MovieChat Forums > I, Daniel Blake (2017) Discussion > Congratulations conservatives! This is t...

Congratulations conservatives! This is the world you created

This is the best film of the year so far, and maybe even Loach's best ever (big call). His anger at the injustice of it all is evident in every frame, as is his tenderness toward his characters, and in several scenes, the characters' kindness toward each other. I was in tears at the end.

To those who dismiss it as 'lefty crap' or something similar, you need to understand that this is what it is like. Government employees are expected to take the attitudes depicted in the film towards people. Human Beings. This world is of your making. It is what you wished for. I hope you are all pleased with yourselves, and I hope you never find yourself in Daniel Blake's position.

I, Daniel Blake should be required viewing for all elected officials and government employees.

If she weighs the same as a duck, she's made of wood.


More bleeding heart socialist drivel from communist Ken. In balance he should make a film about family of Romanian gypsies turning up in the UK and getting B&B before being given the train fare to Brum and the keys for a 750 quid a month house, paid for by us, when they have only ever been here 4 days. Ch 4 made it, but that sort of benefit idiocy does not square with comrade Kens view of the world. 1/10


I take it you read the Daily Mail then. You come across as bitter.


LOL on the original post. The injustices in this film are due to liberal, big government systems.

It would be healthy to get some education on the subject of "liberal" versus "conservative."

The issue here is the injustice of government bureaucracy - which is created by liberal policies of larger and larger government that leads to less and less compassion. That is what created this problem. The bureaucratic system was created by liberal-socialist policies.

It is too hilarious to mindlessly blame the bent of socialism and heartless gov't on conservatives. This film illustrates exactly what happens with the injustice of socialist policies (whether individuals see it or not). Ask anyone who lived from 1950-1990 in Eastern Europe / Soviet Union (who was not a member of the power-class) and they will have horror stories with socialist government that are in the same vein as this that make the problems in this film look like a walk in the park.

True "classical liberalism" (Not modern liberalism which is simply Big Government solutions) libertarian solutions and from which, in general, conservatism emerged (though it has often abandoned those ideals) is anti-government bureaucracy. It is for less government not more. If you look at the woman's problem - she never should have been kicked out of her flat and the solution shouldn't have to go through government. The classical liberal solution would allow recourse through tort law. Use those massive resources utilized to prop up a heartless government bureaucratic socialist system to instead flow into the court system and allow for inexpensive legal representation so she could immediately take the unjust landlord to court, in which case he/she would be liable for damages, court costs, legal fees of the plaintiff, and fines accordingly. The billions of pounds/dollars in resources presently devoted to bureaucracy should be shifted to civil courts that will bring about quick appeals and civil sanctions that would then become criminal if not properly handled by those in power.

With a system such as that, there becomes a major deterrent for a Landlord or owner to act unjustly; for companies to pollute air or land that negatively impacts the ecosystem; etc.. As it is, with the way bureaucracy is, few landlords presently feel compelled to act.

And, with respect to the older man's disability, the heartlessness of the government system is a product of people who are following rules created by bureaucracy because that's what happens as government grows. Problems arise, and the solution is to add more rules and laws so that there is no longer any heart in the system; no longer any compassion. Simply mindless paperwork.

This is all in line with the slow, creeping, bent of liberal socialism toward greater inefficiency and injustice in government as it gets increasingly larger. It's simply another angle to an Orwellian world.

One of the fundamental flaws in societal thinking on the conservative / liberal continuum is that it has power and dictatorship on both sides (fascism on one extreme, communism on another). But this is false thinking. Fascism and Communism are cut of the same cloth. Both are totalitarian, "command economies." As opposed to "demand (consumer driven) economies." They belong on the same side. The true scale should move from anarchy (zero government) on one end, to increasingly larger government control. Like this:

total Gov't control (Fasc/Comm)-----modern lib (socialism)----- limited gov't (classic liberalism/cons) ---- Anarchy

The further left one moves the further into big government and the more heartless injustice and the fewer individual rights or liberties one has. Government takes an increased control over human life (just as in the film - the bureaucracy is crushing the old man). The further right, the more individual rights. Limited Government solutions, which are imperfect (no one will find that but power corrupts), allow for liberty until that infringes on the rights of others. My liberty cannot threaten another's life, liberty, or property (see John Locke).

The irony in the world today is that both "liberals" and "conservatives" are geared toward government control. They are really the same view just applied to different matters. Liberals want to control the individual's money. Conservatives want to control the individual's social life. They are both about power over the individual rather than freedom / liberty.


Spot on youngman44, I couldn't of said it better. It is almost mind boggling how the Op can pin these obvious big government failing programs on conservatives.


Crap film for the poor.


@sean-943 crap post by a stupid person. well done gimp boy.


Left wingnut garbage. Even had to throw in the mulatto kid. Rubbish.


Sorry, no troll boy. This is liberal hell from bureaucratic democrats. You'd better stop that crap. Keep it up and there won't be a liberal left in politics. (Thanks!)
