes all whites are racist? That's not true.


They don’t. They’ve supported POCs in prominent roles plenty of times, and even encourage it.

If anything, liberals focus on race more than anything, only to claim it’s a social construct when whites are color-washed. Funny how that works.


bullshit, bullshit, bullshit.


lol then why have liberals specifically vandalized white culture for the last decade, hmm? Why is it when conservatives say they don't see race, libs get mad and say righties are ignoring past injustices, hmmmmm???

Funny how all that works, hhhhmmmmmmm?????


what white culture? lol


Thanks for proving my point. lol


I'm still waiting for you to prove my, honey


If your point can’t be proven, then that means you lost, sweety. Thanks for playing, and better luck next time.


You're so desperate to win an argument is pathetic.


That is not a coherent statement.


How do you know the Mermaid was white? Perhaps she was a light-complexioned black person like Megan Markle. Disney is only replacing a black character with another black character.


If Megan Markle is black, then I'm martian.

I know the mermaid is white because the author, Hans Christian Andersen, said so. Read the book, it's all there. If Disney wants to make a movie about black sea creatures, then look into sub-saharan African folklore instead of blackwashing white Danish fairy tales. We would love to see black folklore represented on screen.


Then, you're a martian. White racists in England chased her away. They didn't count on Prince Harry leaving with her.

Her father is clearly a black man since he has brown skin. Nobody in the movie speaks Danish - only American English. They're clearly Americans.

A white man stole the story from Asians who created it thousands of years earlier while most Europeans were still cave dwelling. Once again, racist whites culturally appropriate and then pretend they own it. ROTFLMAO! Everyone would love to see white folks create something original instead of stealing and taking credit for it:

Christianity was created by Asians. Rock music created by African-Americans. Pyramids built by black Africans. Many important medical drugs created by Indigenous Americans. Have some dignity and stop stealing!


They spoke English in Mulan too, and Lion King, and Aladdin, etc, so what’s your point? Other countries do that as well when making movies and shows where the characters speak the language of the local target audience instead of the native language in the setting. And then there’s dubs. That’s just how it is.

lol The rest of your comment after the link is typical Keelai.


All American movies from an American viewpoint.

There is plenty of Swahili in Lion King.


Every item mentioned by Keelai is a lie, or, to be generous, just ignorance.


You made no effort to prove I'm incorrect because you can't. Unlike you, I read books.


Because it’s in the original book. It’s pretty much described. And because it’s from a Danish story, you know that country that had only white people. Written by a white guy …


What nonsense! Disney changed many things from the book which tells a horrific story unfit for a child to hear. The prince maltreats her, marries another and she plans to kill him in order to save her own life. She's tortured and in constant pain throughout the book. Her sisters sing happily about killing men. She dies at the end and has a lousy existence.

You're not complaining about those changes. Only a black actress. You're a racist and white supremacist.


Megan Markle is mixed race. One White parent & One Black parent.


In the U.S. that means black - never white.


The real racists are those folks who clearly believe that racial minorities lack imagination and intellectual capacity to relate to characters who do not look like them.


easy for you to say, whitey


You should start a channel called The Argentinian Jew because we all know that's what you are with your nonsense


Nazi fuck, fuck off


Weirdly ironic coming from someone called ... TheArgentinian.

And specially taken into consideration the genocide of the black and native populations in Argentina.

Are you proud of your Nazi history???



you hit reply to the wrong comment


Sorry. Friendly fire.


That's rich coming from you. You really think Jesus was a WASP?:

The real racists are those folks who clearly believe that past racism should be maintained by continuing to keep all-white movies/series all-white instead of correcting past racism by representing America's diverse population.


Jesus a WASP? People from that part of the world are white, but nobody claims he was Anglo-Saxon or Protestant.


LOL! Nope! Jews in that era and area were not white. They were light brown and brown-skinned complexion with dark curly hair and dark eyes. And men never wore their long.

Your WASPy Jesus painting and WASPy blond actors are white-washing.


Nobody paints Jesus as a WASP. Makes no sense since Protestantism will not be a thing for more than a thousand years.

And Jews are considered white (the race, not the “social construct”).


Askhenazi Jews didn't exist in that era. The Jews who founded Christianity were not white.

Hollywood and European artists continue to show WASPy blond haired, blue eyed, Jesus instead of showing an accurate depiction of Jews in that era and area. We both agree that it makes no sense. But, it promotes white supremacy and racism.


Again, the middle eastern populations are considered white, Caucasian, whatever. I don’t care what your stupid American culture considers to be white.

Jesus is not painted with pale skin and blue eyes everywhere in Europe, all East Europe paints him pretty close to what a middle eastern guy would look. Take a look at Jesus Pantocrator.

Plus Jesus is painted by each culture by their own image, you ignorant fuck. People in west Europe or even Central Europe didn’t know or even care how Jesus looked, they painted him in their image because he is mainly a symbol, his real image doesn’t really matter for the faith.

Jesus was painted as “white’’ (whatever that means for you) way before the modern concept of racism was even invented you ignorant imbecile.

You truly are an ignorant black supremacist with zero knowledge about the real world.


"Jesus Pantocrator"
Still WASPy with dark hair. Most WASPs have dark hair.

"middle eastern populations are considered white, Caucasian"
Not by white people nor by Middle Eastern people.

"I don’t care what your stupid American culture considers to be white."
Not culture. It's about immigration law which had a white only policy.

"Plus Jesus is painted by each culture by their own image"
Not true. Neither should Adam and Eve be represented as WASPs.

"black supremacist"
That doesn't exist since only rich white men control everything in the U.S..


What the hell does Jesus have to do with this discussion?
And how is the underwater kingdom from a Danish fairytale related to "America's diverse population"?


Disney is an American film. Not Danish. The American film has little to do with the Danish story which was morbid if you ever read it.


You're an idiot.

Yes, a lot of people, and I'm not a conservative, hate when the race of ah established character is swapped.

Make a fucking new movie and nobody will comment.

I loved Blade, I liked I Robot, I loved I'm Legend. I loved MIB. I loved The Equalizer (the movie), I loved Training Day, I loved most movies with Eddy Murphy. I loved Luther, I liked 1000 years of longing. Even liked Will Smith in Alladdin or Hancock

So. you see? you're just an idiot.


I loved Blade, I liked I Robot, I loved I'm Legend. I loved MIB. I loved The Equalizer (the movie), I loved Training Day, I loved most movies with Eddy Murphy. I loved Luther, I liked 1000 years of longing.

good taste.


Mermaid is a new movie. Disney corrected their former all-white racist casting. Only a racist wants to continue past racism into the present and future.

If you still have a problem, then you can buy Disney for a few billion, otherwise it's their copyright - not yours.


The little mermaid is NOT a new movie.

A story based on an European story with European cast is NOT racist you idiot.

Racist is replacing the character's race. But for a black supremacist like you it's hard to understand.

Proof: it makes almost no money globally ... because globally people don't appreciate raist Hollywod agenda and they want to see the original story.

You just showed what a little self-centered, black supremacist bitch you are.


Mermaid was released in 2023, therefore it is a new movie.

A white guy stole the story from Asians, therefore the character is a white-wash.

You're projecting. White men control ALL U.S. institutions, therefore there can only be white supremacy and white racism in a race-based hierarchy in which whites are on top and everyone else is discriminated and persecuted.


Obama is not white, Kamala Harris, Sotomayor is Puertorican and 2 more judges are black.


Btw, race supremacists don’t need to be in power to be supremacists or racists. Just to believe certain things, like you.

“A white guy stole the story from Asians, therefore the character is a white-wash.” False, lies. Exactly what we expect from a supremacist.

“ First published in 1837, The Little Mermaid was written in Danish and titled Den lille havfrue. The Little Mermaid is a literary fairy tale. The plot is drawn from Hans Christian Andersen's imagination rather than a specific folktale. However, Andersen's writing was influenced by traditional folklore about merfolk and water nymphs.”


Nope. Government is controlled by white men. Biden, his cabinet, both Houses, most state leaders, etc. are white men. Another issue is that laws and policies are baked in favoring white men. A token doesn't mean anything.

The Supreme Court is historically and presently controlled by white men. The majority of their decisions favor white men by destroying rights for women and blacks especially now. Thomas and Barrett have a pro-white male agenda and have no problem harming most POC and women.

Furthermore, the criminal justice system is controlled by white men. Its mass incarceration, exploitation and racism has existed for centuries and its systemic racism is well-known. Most of the systemic racism is baked in.

Cultures around the world had mermaid stories centuries before Anderson was born. He stole the idea.


This fully shows how insane you are.

And worse, Andersen “stole” the story (but you bring no proof and Europeans had mermaids stories as well, have you ever read “The Odyssey” you uncultured swine?) while Disney didn’t corrupt it by replacing the characters.

Fucking hypocrite black supremacist …

“ It is not widely known that mermaids have their origin in much older Scandinavian folklore... Called Margygr in Old Norse. The name loosely translates to "to Sea spirit" or "Sea Giantess" as the Nordic conception of natural forces often become personified in the form of powerful supernatural beings, like the forces of nature they represent, The 'Margygr' are sometimes seen as malevolent and violent, other times exceedingly beautiful and helpful — but ALWAYS commanding a sense of reverence, awe, and in many cases outright worship by those that behold them.”

Do I have to remind you the connection between the Danes and the Vikings?

“A famous Greek folktale claimed that Alexander the Great's sister, Thessalonike was transformed into a mermaid upon her death in 295 BC and lived in the Aegean sea.”

Get an education you stupid. You’re the only one that advocates pro stealing the products of other cultures … like you did with Cleopatra.


Disney's Mermaid cartoon had little to do with the Danish story if you ever read it. You're a racist triggered by a black actress playing a fictitious character. Disney owns the rights. They don't have to hire only white actors to keep your white supremacy wet dream alive in perpetuity.

You mean the racially diverse Vikings?

" real Viking history was multicultural,"

"The mobility of Vikings led to a fusion of cultures within their ranks and their trade routes would extend from Canada to Afghanistan. A striking feature of the early Vikings’ success was their ability to embrace and adapt from a wide range of cultures, whether that be the Christian Irish in the west or the Muslims of the Abbasid Caliphate in the east."

"While our modern ideas of these ancient seafarers paint a very homogenous picture, their reality was decidedly diverse."

"he most compelling evidence refuting racial purity is DNA analysis of skeletal remains from the Viking age, which reveals a high degree of ethnic exchange."

Tan to brown-skinned Ancient Greeks were diverse and didn't consider themselves white. Whites were the barbarians who lived in northern Europe. Cleopatra was a beautiful woman of color whose family lived in a black populated country for 300 years. Her sister was bi-racial! Chances are so was Cleo.


All-white casting is not racist, and does not need correction.


Walt Disney was a notorious racist and anti-Semite!

"Disney heiress Abigail Disney ripped her great-uncle Walt Disney for being “fascist” and stoking anti-Semitism and racism when he ran the company he co-founded with her grandfather Roy O. Disney.

“He bordered on rabid fascism,” the 62-year-old heiress said of Walt Disney on Marc Maron’s “WTF” podcast last week."

Today, Disney’s past racism is being fixed.


"If you still have a problem, then you can buy Disney for a few billion, otherwise it's their copyright - not yours."

Yeah, but people still can have an opinion of their movie(s), or is it forbidden also?


A racist opinion.


No one would see race anymore if you and your cult were constantly throwing it in our faces and using it to further your lies and radical agendas. We would have gotten over it a long time ago but the left doesn't want to get over it, they just want to continue to use it to prop up their own virtue egos and shame anyone who doesn't do the same.

Also quit using race as an excuse as to why this movie is bombing, maybe it just isn't very good? Ever consider that?
