MovieChat Forums > The Good Place (2016) Discussion > The Good Place is not that good

The Good Place is not that good

That place is so full of frustration, suffering and unhappiness I can't believe it's a Good Place at all.

Noone seems completely happy there.


Well, your idea of what "the good place" probably is almost certainly wouldn't make a very good television show though.

And the show is entertaining as shirt.
Fork, it had one of my favorite lines ever in the last episode.
" ran for 16 years on the BBC. They did nearly 30 episodes." FANTASTIC!


That was the biggest laugh of the night for me.

"In my defense the hotel room made the first move." - Johnny Depp


All the social dysfunction is frustrating me to the point that I am close to giving up on it.


To be fair, everyone outside the 7 main characters seems to be happy. Also, we're only seeing Micheal's neighborhood. The other neighborhoods are probably running much more smoothly since they aren't trial neighborhoods the way his is.

You forgot your thingy!- Eddie, Empire Records


> To be fair, everyone outside the 7 main characters seems to be happy.

And now we know why.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


The unfortunate thing is that so few people understand. So few people don't understand what maturity is and this show just reinforces the wrong concept of what maturity is. There is an abundance of bad behavior in the show that is presented as if it is good behavior but many people believe it to be proper behavior.

In tonight's episode all the townspeople do not like Eleanor but everyone's explanation for why they don't like her is about something she had no control over. Having a grudge for something that the person is also a victim of is not mature. There are plenty of bombs like that hidden in the show. It is teaching people bad behavior.


How is she a victim. As soon as she learned they thought she was someone else and didn't correct them she became an accomplice in their screw up.

Same way if a bank accidentally disposits money in your account. Its not yours cause the bank made a mistake


I just realized something that has probably been bothering me that I did not realize until now. Some people think it is humorous to make jokes at the expense of others. For some shows, all the humor is like that. This show is not like that entirely but there probably is enough of it that it has been bothering me (probably). Some people don't have a problem with that kind of humor.


I'm guessing you aren't a fan of the celebrity roasts then, eh?

Different eyes see different things


I'm guessing you don't understand the difference between laughing with and laughing at. If you don't then you will think you do so it does not do any good for me to ask you if you do. I will leave this for those that do understand.


Maybe I do yet maybe I don't.

I believe I have been in situations in which I was laughing with others. Also have been laughed at and been the one doing the laughing at.

What helps tolerate all of it is to not be so thin skinned that it matters.

Different eyes see different things


What helps tolerate all of it is to not be so thin skinned that it matters.
It is good to say that if it is the beginning of a conversation to help someone and you stay with them to continue the conversation to understand them, be supportive and to help them. It is not good if you dump this out and run and if they say you are not helping, you can't say you are if it is intended to end the conversation.

Anyone that uses that as an excuse to be humorous at the expense of someone else is being a bully and a jerk.


Replying to your earlier posts about bombs & potholes & what-not.. Yes you are right there are some potholes that we have to overlook but in its defense -- most shows tend to be overtly full of leaps of faiths - this show had some potholes (or plot holes) but it was mostly confined to ep 2,3,4 and the characters were less bad 'people' as the show went on. Most comedies on NBC, FOX are full of *beep* people, TBS being the worst offender. But at least this show is improving. So I would say 'give it a chance' maybe..


It is not clear who you are replying to, you should reply to the post that you are replying to. I said nothing about bombs or potholes so you are not replying to me. Perhaps you have the wrong show since this has neither bombs nor potholes.


I have a theory that it is actually the bad place and not the good place. Just a theory but it would explain everything.


Did you get that theory after you watched the season finale?

Good job.


After this episode, I feel like I have wasted my time watching this show. I can't even explain how ticked I am about it, even if it is a TV show.


Boy are you going to be upset on your death-bed.


Seriously..?! You watched the finale and you're "ticked off"?! I thought it was one of the best season finales ever! What a delicious twist... this show is delightfully unique, never boring, always entertaining... and I can't wait for season 2!


The world is full of Debbie Downers.


> After this episode, I feel like I have wasted my time watching this show. I can't even explain how ticked I am about it, even if it is a TV show.

Really? That was one of the most brilliant reveals since the Twilight Zone did it 60 years ago. This sets the stage for a terrific next season as the four of them play cat-and-mouse with Michael. I bumped my rating up one notch.

Why would you be ticked? Could it be that you were thinking that this was some kind of religious show that would actually conclude that the principles of religion may be right after all, despite the show saying that no religion is more than 5% correct?

Bummer, dude.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


i can't believe someone managed to guess this! hahahaha...

this has to be the BEST reveal in years. it totally works too! this show is just awesome.


Argh. It's people like you that kill interesting stuff from being made. Would it have made you happy if the show was still just Eleanor getting lessons in being a good person?

"The plastic tips at the end of shoelaces are called aglets. Their true purpose is sinister."


Well, I guess you called it. 


Well, it WASN'T the Good Place at all after all :D


Yes, you've called it!!

#TheXFiles #BreakingBad #Lost #Hannibal #Fringe #River #Utopia #TwinPeaks #POI


Yeah, you were right.


Well, since no one got the message implied in my comment, here it is: WHERE IS MY FORKING PRIZE??? 😭


Here's your emoji trophy 🏆 and thanks for playing. 

Hate-watching says more about the viewer than it does about the show.
