MovieChat Forums > Dunkirk (2017) Discussion > Impossible to watch now due to the lack ...

Impossible to watch now due to the lack of diversity and sexism

Gosh, I've got to say I was shocked! In these difficult times I thought this was perhaps the right moment to introduce the horrors of war to the children and let them see that perhaps things aren't quite as bad right now as they have been historically.

Anyway, it started off ok until perhaps maybe ten minutes in when Poppy seemed very upset. I paused the film and asked if she was ok. "It's just daddy, I haven't seen any non white actors or any females at all yet. Is this film... ok?". I was a bit shocked but realised yes she was correct. I tried to calm her down and said I was sure more diversity would be along shortly.

However, ten minutes later you could hear a pin drop in our house before the crying began... "I don't understand papa" said young Poppy, "There are no non white and no female characters - apart from that lady serving tea - in this entire film. Papa, why are you making us watch a work of racist sexism? Are we supposed to believe they couldn't find ANY females or people of colour to cast in this film? The makers know that we know it's a film and not a documentary right?"

Unfortunately this startling call out set her younger brother off, as the bitter tears of injustice began gently flowing from young Otis' cheeks.

With that I was rightly enraged and leapt up to switch the infernal machine off right there and then!

I implore any right thinking parents to seriously consider ever showing the dated production values employed here to their precious offspring.



At this point, lack of "diversity" is one of the first things I look for in a movie these days.


"At this point, lack of "diversity" is one of the first things I look for in a movie these days."
I do not "look" for it, but I sure do look for the "coincidentally perfect diversity" in movies and then skip them.
I don't mind diversity where it is "natural". I do mind where diversity is enforced to please post-modernists and their twisted political views... and that's an awful lot by now, unfortunately.

But, you and I, we sure are just bigots. We simply hate women for some reason and of course also "people of color" (what a degrading term, it's disgusting) just... because. :)




You're in for a rude awakening..snigger.


i see your small minded, racist approach and wish you all the best. also good for you on coming out as gay bro. good for you


And you've come out as homophobic!

I need to go to my safe space now and have a good cry



Wouldn't qualify for an Oscar these days. Plus there is an actor literally named Whitehead, so it would have been protested.


You still call your children he and she?

That's so inappropriate. You must refer to them as "it" now.


"It"? You’re behind the times, my friend. Please re-educate yourself with this handy reference chart:


Thank you. This will certainly make my conversations flow more smoothly:

Ze/hir/hir (Tyler ate hir food because ze was hungry.) Ze is pronounced like “zee” can also be spelled zie or xe, and replaces she/he/they. Hir is pronounced like “here” and replaces


Well if this is true the only answer is for you to get those two fledgling snowflakes, take them to the nearest river tight a strong rope around them both and then tie that to a heavy object and sink them in the river. The world has too many goddamn snowflakes already, terminate them now before they start firebombing police cars and toppling statues to show the world how peaceful and tolerant they are.


This was notoriously mentioned in the USA Today review of the film. "...the fact that there are only a couple of women and no lead actors of color may rub some the wrong way." Trigger warning?


So what you've got there is a right wing white-is-right reviewer whipping his like minded readers up into a frenzy of outrage against the imaginary snowflake who
"may rub some the wrong way."

As evidenced by the OP
