OMG its bombed!

holy crap this could end up doing even less than JL numbers!..

in fact its pretty much doing Star TREK numbers! (which was unthinkable for a SW movie..)



Sadly it looks like is has.

Blame The Last Jedi for it though, not the movie on its own merits.


-TLJ controversies/backlash
-coming only 6m after last SW (not 1 year/Dec release*)
-*maybe Dec is the time for SW now? that christmasy feel of a SW movie - maybe a summer SW movie dosnt feel right now?
-BTS stuff of directors being fired etc
-the not exactly enticing prospect of a young Han Solo origin movie (with a guy that dosnt really look like Ford)
-meh trailers
-big fan things that are supposedly selling points to see the movie (Kessel Run, winning the Falcon,. meeting Chewie/Lando) not being that interesting for the causal moviegoer that don’t memorize Star Wars lore
-no light sabres/Force/Skywalker drama
-trailers were only out couple of months b4 release
-everyone still going crazy for Avengers/Deadpool (and maybe gearing up for Jurassic World 2?)
-ok/so-so reviews (i.e. its ok but no need to rush out to see this thing at cinema)


coming only 6m after last SW (not 1 year/Dec release)

Not the case. The strongest moment for Box Office is not christmas. It's now.


Thats a common story in franchises. X-Men First Class flopped even when it was quite a good movie. Who was to blame? The previous (and awful) X-Men 3 movie. Same story with Dredd, one of the best action movies in years, which flopped hard. Who was to blame? The (more awful than good) original Judge Dredd from Stallone. Or Revenge of the Sith, which deserved to do better, but suffered because of the two first prequels.

Solo is taking the fall because of the Last Jedi.


Dredd is a fantastic film - it's a travesty it didn't do better.


100% agree , a shockingly under rated film , I yearn for a sequel.



Maybe you know it, but in case you don't, check The Raid Redemption (and its sequel). It's as good as Dredd. And the story is very similar.


Raid movies are great, love those.


I saw Dredd twice on opening weekend, partly motivated by its low sales, but mostly motivated by loving it.


There's hope for you yet Froggy!



I disagree. The story isn't weak by any means. It's a very straightforward and simple story, true, but well crafted. Both characters are interesting and charismatic, and the movie keeps you interested and thrilled the whole time. That's far from easy.

Right now we're living in a kind of "baroque" period where a movie is supposed to have a convoluted story piling up one plot twist after another. And while that can be amazing sometimes (Inception), it doesn't necessarily equal quality. Simple story doesn't mean weak story. Some great movies, as "Le salaire de la peur", have a very straightforward and simple story.



I really don't think Dredd 1995 is to blame for Dredd 2012. We're talking 17 years later. An entirely new generation was born in that time.

Dredd bombed because it didn't get the advertisement it deserved.


That's a fair point, though I think X-Men First Class' box office had more to do with X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

Also, Batman Begins didn't do so well either, most likely because people were still feeling the Batman fatigue from Batman and Robin.


"(me thinks the cries wouldn’t be so loud if Kathleen’s first name was Kevin)."

^The idiocy of the SJW spin doctor who wrote that article is staggering.


















Why are fans sexist for wanting Kennedy replaced with a man, but Kennedy not sexist for insisting that male fans are irrelevant?



Are you saying you agree that Kennedy made sexist comments towards her male fanbase? If so, then why is it such a shock to you to find them making the comments you outlined?



Oh no? Let's start over.

You said that Sexism is a large part of the hate towards Disney, ignoring entirely the sexism that came out of Kathleen Kennedy's mouth first. With me so far?




"I have a responsibility to the company that I work with. I don’t feel that I have a responsibility to cater in some way. I would never just seize on saying, 'Well, this is a franchise that’s appealed primarily to men for many, many years, and therefore I owe men something."



In suggesting that by having a male character, that she's catering to men, that in itself is sexist. She's saying that you can't have a protagonist that happens to be male, without making it about pandering to the male demographic. That's the definition of sexist.

And so what does she do? Does the complete opposite. She shows us how progressive an un-sexist she is by making every protagonist female. I'm sorry, what? That makes sense to you? It makes sense to suggest that having male protagonists is catering to men, but having female protagonists ISN'T catering to women?

Personally I'm not that concerned with who comes after Kennedy, but it most certainly is not my position that the comments made to her demanding she be replaced by a man is in any way shape or form, sexism. It's anger. Rightfully placed. Because like it or not, yes, men had everything to do with the fanbase that Star Wars has. And to suggest that they don't in any way matter and that they aren't owed anything, is understandably cruel. Why would any male Star Wars fan want a woman in control of their favorite franchise after hearing repugnant garbage like as that? I don't blame them. I think their emotions are mislead, but not surprising considering it's the exact same sentiment that Kathleen Kennedy made towards men.



And how, pray tell, does one make money, without working for the fans? Is "not working for the fans" working out very well for them right now?



"you get new fans. Which is what I believe is the point. Kathleen is betting that we old timers will be happy with getting some star wars finally, rightly or wrongly. And the rest will come from new fans that are more represented in their values by todays standards. "

Totally. That explains the destructive performance at the box office. It's because all of the new fans...

"White male dominance is over, and thats ok. "

Totally. That explains Trump winning the presidency...

"But whats the point in moaning about lando being pan? It made no difference to the character."

If it made no difference to the character, then what was the point of telling us his sexuality in the first place?

"But theres an idea that being lgbt or any of the other million letters is bad, wrong, or whatever. Its not, and as long as it doesnt play out like a PSA no one should care. "

That's just it. That's exactly how it plays out. Like a PSA. How do we know that Super Mario isn't bisexual? Has it ever been established that he isn't? Just because he's interested in Princess Peach, doesn't mean he doesn't have a crush on Yoshi for example. And yet Nintendo never felt the need to spell it out for us. Because it's irrelevant. Get it?

"how many people are revealing in solos failure to make good money out the gate? That doesnt hurt kennedy. It hurts the idea that white male leads in star wars are wanted anymore. "

Totally. That explains why Avengers and Deadpool 2 are smashing the box office...

"And that circles us back to what hollywood as a whole thinks the current trend is, and why kennedy has to take it into account or she'll get fired and replaced by another SJW that could be even worse. As the old saying goes, be careful what you wish for."

The overwhelming majority of the population is white. To suggest that they aren't the reason why movies make money is absurd. No one wished for any of this anyway, and we still got it.



"the destructive nature of the box office? Did we really think every Star Wars movie was going to make 2 billion every time? First movie did for obvious reasons, now it’s starting to settle. Maybe the last Jedi put more people off than was though. Maybe it’s because it’s going up against 2 extremely popular movies, who knows. "

You can have lower expectations, and still expect it to make more than Justice League...

"Trump has nothing to do with Star Wars or films. "

He has everything to do with your point though...

"It did make no difference to the character. Just because the writer mentioned it doesn’t mean you have to be triggered by it. Kinda like dumbledore being gay. If the writer hadn’t said anything, you wouldn’t same. Same goes for lando."

But the writer DID say anything. And HP fans were just as pissed off that JK Rowling decided to announce his orientation as fans are about Lando. it was completely unnecessary and irrelevant to just say that. It's forced identity politics that has no place in a story that has nothing to do with sexual identity.

" That’s who you have to blame for all the sjw influence on popular culture."

What do you mean?

" Did you know that the majority of those that bang on about racism and bigotry are middle class white people? That’s who you have to blame for all the sjw influence on popular culture. You say no one wished for this, you couldn’t be more wrong. The majority of the middle class white people begged for this. Look at the shit show that is social media. "

But Star Wars fans DIDN'T! There is not a single Star Wars fan that complained about the way things were in the canon. The worst complaints from Star Wars fans was shit like Hayden or Jar Jar. Nothing in any way related to gender politics, identity politics, race politics or any other kind of politics. It's like the studio heads decided to make a new Star Wars movie, and instead of listening to what the fans wanted, decided to head to a BLM or Womyn's march instead



"So because it makes Star Wars fans uncomfortable, there should be no non straight people in Star Wars? If that’s the position, I feel my point is made."

Well you can feel that way all you want, but you're still wrong.

"If there was no push to be inclusive, lando wouldn’t exist at all. Rallying against any deviation to the current model is akin to complaining about lando in 1980. "

Uh, no it's fucking not. We aren't talking about race here, we're talking about a made up orientation that doesn't fucking exist. And if it does, is the most heinous and sickening orientation in the book. A sexuality where literally anything can get you aroused including children?! Uh, no fucking way. Sorry.

"Trump has nothing to with my point, as my point was limited to Star Wars and film in general. Not society. "

No, your point was that white men had no more voice in society. Trump getting elected refutes your point. get it now?

"Star Wars fans do not own Star Wars. Disney does, and Disney is the business of making money. "

Well they're not doing that very well now are they?

"Unless the current crop of Star Wars fan are going to make up the short fall from not including the majority of current middle class white people(who you said yourself were the majority) then of course they’ll expand the fan base as best they can."

Not only that, perhaps apologize for the condescending remarks on behalf of their toolbox kennedy.

"Like I said, Star Wars fans aren’t getting any younger. New blood needs to got. "

What does new blood have to do with not making their characters pansexual? You can be young and fresh and still not be a fucking pansexual.

"It’s is essentially summed up like this, Star Wars adapts to its audience or it dies."

It's dying.



It doesn't exist regardless of whether I understand it or not. It's a sexual orientation that defies science, and biology. You're just weasling your way out of the debate because you can't refute it.



"Pansexuality is the sexual attraction to people regardless of gender or sex. "

That's bisexuality

"For example a man attracted to a transgender woman, would be considered pansexual."

No, he wouldn't. He would be considered clinically heterosexual, as the hormone driving his attraction would be estrogen.

"And since there are pansexual people who are infact attracted to others regardless of sex or gender, you can consider that point refuted. "

Again no. Since we already have a term for that and didn't need another one.

"See the problem here, is that your perception of the world differs to what is fact. Your opinion is just that, yours. But the fact you think your opinion of someone else outweighs how they feel of themselves is well very trump of you"

My opinion is based on scientific evidence. Not feelings contrary to what these 80 gender pronouns would have you believe.

"Other sexualities exist. Time to grow up, time to understand that these things have always been there. y intolerant, irrational hatred. Your questions have been asked and answered. Your points have been met, and refuted. Your acceptance of this, is not required."

Do you have any concept of human history? For the last 150k years, there has only ever been hetero, homo, and bi sexuality. These other sexualities didn't exist until tumblr decided they did. None of them have a drop of proof to suggest they're even real. Most of them are just rebranded.



No it isnt, bisexualty is an attraction to two sexes.

And there's only two sexes, so that covers it all.



Intersex is not any additional sex, and it just shows as an ambiguous sexual development, but it still resembles male or female. It's not some "alien" stuff.



Gender identity is IRRELEVANT from a biological point of view. #dealwithit



Not the case. I don't have any problem handling "different" people.

You identify yourself as an elf? perhaps an unicorn? a non-binary gender-bender? Be my guest.

But your biology won't change because of your feelings. No horn will grow magically in your head because you identify yourself as an unicorn. Your gender identity and your feelings are IRRELEVANT from a biological point of view. #dealwithit.


"Just all bigoted nonsense getting bent out of shape because the world does fit your narrow view anymore."

It's not the world that has changed, it's just a small minority of radical left college tumblr forum rats that are desperate to be revolutionaries in the only way they know how.

Do you really think that the majority of the world has changed their opinion on this? Try convincing northern and southern Africa, South America, Asia, and Eastern Europe that there's more than two sexes.

Hell, try even convincing any working class American not still in school that there's more than two sexes. You think this cult brainwashing falsity actually exists outside of your little college safe space? No one in the real world knows what the fuck you're talking about. Because you've convinced yourself of something that doesn't actually exist. There's no proof behind it, no science, no evidence, no biology, just a bunch of purple haired, horn-rimmed glass wearing incels that think they know more about biology than scientists.





Yep, strange how they don't notice we don't like Rian Johnson, last I checked he was a white male.



SHE does the hiring, you moron.



Shut up Soy Boy, I'm sick of your inane bullshit.



Oh believe me, there have been plenty of vile posts and videos made about Rian Johnson. I think people hate him more than Kathleen Kennedy. Same goes for J J Abrams (also a male) But because she is basically in charge of everything Star Wars, she is the one greenlighting everything. Which means all the anger towards Rian Johnson, the Solo movie and J J Abrams get redirected and boiled up to Kathleen Kennedy.


Yeah, I just read that and literally face palmed. What I can not stand about this current wave of puritanical politics is the presumption to be able to read peoples minds. Are you psychic? If you are, great! Go claim that £Million prize that's been up for grabs for years. And if you're not? Don't fucking claim to be able to read people's thoughts.

Even if you love Star Wars the constant firings and reshoots (which must have cost Disney a couple 100 Million dollars) should giv anyone cause for concern and the buck stops with the person in charge - regardless of their genitalia.

And the bitter irony is that twats like this are perpetuating sexism - not helping eliminate it. If it was a man in charge they'd get just as much shit but with zero white knights riding to their rescue. Just report the facts you snivelling little cunt.


100 % agreed. Well said.


Couldn't even make Hangover Part 2 money.


It didnt just bomb.....It went down in almost unimaginable FLAMES....

The domestic opening weekend is bad and embarrassing...but DEAR GOD the overseas total is HORRIFYING...

Overseas estimates going into the weekend were 175 to 200 Million.....It made 65 M...

I'm not sure I've ever seen a single movie in a franchise have these Drastic drops, It usually takes 2 or 3 bad to awful movies in franchise to lose audiences this much...

these results suggest a complete boycott from audiences and suggests that despite the appearance of good reviews and good reactions from the first 3 films there really was a massive divide and HATRED...

this is not an exaggerate, The Star Wars franchise is in trouble...

SW9 Is going to have drastic Declines if Disney doesnt fire Kennedy and Rian Johnson ASAP...

its clear those 2 are TOXIC....there is a level of Hatred for those 2 for what they've done that is only comparable to Zack Snyder with The DCEU....

you can not go forward with those 2 after this, you have to give the fans HOPE and reason to come back and be excited...


Johnson isn't doing Ep 9 its JJ again (JJ prob been brought back to do some emergency stuff to try win back TFA audience) doubt Johnson be doing his unrelated trilogy now anyway


Internationally, Solo brought in a meager $65 million from virtually the entire international marketplace with Japan left as the lone major market yet to see release. Leading the way was the UK with $10.3m followed by China ($10.1m), Australia ($5.0m), Germany ($4.3m), France ($3.9m), Russia ($3.6m), Spain ($2.6m), Mexico ($2.5m), Italy ($2.2m), Brazil ($1.3m), Sweden ($1.3m) and Korea ($1.1m). The film will open in Croatia and Trinidad next weekend before opening in Japan on June 29.

For some perspective, Solo's domestic three-day debut was just 54% of the $155 million opening for Rogue One, its international performance wasn't even half of Rogue's $134.9 million overseas opening and that was without opening in South Korea and China. The top three markets for Solo compared to Rogue One show the UK opening was 48% of Rogue's debut, China was a third and Australia's opening was 46% of Rogue's. It will be interesting to see where the film goes from here as a worldwide performance anywhere from $525-575 million might be where this one ends up.

wow. those overseas numbers are more in line with a Star Trek (actually Trek Beyond had a 30m opening in China same as R1 & TLJ.. and even Alien Covenant did that there too! Solos 10m opening is almost as bad as Blade Runner 2049!!)

re Japan, Rogue1 did 40m overall so wouldn't hope for any miracles from there so Solo might even struggle to make it to 500m ww!!..or even 400!! jesus this was supposed to be Solo: A Star Wars Story not Deckard: A Blade Runner Story!!

reply is being WAY to Generous with 525 to 575 M

I see almost NO way that can happen now....

SOLO could really struggle to hit 400 M WW....

and now with SOLO Flopping to this degree, The Narrative all week is going to be "Doom and GLOOM" which will result in DRASTIC declines .....Its actually going to get WORSE....

at this point I'd be surprised if SOLO hits 400 M WW...

This is one of the most shocking BOMBS I've ever seen in 15 years following box office...

there are so many things that make this completely Astonishing...

you had 3 Universally praised films that came before that ALL Made over 1 Billion...

You had Pre release tracking that suggested 130 to 170 Million Opening was coming

You had a fairly well reviewed and Liked film in SOLO

You have One of The biggest and Most Popular franchises in the world..

NOTHING pointed to or suggested a BOMB like this was coming or could happen

Its the Absolute LEVEL in which it bombed that is the shocker...I think most could have understand or made sense of it Under Performing and Disappointing....given its Post Production problems, Given its a spinoff, Given its the 4th SW film in 2.5 years..most could have understand if it made 600 to 700 M .....

But this thing was just STRAIGHT was DOA...actually I dont think it was DOA...I think everyone absolutely knew it was here they just Intentionally didnt go see it, This is a boycott, This is a Message...

A film franchise doesnt just go from Averaging 1.4 B+ a film and 3 straight 1 B + films to Struggling to make 400 M.

It takes several Bad films in a row to lose audiences like that....This is a Boycoot against Disney,Kennedy and Johnson....

SW fans just took their franchise back....They just FORCED changes....

SW fans werent happy and Disney did not care because the films were so successful....

SW fans just BEAT Disney, they just straight up FORCED Disney to listen to them...

this is such a shockingly Low result....MOnday Morning Meeting have to be made and A COMPLETELY New direction has to be taken....

This is now about getting audiences back.....

If Disney/Kennedy somehow delusionally convinces themselves this is just a bump in the road or it flopped because it couldnt over come the narrative of horrible post production problems....

If they try to shrug this off, and dig in and continue down the same path....SW 9 is DOOMED....This is no different from JL....The second WB decided to bring Snyder back to direct JL after BvS....Its was Over....JL was DOOMED.....there was no hope or Hype....Instead you did the opposite, you gave audiences and fans a reason to boycott....

By making such selfish and delusional moves, You put fans in a position where they feel they have to boycott to get the message across...

HAD WB fired Snyder after BvS....JL could have been saved, You delay it, Bring on a new director and creative team, HYPE starts to build but most importantly HOPE is back...

If Disney doesnt Fire or Demote Kennedy and Fire Johnson(his SW trilogy is a lost cause now) ....SW9 is doomed and Without hope


its fing crazy. like JL again but so soon!!

oh man I feel bad for Ron Howard after the horrific bomb of Da Vinci 3 and that Moby Dick film now this!!


It flopped because of sexism and bigotry!

Dont you understand?!



there is a level of Hatred for those 2 for what they've done that is only comparable to Zack Snyder with The DCEU

Not the same. Snyder was not screwing the movies on purpose to convey some political agenda. He just lacks skill when it comes to story and characters. He was not hated, but unwelcomed.


Must have killed the writer to write this given the nature of most of the article.

I had believed the SW name was pretty much still bomb proof at this point but the staggeringly bad international response and the less than great domestic is really unexpectedly awful.


Its doing so bad internationally. I'm from the Netherlands and basically all my friends that are Star Wars fans, hated TLJ and didn't really like Solo. Just an enormous 'meh' movie. Won't be going to see it again (used to watch great movies 2 or 3 times in the cinema).

Also when I went, the cinema was half packed (opening night) and nobody is dressing up anymore. Its like Star Wars is dead. Seriously. Its really sad when you think about it. Star Wars is by no means a American only franchise. The international audience is huge and Star Wars has many fans outside of the USA.


not anymore it seems! wow! those overseas numbers!!..its only just starting to sink in how bad they are...ive never seen anything like this for a Star Wars movie.. whod have thought the day would come when a Star Wars is doing about the same numbers as Star Trek!!! (reminds me of summer 2009 when Star Trek was doing better than Terminator 4 and thinking how if youd told someone at the time of T2 that one day a Star Trek movie would be outgrossing a Terminator theyd be stunned and wouldn't be able to believe it)


Yeah, it's pretty embarrassing. I mean what can one really expect though? Since Lucas sold the rights off to Disney, we've been getting a Star Wars movie every year on average. It's like the new Saw. At least Harry Potter had a breather year inbetween. And it shows. They're just churning these movies out for money's sake and shoehorning in gender politics into it for nothing. It's a complete mess now. I actually miss the days of the prequels...


I actually miss the days of the prequels...

christ! now that is bad!


The thing is, its not that we get too many SW movies. Its that the movies we do get, just suck. I only REALLY liked Rogue One. TFA was kinda cool but TLJ killed that one aswell. Marvel poops out a movie every 3 months for years now and nobody seems to get tired of those. Wanna know why? Cuz those movies are awesome! Marvel respects it fans and loves them.
That love shows in the movies and that love is what the fans give back. Seen Avengers Infinity War 3 times already, its just so great.
If Star Wars released good movies every 3 months I would still go to see them everytime. People are fans of good movies, not bad ones. Brand loyalty only gets you this far if the brand is good.
Star Wars is going to DC route....


The Force Awakens sucked. It wasn't even like a Star Wars movie. The Last Jedi was good, you just didn't like it because your expectations were dashed.


Don't buy that Disney line since they're totally out of touch with the fans. I'm reading articles saying that they expect fans to return to watch Episode 9 after a two year break, meanwhile every diehard fan I know hates the new trilogy more than the standalones and have said they're not going to see it. There is no way Episode 9 is making $1 billion.

I'm not sure why you believe Luke pumping an animal's teat or Leia flying around in outer space is good. Force Awakens was a complete rip-off of Star Wars so your comment is odd.


True. I hated it because my expectations were dashed. I expected a good movie, I got dog shit.


You seem to have expected raccoon turds. There, take a deep sniff, millions of flies cannot be wrong:


That's a shame, since it's easily the best new Star Wars movie. I guess we're just gonna get more Last Jedi style movies since that did so well.
