MovieChat Forums > Yellowstone (2018) Discussion > Just more "white people are evil" BS. T...

Just more "white people are evil" BS. That power "European mind set" like the Aztecs, Mayans, Incas, Comanches, etc.?

Or for that matter the Chinese empire, the Muslim world, or the African kingdoms that grew rich by selling slaves...more to the Muslims than even the Translatlantic trade? The truth is Western civilization, or "Europe" as the stupid firebrand professor called it, invented freedom, along with citizenship, democracy, due process, constitutionalism, limits on rulers' power, not worshiping their leaders as gods, tolerance, etc.. The Christian West was the only civilization in history to ban slavery on its own without external pressure in a way that took, and did it not once but twice: first in the high middle ages and then black slavery in the 1800s. Then the USA and Britain, with their "European mind sets", flexed their muscles to end slavery around the world, though it persisted in the Muslim world into the 20th Century.

The peaceful tribe from the Columbus quote she cherry-picked and ripped from context was aberrational. Slavery and warfare (and sometimes mass human sacrifice) were practiced by Amerindians up and down the hemisphere long before Columbus showed up. English colonists were met with unprovoked arrow storms on the beach (they leave that out of those cheesy Jamestown/Pocahontas movies). Columbus' words sound harsh to our sensibilities, with our anti-slavery "European mind set", but slavery was common accepted practice around the planet back then and he was being practical. The Aztecs were so brutal that subjugated tribes flocked to join Cortez' small band of conquistadors in desperation because they offered a flicker of hope of relief. Hollywood likes to pretend students aren't typically exposed to the leftist drivel they have characters like Monica spew, that the professor is being subversive and rocking "the man's" boat. Truth is that's ALL kids are force fed in school. Everyone knows about the Trail of Tears. But most don't know that the Cherokee forced their own slaves to travel with them. I won't even get into the layered bigotry of using a white male "frat boy" type to tie into this sinister "European mind set" (what's the mind set of the mostly black or Hispanic cat callers in NYC? And why in real life do nonwhites rape and abuse women at much higher rates than whites?)

Monica's rhetoric reflects the real life sentiments of some that mix crude anti-white racial bigotry with more nuanced but still ignorant and wrong-headed anti-Western views. It's part of the larger pattern of a show that casts white male ranchers as inherently evil somehow, routinely committing murder and other crimes for reasons left poorly explained. Unfortunately this garbage encourages more real life bigotry at a time when responsible media actors should be tamping it down. But disliking people is subjective. What's worse is the show lying, even telling the opposite of the truth to push its agenda, and spreading ignorance.


Triggered much?


I posted a few paragraphs because historical distortions are unhealthy for society. I didn't make an entire tv show to whine about white people, LOL.


Yes, western civilization is doomed thanks to a horse opera on Paramount tv.


It's hardly an isolated occurrence.


For the clueless, here is triggered explained. Author is anon for legal reasons!


Yeah, and "triggered" typically refers to people threatening censorship, boycotts, or violence to suppress opinions they're rarely if ever directly exposed to in their "safe space", not someone correcting a false (if common) historical claim with a rational counterargument that otherwise rarely if ever gets a public hearing.


That bears no resemblance to what krl97a posted.


People sure seem to use that line a lot--"Triggered?" I guess it's just a scornful, mocking jab, but it's also a rude, low-effort, and senseless.

You could say "Triggered?" to anything at all. Someone was wrongfully imprisoned, and ranted about it? Triggered. Someone's child just died in their arms, and they're emoting a little bit? Oh, they're just triggered.

But in this case, it reinforces the point. No one would mockingly say "Triggered?" if a non-white was complaining about something along the same lines.

And yeah, I'm aware of the obvious potential response to my post... "Triggered?"

Let's all just stop caring about everything. Apathetic zombiehood is the way to go. That's the only way to avoid ever being triggered.


Triggered much?


stop triggering shit, yo!




At least you took the time to reply, lol.



"The truth is Western civilization, or "Europe" as the stupid firebrand professor called it, invented freedom"

Fyi I have zero opinion on this show. Not aware of it.

But what I quoted from you is one of the most asinine statements ever uttered by an intelligent human being. One simply CANNOT invent freedom.

you fight perceived historical inaccuracy by pretending the "Christian West" was nothing but rainbows & puppies while cherrypicking out negative aspects of nonwhite societies, generalizing against them, ignoring the entire concept of what native tribal cultures tend to entail, ignore things like progress of technology, access to resources, conquests of imperialism, oppression against "lessers" including plunder of their resources and deliberately holding back developing societies for one's own gain and to prevent competition....

Let's not forget the glossing over of the inherent dangers of any religion that dehumanizes those who will not bow to it. Christianity, ancient Judaism and Islam are very alike in this manner, a fact that egocentric Christians hate to hear.



Well God invented freedom of course, but the West was the civilization that did more than any other to secure it as a natural political right. It was also for rhetorical effect, like Fischer in Pawn Sacrifice asking, "Didn't we (Americans) invent money?" when told the US federation couldn't afford to house him as luxuriously as the Soviets housed their players. That statement and my entire post was written in the context of responding to this show and anti-"European"/white/Western comments made in it which I didn't repeat for space reasons since I'm addressing an audience that has already seen them. You admit you haven't seen the show (what'd you do follow me here?), so for you to reply blindly and obnoxiously the way you did without even considering the context, context which invalidates your "cherrypicking" claim, and pretend I'm just shouting these things on a street corner out of the blue is certainly more moronic than anything I said.

The other things you list are a mix of actions not exclusive to the West but commonly practiced around the world (The Christian West is the only powerful society to even have qualms about such things), BS assumptions, and ludicrous things that aren't happening (unless you're referring to Western environmentalists "holding back developing societies", a criticism I'd agree with).

Your final sentence merits no response except that I'd be happy to discuss the blood soaked history of militant atheist regimes any time you want. They've been the most oppressive, murderous, and poverty inducing of all societies.


I thought the point being made was that Westerners were and are not all evil, but the prevailing narrative out there is that they are. And even pointing that out results in childish mocking, as we see on this very web page.

No group, past or present, was or is all good or bad. And yet anti-white vitriol is constant and impossible to miss.


I'm late to the party, but I completely get it. I noticed the same thing. They really ramped it up in later episodes; the "WHITE POWER" screen saver in the house of white supremacists that kidnapped the kid--and of course they'd be white supremacists, right?--was a nice touch.

For me, the point is not that whites are paragons of virtue, with an uncheckered past. It is that they are the ONLY group about which literally anything can be said without real repercussions--and the fact that this reality is increasingly taken advantage of.


I agree. And I just watched the episode in which Monica gives this speech. A "very European mindset." Oh please. As if Islam had not been spread by conquest, and as if it didn't keep the slave trade alive long after Europe ended it. As if the Mongols hadn't practiced, not just conquest, but probably the worst genocide of the pre-industrial era. As if the Aztecs weren't fighting constant wars against their neighbors in order to harvest a yearly crop of human sacrifices -- tens of thousands of human sacrifices. I could go on for hours. This idea that slavery and conquest are somehow peculiarly European phenomena is not only completely ahistorical, it's quite simply racist.

None of this excuses atrocities perpetrated by Europeans and European-descended Americans who were racists, but the cure for racism is not more racism, but going the other direction. That mindset will never, ever lead to a post-racial society where all people are treated equally regardless of race, creed, or ethnicity. Quite the reverse actually.

And you know, the SJWs who write this nonsense will tell you that they aren't racist -- in fact they can't be racist, because racism is privilege plus power. (They say this with complete lack of self-awareness, as if they weren't the ones holding nearly all the power on social media, and in every insitution that shapes popular culture.) But they will insist that because of their long history of being oppressed, they aren't racist,they can't be racist, and that anything they do in advocacy of their race or ethnic group ipso facto is not racist. But as it becomes ever more obvious that they absolutely do wield instutional power in our society, and almost total, uncontested power over the institutions that shape popular culture, I am curious to see how they will justify continuing to claim they aren't racist.


I’m new to the show. Only 6 episodes in. I love it.
Now, I currently live in ND around reservation land.
I can tell you that the native schools teach hate.
They hate “white people” cause they stole their land. The young are indoctrinated into it.
1st off, that was the English. I’m Irish and it happened 200 years ago.
All of human history is people invading and conquering people.
Not to mention the natives were 3000 years in technology behind the rest of the world. If it wasn’t the English someone else would have come in and conquered and they would have killed them all.

My point is, there is a bunch of “evil capitalist white man” written into the show. It’s very cringe.
I think it’s more then fair to point out the narrative slowly being sold to people in simple TV shows.
Every year of my life a new show has come out telling whites people how guilty they should feel for what their ancestors did.
I’m getting super sick of hearing it.


The Indians also forget that they fought each other for land and resources, tribalism as well. So they aren't any different to the Europeans. They just lost.

I'm in Australia and our Aboriginals are the same way.

The bottom line is how long did these people think they could keep living in the Stone Age (and by comparison your natives were light years ahead of ours) before a more advanced people came in and took it all from them?

They were still using spears and praying as a means to get what they wanted at a time when civilizations had been developing science, art, philosophy for centuries before hand.


Exactly my point. The native America. Had crude knives made out of bone. They had the arrow.
They no concept of swords, shields, armor, metallurgy, no experience with mass battle formations or strategy.
They were literally well behind the ancient Egyptians.
Someone would have invaded eventually and wiped them all out.
Now people with native ancestry are alive and well today in the greatest country on earth with electricity, indoor plumbing, tv,WiFi, don’t have to hunt for their food and don’t freeze in the winter. But every other native around here is like
“Your oppressing me, get off my land.”
I’m soooo sick of hearing it.
It’s exactly the issue that will take a person who’s never been racist their entire lives and give them a bit of negative feelings towards another culture.


The American and Australian natives are damn lucky it was the Europeans and not the Asians or Arabs who found them first or else they may not be around to cry about it now.

Yeah exactly, their bullshit will breed racism, especially when more and more people wake up to the fact that we are being conditioned to give in to their demands, demands which will never stop.


Agree 100 percent


Very well said, Darren. Every point is spot on.


Yeah they're so "evil" that they're the main characters set in a beautiful country setting having Shakespearian "White People" problems amongst themselves as they contemplate their navels and drink their black coffee.


That Indian chief is very "White" isn't he?!

Even his offsider who seems more traditional had no problem using a high powered rifle that his people could never have come close to inventing.


OMG there's a non-white character? Oh the HUGE MANATEEE!


There's a few yes. Now get on with your outrage.


No shit.

You think Wyoming is a Whites Only paradise LOL


OP is correct. It's refreshing when somebody is aware of the truth (meaning what actually happened) and tells it.


Whoever is in power wants to dominate whoever isn't in power. That simple. If the native peoples of countries had been in power and the Europeans weren't, the natives would have dominated the Europeans, taken their land and massacred them.

But, the Europeans were dominant, and they were the ones who took the land and mass slaughtered the native peoples. That's what you see in Israel, where the sole purpose of that nation is to take the land that Palestinians were on, and basically put them into camps. Sound familiar?
