Another White Savior
shareDoes a person count as a "white savior" if they're saving other white people?
shareDoes a person count as a "white savior" if they're saving non-white people?
shareYes, because that's where the term comes from.
Because seeing a white man save all the non-white people time after time gets on some people's nerves.
So if say, Superman were to rush to a burning building and saw that the people inside weren’t white, he should not save them? Or maybe save only some of them? What's the limit here?
shareUnless the next Superman is black...
shareA black Superman would be just too darn powerful because of how darker skin absorbs more of the sun's rays than lighter skin.
shareHe'd also be able to retain his anonymity since white folk often have trouble distinguishing black people from each other.😅
(cheeky joke.... Please bear with me poking fun at white people. I mean it good naturedly 😇)
Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't she white to begin with? I remember seeing her in the comics and yes, she was white.
Guess what? Black Panther is black (like in the comics) and he's a great character. Falcon is black (like in the comics) and he's a great character. Rodey Rhodes/War Machine is black (like in the comics) and he's a great character.
What has the color of one's skin got to do with making them a great character? A great character is a great character.
I'm also a comic book purist of sorts, at least when it comes to portraying characters as they are in the pages. Captain Marvel was a white lady, therefore she should be played by a white female. It's the same reason that Storm should be played by a black female, because that's what she is.
Welcome to 2019...everything that happens in life has to involve race and gender somehow to the point of nauseum. Lol.
shareneither panther or falcon are interesting characters. Neither is c marvel.
shareEveryone will assume and conclude that you are implying that they are not interesting "to you". Everyone will also conclude that none of those characters or exposure to those characters will MAKE you interested in them if you have no desire to see what the characters and their stories have to offer.
All three are interesting to me and have been for quite awhile.
Most will conclude that the reason for your post is to troll these character's boards in an attempt to get a response. I mean clearly there are lots and lots and lots and lots of movies and actors on this forum that you have no interest in yet you took time out of your precious day and life to post this:
[–] tr1p1ea (690) a few seconds agoWhat could you have done better with that time and effort? share
neither panther or falcon are interesting characters. Neither is c marvel.
I could have made more interesting characters obviously ... what kind of question is that?
shareNope. She arrives in a green suit, her story is nearly identical to Green Lantern's, and there's even a rumor going around that she's a Skrull.
Deal with it. She's a green savior.
Agree the story shares similarities with Green Lantern - I quite like the Green Lantern story ... but not the reynolds rendition ... the animated films were good though.
share- Another white savior...
- OK, let's cast a black male
- Another male savior...
- OK, let's cast a black woman
- Another heterosexual savior...
- OK, let's cast then a lesbian black woman
- Another gender binary savior...
- OK, let's cast a gender fluid lesbian black woman
- Another non-disabled savior...
- OK, let's cast a disabled gender fluid lesbian black woman
- Another ageist savior...
- OK, let's cast a disabled gender fluid lesbian old black woman
- Another neurotypical savior...
- OK, let's cast a disabled gender fluid lesbian old black woman with OCD
- Another cis-gender savior...
- OK, let's cast a disabled gender fluid trans lesbian old black woman with OCD
- Another human savior...
shareFuckin hilarious
shareFinally, a hero I can root for! The only other time I can remember someone with those characteristics in a movie or TV show is Mother Abigail from The Stand miniseries.
You are incredibly.....
Don't worry, you'll always have Catwoman
shareYou idiot can't even respond back to your own troll thread....lmao
Anyhow they have already made a ton of white characters from the comics black to satisfy idiots like you..