Watched it last night

7/10 overall

Like others have mentioned the last 50 mins is intense continuous battle scene. Well worth the watch.


I would give it about a 6/10. I thought the battle sequence at the end was good. I also liked the imagery / scenery. The mountains were pretty, and there were some nice shots of the river when they went hiking for a bit.

One flaw is that the characters weren't fleshed out enough. I liked Scott Eastwood's character; I found myself invested / attached to what happened to him. I also liked Orlando Bloom's character for the little while he was there. But the other characters? Didn't find myself concerned. Like you had all those guys getting worked up about Mace's death - I felt that I hardly knew much about him other than he was a U.S. soldier. Same for the guy named Kirk. You had Scott Eastwood saying, "Kirk's dead?" with a sad look on his face. My reaction was, "Who is Kirk again???"

Also, at times, it was hard to tell who was who. I didn't know the captain had died on the bridge until they explained because I didn't recognize him. Some details were hard to spot. In an opening scene, one soldier kicks another soldier and says, "You shoot a gun near me again, and I'll kill you." I was thinking, "When did the dude shoot a gun near him? I didn't see that"


Thumb up to your post ...solid points.


I agree with all that, although it didn't really bother me, because I felt like it fit with the movie. The guys were rotating in and out, as was the leadership, so they didn't always know each other well. So I think all of that just added to their sense of not really being supported, feeling isolated, etc. We knew from the beginning that these were all real people who were killed and that was sufficient for me.

I think my favorite part was the terrain. The whole place looked really chilling. I looked up the location of the actual base and it's not quite as claustrophobic as the spot they chose for the movie, but it's pretty darn close.


I caught all of that stuff on the first viewing. Guess I paid attention.
