hope season 3 is better than season 2
i hope
shareI give this show 3 episodes to amend its ways.
shareJust got through binge-watching Season 1 of Mr. Robot--got some questions for parts of it I didn't understand,and some comments:
1. After Tyrell (the creepy-ass, arrogant tech executive) sexes the dude he picks up at the club, why was he messing with the dude's phone? Why did he do that in the first place,and what exactly did he do,anyway?
2. What in the hell made Tyrell think he could roll up on the wife of his rival for the CEO position like that and get away with it? (Anyone who's seen the episode knows what I'm talking about.) He's an arrogant-a** punk MF, but damn, he really took it way too far that time. I love how her husband--his rival--tore into his a**, and put him back in his place about what he'd done. Also, why the hell did his rival's wife go to the roof with him at the party? There's no way in hell any woman with any common sense would have gone anywhere alone with Tyrell knowing what a sleazy bastard he was--that just didn't make any sense to me. (Interestingly enough, the episode was written by a woman, and it's one of the more disturbing ones of the show.)
3. How the hell did Tyrell's creepy a** know where Elliot lived? When he rolled up in there, it was like a horror movie setting,for real---very dark and moody. And Elliot just stood there like a fool while he talked---a sane person would have ran the hell up out of there the moment Tyrell put on those gloves talking about the evil s*** he'd done.
3. Is Elliot nuts because he's on drugs, or was he nuts before the drugs? I think the latter.
4. I like how when Elliot's life and work began unraveling toward the end of S1, the truths that were revealed made you rethink nearly everything that came before and what you thought about it---that's how a good twist is supposed to work. I also like how the show is filmed in a very cinematic way--the credits, the low-key colors, the depth and complexity of the characters (the female characters are very strong/memorable in their own right,too.)
Also, it's cool to see an actor of color (Rami Malek,who's pretty good as Elliot) headlining a show like this, in a role that normally would have been cast with a white actor,like all the nerd/geek/hacker roles usually are, without exception. (The only other exception I can think of being Malcolm Barrett as the engineer/Star Wars geek Rufus Johnson on the NBC hit show Timeless,another good show that just got renewed--yay!)
Okay, so do Tyrell and and his wife Joanna have an open marriage,or what? Sure seems like it, because she didn't even blink when he said he was gonna head to the club on his own. I'm thinking since they're Europeans, they're more open to that kind of thing anyway. Also, them being immigrants made their characters a little more interesting, and I'm thinking maybe that explains why he's so determined to get that CEO position at all costs---'cause he's a struggling immigrant, but that still dosen't excuse him acting like a fckg dick half the time. He is one of the more intriguing characters on the show besides Elliot's stir crazy a**,though.
Angela, Elliot's friend, needs to grow more of a spine. She showed a hell of a lot of courage going ahead with a wrongful death lawsuit up against that arrogant,sexist executive at her company, who was so quick to dismiss her in that conference at the beginning, and I like how she didn't back down to him (as well as leaving her lying,cheating boyfriend) but other than that, I wish she'd stop being a nice girl all the time and toughen the hell up sometimes.
I'm talking about a non-white person--don't get it twisted. And you and other white people need to stop throwing up the word "racist" every damn time someone mentions race. These is nothing racist about merely mentioning that racism does exist,because it does. Get over yourself,please. The only reason I even mentioned it is because normally, you know a white guy would have been cast for a leading role in a series like that, like they always do the majority of the time. And when's the last time you saw an actor of Middle Eastern descent get a main role which dosen't require them to play a terrorist for once? That's why I mentioned it,duh.l
shareCan anyone answer the 4 points raised here?
shareI hope so too. S2 was boring for the most part.