Spider-Man (2002) and Spider-Man 2 (2004) are still the greatest comic book movies of all time.
Nuff said.
shareNuff said.
Maybe back in the early 2000’s. Lol
*Senses the opposition from The Dark Knight fans*
See ya!
No wait...
Logan> Raimi and Nolan’s entire CBM trilogy (and any other DC and even many Marvel movies)
But ultimately, Marvel ftw
The Crow is
shareSuperman (1978) is the correct answer.
shareI'll say the Rocketeer beats most CBMs. True to the source, fun, Jennifer Connelly and they fought NAZIs and not Nazi offshoots.
shareOh man, you had to cause me hurt on this one.
I LOVED the first Spider-man movie with Magurie as Spidey and Dafoe as Green Goblin! Unarguably one of the greatest CBM of all time and Spider-man 2 was right up there with the original. However I can't say the SM1 and SM2 are better movies than Iron Man, Guardians of the Galaxy, CA: Winter Soldier, CA:Civil War, The Avengers or Avengers: Infinity War.
I so wish I could but I can't.
One thing you can take solace in, is that every movie I listed above would not have happened had it not been for the phenomenal public response to Spider-man 1 and 2. Those movies and the first two X-Men movies paved the way for the wonderful MCU.
I think theres a very good argument for Spiderman 2.....Based on reviews,ratings and stats, Its definitely in the conversation....
But I see absolutely no way Spiderman 1 is even in the top 10 let alone 1 or 2....
I go by facts.... Ratings,Reviews,Polls,Lists, and The Majority consensus.....Spiderman 2 based on all these is in the league with 4 or 5 others for The Greatest CBM of All
The Dark Knight
The Avengers
Spider-Man 2
Iron Man
Even Others Like GOTG, Cap 2, X-Men DOPF,Wonder Woman, Black Panther....are in the conversation...
But Spider Man 1 simply is not on these films level in any statistical measures...
Its does not make hardly any "Top 10 Best CBM's" List, Its not ranked in the top of any Polls...
Its a good CBM...but thats all...
Um, who cares what the general consensus says??? What are you a sheep that does not have a mind of your own?
And #2, what is you said about the first Sam Raimi Spider-Man is wrong. Spider-Man is FAR SUPERIOR to ANY of the MCU films and I think it is far superior to any comic book/superhero film not named Spider-Man 2. And I see a lot people rank it in there Top 10 favorite comic book films of all time lists still. Not everyone loves the movies the you mentioned above and a lot people think they are actually overrated (including me). Several good comic book films already existed long before The Dark Knight and the MCU came out you know.
Also, if we were to adjust the box office numbers for Spider-Man (2002) to 2018 numbers, than it would still be won of the highest grossing comic books of all time.
Um, who cares what the general consensus says??? What are you a sheep that does not have a mind of your own?
Before throwing out insults at least try to COMPREHEND what I'm saying
I'm in no way saying I always believe what the Majority consensus is....I'm just saying That there is a Majority consensus..
I Love Plenty of movies where all facts point to them being AWFUL
for Example, I actually Enjoy the first 4 Transformers films..I can watch and rewatch them and have a good time with them
But The facts are The Majority consensus is, They are NOT GOOD movies....Based on any way you judge a film, Based on all statics, They all Point to The Overwhelming Majority NOT LIKING these films....
In This case I dont agree, I like The Transformers films....This is my opinion.....the difference is, I'm not some EGO maniac....I'm perfectly fine Having an opinion that is SIMPLY in The Minority....I dont go around saying "Nope I dont care what everyone else says, Transformers are goods, YOU ALL are wrong"
I just simply except I like a film that Most Others do not....
so I was in No way JUDGING YOUR OPINION....
If you believe Spider-Man 1 is the greatest or one of the Greatest CBMs ever, Thats perfectly fine, thats your opinion and your entitled to....I was only pointing out, That Your Opinion Is not shared by The Majority...
Spider-Man 1 based on all data is not considered one of the Greatest CBMs ever...
You made this thread as if you were Stating as a fact "Spider-Man (2002) and Spider-Man 2 (2004) are still the greatest comic book movies of all time."
Had You said "IMO Spider-Man (2002) and Spider-Man 2 (2004) are still the greatest comic book movies of all time."
I would have never brought up the Majority consensus or reviews,ratings and scores....I would have Just said "I love SP2, Its definitely in the discussion, But for Me I dont Like SP1 nearly as Much"....I would have had no reason to bring up the Majority consensus because You would have Specifcally just been giving your opinion ....
But you made this thread like you are saying Its a fact, Or its definitive that SP1 is The Greatest or One Of The Greatest CBMs ever
I'm just Pointing out, The facts do not back that up....The facts do back up SP2 being one of the greatest...but Not SP1
And #2, what is you said about the first Sam Raimi Spider-Man is wrong. Spider-Man is FAR SUPERIOR to ANY of the MCU films and I think it is far superior to any comic book/superhero film not named Spider-Man 2.
If your just giving YOUR OWN Opinion that You believe Rami's SP1 is better and Superior than Any MCU film....again thats perfectly fine
But If you trying to state that as a fact, YOU are wrong and you are making a false statement
there are 7 to 9 MCU films that are considered as good or Better than SP1(You dont have to agree)....but you cant change the facts, and The facts and data unequivocally proves based on Reviews,ratings Scores and The Majority consensus...there are Many MCU films that are considered Better
Iron Man, The Avengers, Captain America 2, GOTG, Civil War, Doctor Strange, Spider-Man HC, Thor Ragnarok and Black Panther.....All Have the Stats and data behind them to confirm they are considered better than Spider-Man 1....that does not mean EVERYONE believes it, It doesnt Mean SP1 is Bad...It just Means The Majority Consensus is, These films all have The ratings, Reviews, and Scores that Suggests Audiences Liked and considers them better than SP1
You can NOT Claim I"M WRONG....because I'm not actually stating anything, I'm Not personally saying The MCU films are better than SP1...I'm just stating that Is what
Majority consensus is....
You are clearly stating as A Fact SP1 is better than any MCU film....This is wrong, You cant say that, You do not have the facts to back that up, If you are just giving your opinion, then you can say it all you want, but if your stating it as a fact, I can 1000% say NO YOU ARE WRONG.....at least 7 to 9 MCU films are considered better by The Majority...
If You instead said "SP1 is better and superior to at least half The MCU films".....this was be a true statement, The facts back you up here, IM2, Thor, Cap 1, IM3, Thor 2, AOU, Ant-Man and GOTg2..do not have the stats to go against SP1.....The Majority consensus is SP1 is considered better than these MCU films...
I'm not biased, I completely have a Mind of my own, I dont Like Ramis SP1....It just doesnt do it for me, but I completely except, Most everyone else does....I enjoy Every MCU film more than SP1, but I have no problem admitting SP1 is considered better than Half of them...
your just going to have to come to terms with it too....You may feel SP1 is superior to all MCU films, But The Majority disagrees...Your more than within your right to disagree with The Majority consensus but you cant change it
And I see a lot people rank it in there Top 10 favorite comic book films of all time lists still. Not everyone loves the movies the you mentioned above and a lot people think they are actually overrated (including me).
you may see "A LOT" but NOT The Majority.....I've seen Hundreds of Polls, Lists and articles in The Last 5 years and SP1 is Unranked in the top 10 in The Overwhelming Majority of them...
You seem to be completely missing the Idea Of "Majority".....and I'm not claiming "Everyone"...Or "No One".....The Majority Mean just that, The MAJORITY, It could be 90%, 75% or even 51%.....the facts are SP1 is not ranked in Polls,Lists or articles as one of the best By the Majority....
I'm sure there are some Lists and Polls where it is...But those are the Minority....
And I see a lot people rank it in there Top 10 favorite comic book films of all time lists still.
I'm sure there are some....Just not the Majority
Not everyone loves the movies the you mentioned above and a lot people think they are actually overrated (including me).
I didnt say EVERYONE....In Facts I specificall said NO film is ever universally LOVED or hated....
But what I did say was The Majority loves the 5 CBMs I listed and consider them The best....and that is Proven by facts...
As far as The Avengers,TDK, Logan, Iron Man and Spider-Man 2 go....Yes Not everyone loves them....But about 90% do....
If you look at all the facts for these films, It proves about 9 out of every 10 people that sees these films LIKED to LOVED them...
If you want to focus on The small minority that dont....thats your right
I'm just stating these 5 films have the facts and Majority consensus behind them to be considered the Greatest CBMs ever...They all Beat SP1....You dont have to agree, Your within your right to feel differently, Unfortunately, Though your opinion doesnt change The facts or majority consensus
Several good comic book films already existed long before The Dark Knight and the MCU came out you know.
Lol did I say there wasnt?
what an Odd Comment....
did you not read the part where I'm giving SP2 universally Praise as One of the Best CBMs ever...didnt it come out 4 years before The Dark Knight?..
Blade 1 and 2, X-Men 1 and 2, Hellboy, even Sp1 are all good CBMs that came before TDK...
I even somewhat enjoy The first Ghost Rider film...
in conclusion..If your stating everything you said as YOUR Opinion....then I'm all good and sorry for arguing...but if your stating everything you said as A FACT....Then I'm sorry your just wrong.
SP2 has The stats to back it up as one of the Greatest...
SP1 doesnt....and It doesnt have the stats to back it up being better than all The MCU films....the stats are there for half the MCU films but not all
Thing is Superman the movie needs to be given it's respect. When mentioning top ten comic book films that needs to be brought up. Sometimes you have to credit cultural impact and what it pioneered. Superman the movie is one of the most ambitious movies ever made.
Remember superhero films had not been done and were a risky move. Superman the movie opened up the doors for what is going on today. It's amazing ehstbthe pulled off for the time it was made. Sad that man of steel is not even a quarter as good as that one was.
I actually think Superman The movie gets Great respect....
I see It listed in Many "Top 10's"
and In fact, It gets listed Usually SOLELY based on respect....Most people note It doesnt hold up well but specifically note it because It started the genre and because At the Time in was Groundbreaking...
basically I'm not sure hardly anyone watching Superman and thinks "Yep Thats the greatest or one of the greatest CBMs ever"....But yet Superman still gets extremely high praise and is Listed as One of the Greatest CBMs ever...
I think Its Level of Praise is 100% due to RESPECT....
Honestly that is where I have to somewhat disagree. In my book I think it holds up better than certain comic book movies released after it.
Is it dated? Yep but to a degree there is no helping that. Every movie will date to some degree. The main thing that dates it are the technical aspects, as well as turning the earth backwards and of course the whole newspaper reporter thing.
Thing is though as I am sure you know Superman the movie was groundbreaking when it was released. The ambition level for that film was off the charts. Like lets take a look at the first X-men for a moment.
The first X-men was a decent film. It helped get the comic book movie genre back on it's feet and did take a few risks. The thing is though it was not groundbreaking like Superman the movie was. See Lord of the Rings the Fellowship of the ring came out a year after that did. Now that is a groundbreaking film! X-men was good nothing more. Superman the movie was stellar at it's time of release.
Here are the things which do hold up quite nicely.
Reeve's performance, John Williams soundtrack, Reeve and Margot Kidder's electrifying chemistry onscreen, Gene Hackman as Luthor, Terrence Stamp as Zod. The cast is actually quite amazing for a comic book film. Think about how many big names were assembled together to make that work. Everyone remembers the flying scene between Lois and Superman, that is pure cinematic magic. Much like the upside down kiss in the first Spider-man film. It is scenes like that which make Donner's Superman shine.
See even with Man of Steel it is super derivative of something that came before. I myself would much rather watch a dated film with good writing, and characters as opposed to a mediocre modern movie with nice effects.
I have to disagree. Spiderman 1 made a ton of money (I believe more than any other CBM at the time by a long shot) so it is significant that it is one of the early films that set the stage for the CBM trend. Its importance there shouldn't be overlooked.
Additionally, it is one of the best comic book movie adaptations ever. Like its sequel, it was well received by critics and fans too. There is certainly an argument that it would be in the top 10.
Well SM1 might not be in the Top 10 (although I think it could be, if adjusted for inflation) yet I like it better than SM2. They were both wonderful movies and if it had not been for a Sony tampered SM3 (thanks, Avi Arad!), the Rami trilogy might have been regarded as the best superhero trilogy of all time.
shareThey were both wonderful movies and if it had not been for a Sony tampered SM3 (thanks, Avi Arad!), the Rami trilogy might have been regarded as the best superhero trilogy of all time.
I agree...
Had SM3 been Good to Pretty good....It would certainly be in the conversation for best CBM trilogy ever...
had SM3 been great, It probably would be The Majority consensus Best CBM Trilogy ever...
Well SM1 might not be in the Top 10 (although I think it could be, if adjusted for inflation) yet I like it better than SM2. They were both wonderful movies and if it had not been for a Sony tampered SM3 (thanks, Avi Arad!), the Rami trilogy might have been regarded as the best superhero trilogy of all time.
shareIf Flash Gordon is considered a CBM, then it gets my vote!!