MovieChat Forums > Stronger (2017) Discussion > Fictional story based on a lie

Fictional story based on a lie

If anyone wants to look up what really happened that fateful day look no further than the RAW pics that were censored: The Boston Bombing was a FEMA Capstone Hyperactive Drill. The pictures below prove that Jeff Bauman's story is a complete and utter lie from start to finish. The FBI not only knew who these brothers were but helped to prop them up and radicalize them by entrapment methods. They entrapped and used them as scapegoats, just as we have seen in past years with the underwear bomber and the mentally ill individual in Florida. Domestic terrorism is largely manufactured and compartmentalized.

I'm not claiming that the bombing was fake, what I'm stating is that the official narrative is a lie, and the pictures prove it. From where the bomb supposedly blew up, to what kind and where the back-pack was placed. These pictures will provide evidence for the propaganda and outright lies that is the official narrative of the Boston Marathon Bombing.


and bigfoot and Elvis were there too!

"Insults are the arguments employed by those who are in the wrong." J.J. Rousseau


You're 100% correct. Boston bombing was a completely fake event. And now we'll have 2 movies based on this massive lie. Anyone who says people got hurt there is either lying or a completely brainwashed idiot.


You guys need to figure out which it is...was the bombing itself a setup where innocent people got hurt, as the OP suggests, or was it a planned deal, complete with actors and fake blood? Because both camps have just tons of "evidence" to support their claims, that the brainwashed masses need to look at, no srsly guys, you gotta look at it!
Of course, there's a lot of evidence of a flat earth, because a whole lot of people will tell you that, who are all just as thoroughly convinced as those who know for an absolute fact that high-end government officials were regularly molesting children in the basement of an east coast pizzeria. Its totally true guys, you gotta get woke! Did you even LOOK at the evidence?
Here's my theory, you're a bunch of idiots grasping for identity, a purpose, for meaning and value in a life you otherwise may feel is worthless, and its about you, only you and the delusion that these critical thinking binges of yours exist in anything other than a completely subjective, self serving vacuum.

We all have to believe in something, and often those beliefs end up hurting humanity as a whole, but you guys hone in on individuals who've already suffered through the most heinous of shit and then unleash a torrent of abuse so relentless that some have had to go into hiding, fearful that one of you a-holes is going to follow through on a death threat or something.

There's probably some brilliant minds out there who...may have a few questions, their interest has been piqued. And that's great...but its a far cry from people who watch a little youtube, think they've got it all figured out and go straight into parroting some random dude's conjecture at the next hapless bastard who broaches the subject.


conspiracy theorists are sick people imo


All evidence shows a fake bombing with actors. No one injured except possibly one or both Tsarnaevs. But why ask others for the truth. Go research for yourself and you'll see. No honest researcher has it all figured out. We may know what happened but not exactly how they pulled it off or the actual names of all the actors or just how many in the crowd were part of the act. When one day this hoax becomes a well known government conspiracy, we will be able to get at the truth of the how and the why and the who. But as I've said, any and all footage and interviews show a false, theatrical event passed off as a real bombing.


I completely agree. This was a fake event with fake victims and heroes. The 2 movies continue to push the false narrative. Anyone saying the bombing was real is either lying or completely brainwashed. All evidence points to a theatrical show, with a script, actors, special effects, and an agenda to mislead the public once again.


