MovieChat Forums > Mulan (2020) Discussion > #BoycottMulan is trending

Why should us Disney+ subscribers shell out $29.99 to see it now when we can see it this December for free?


For the same reason people pay more to go to the movie theater. They want to see it during its opening time frame, rather than wait a few months to see it later.


At least in the movie theater the screen is giant. We can't have that at home.


no one goes to the cinema for that ...


Wait? Why is it free in December?


I’m watching it for free right now.


If it's led by a pro-China, pro-communist actress, shouldn't the National People's Congress of China be paying for it? :-)


you old farts need to learn to use the piratebay and actually save ur money for real trips and adventures not corporate movies...


Yeah took me about 5 minutes of scrolling thru tweets to figure out why, then got “she supports Hong Kong police”.

“She”? Mulan the character? Is this movie one big anachronism? Or (scroll, scroll, scroll), ok confirmed, ahhh, it’s the ACTRESS who plays Mulan who supports the HK police.

Whatever, was never going to watch it anyhow. this kind of flic ain’t my cuppa.


From one of the leaders of the pro-democracy movement in HK itself. Sad but reality is most people don't give a crap about other people unless it affects them. Just like climate change and other stuff.

If you need more reason to boycott China in general:

In 2017 Chinese President Xi Jinping set out two major goals for the PLA: to complete modernization by 2035 and become a “world class” military by mid-century, presumably prior to the People’s Republic of China (PRC)’s centennial in 2049.

In the near future with it's man-made islands and 9-dash line claim, they'll control about $6 trillion or so in trade routes and will most likely claim it as their waters since ancient times when it's international water. They're already bullying smaller countries around them that fish in those areas by ramming those ships to sink them or scare them away.

People need to stop supporting the CCP before it's too late but just like climate change, lets just call it a hoax and wait for the inevitable to occur then we can laugh at all the idiots that indirectly helped them.

Yeah yeah, you can complain about the US is a bully too but oh boy, just you wait when it's a communist party/authoritarian regime doing the bullying.


americans are ignorant, they never experienced socialism and are welcoming to authortarian ideas while fighting "fascism" without even knowing what proper fascism looks like.


They have experienced some amount of socialism. There are just some who refuse to admit it or don't know what socialism is.


No, they haven't.

Or, depends on how you define socialism. If you use your own definition maybe. If you use the proper definition ... nope.


The police, fire departments, social security, public schools, etc. are all socialist as they are not private entities.


You need to understand the difference between socialized services/social programs (which you are right, are public) and socialism.

No, being run by the state doesn't make it "socialist".

"Social program: Let us increase taxes on income and spend it to ensure nobody has to sleep on the street and nobody dies a miserable death from a curable disease. This way we can make peoples lifes more safe and keep poor people from sooner or later becoming a danger on the political landscape.
Socialist program: Let us collectivise agriculture. This way we can bring a bigger part of the economy under direct control of the ruling party and have more people work under the superior collectivist economy.

Social (social democrat) programs defend the capitalist and democratic system against the left by alleviating poverty and blunting the teeth of the system. However they still approve of and work inside market economy.

Socialist programs are to redesign society via economy. They work in favour of… or actually... they are the left. They think of planned economy as the better system, which is why they usually disapprove of social democracy, seeing it as a tool of the bourgeois elite."

And happy reading:


I was going by just the most base and simplistic idea of it, but I see your point. Thanks for the links.


I love how you two are engaging/debating in the differences.

This is a good watch and brings up some very powerful points for socialism but in the end, capitalism wins on the vote call at the end of the video.


One hour and a half, wow.

But i will try to watch it. Thanks :)

I lived in a socialist state (it was fucked up). I lived in a social democrat capitalist state.

Guess where i choose to live now :D (no, for sure not in a socialist country, I had enough of that kind of "equality")

But there is a huge chance i will retire in a social democrat capitalist state ...


Ok, after watching 20 minutes of the socialist apologist i can say this: this professor is so fucking ignorant and has no idea about the plague of socialism.

Trust me, as a guy that lived in socialism, Marx inspired.

And when he goes to the "new socialism", again it's bullshit.

Plus, he conflates capitalism with the crony, us capitalism. Ignorance and limited views.


Socialism is just a different word for communism, the communists thought it would be easier to take over the rest of the world by passing off communism under a nicer gentler name like socialism. Hell it has worked on most of Europe and a large chunk of Americans, that are too stupid to understand that socialism is communism.
