
HOLY CRAP! This lame piece of *beep* makes VINYL look like Saturday Night Fever.

I could not believe my eyes (or ears). This is like some kind of ghetto After School Special. And a LOUSY one to boot! I don't know what Baz was smoking when he wrote this mess but it was of the poorest quality. Just like The Get Down. I grew up in the South Bronx and was there during the time in which this series is set. (NEVER saw piles of constantly smoldering rubble.) Not only does this idiot come NOWHERE NEAR telling the story of how rap and hip-hop started to become more mainstream, but the lame story that he does tell isn't even told well!

• LOUSY Acting

• LAME Dialogue

• CRAPPY Visuals (The SAME stock footage shown over and OVER!)

And it LOOKS like a tv show made with one tenth of the actual budget. The opening credits of Different Strokes looks better than most of this mess.

I was actually shocked at how bad this crapfest was. SHAME on you, Luhrmann! Hopefully one day a talented film maker will make a GOOD movie/show about the story of hip-hop.


Hollywood director makes movie / TV series about specific historical era and location.

Multiple people who lived in that location during that era complain that the series is missing the mark and is completely inauthentic.

Multiple people with no relation whatsoever to that location or era completely lose it, call aforementioned people "trolls", mansplain that they must not be clever enough to understand that movie/series or too ignorant to know anything about that era and/or location.

Sounds familiar? It's every internet movie/tv forum in a nutshell.

Get over yourselves people, the OP's complaints are perfectly valid. This is also what IMDb discussion boards are for. This isn't a fanpage.


I totally agree. I watched 20 minutes. It was like watching a teen musical high school prom film. It was too clean, bright. It should be darker too. But the acting and script was terrible.


I totally agree. I watched 20 minutes. It was like watching a teen musical high school prom film. It was too clean, bright. It should be darker too. But the acting and script was terrible.

Exactly! I stopped watching after about 20 minutes too, then came back to it a few days later and watched the entire six episodes.

I enjoyed it for what it was but it definitely is a show that is supposed to be about 1977 but has the looks and feels and visuals and styles of 2016.


Couldn't agree more. It's not a good show. Not sure why people like it so much. If Baz wasn't directing it and it was a different vision, it would probably be ok. His style makes it unwatchable. Part of it felt like I was watching Joel Schumacher's Batman movies. Just corny and over stylized.


This series is for the DJ. It's about the creation of hip hop highlighting the DJ. this is not about the rapper(the only element of hip hop left int he mainstream today). The DJ was the most important thing in hip hop, now he's basically non existent when people like Paris Hilton can get $20k a night for playing a cd and calling herself a DJ at a club. A few will like it, but many won't. I've yet to hear a DJ claim to not like this series. it's not for everyone. If you're not into the history of hip hop, how Flash was marking records, equipment they were using, and how things were done in the 70s before corporations got their hands on hip hop and destroyed it, then I'd tell you to avoid this series.


Actually as one of the few who is a DJ and lived through that time period, it's doing much better than most (and WAY better than Vinyl) of telling the story. Even within the first episode they mention Herc and who represents what boroughs, etc. And Flash is a consultant with Baz to make sure its accurate to some degree.


It's "WACK"


Just stuff it, troll.


I totally agree with this. It's not trolling, it's just a proper honest review. Everyone's loving it because it's a load of soap opera stories that somehow loosely incorporate the theme "the birth of hip-hop". Was expecting so much and got to episode 3 and couldn't continue. Someone who knows something about the scene should have been given that budget to tell the real story, not someone clueless, to make some over-stylised, arty nonsense. What a waste of a lot of money.
