Trolls Downvoting RT Score Already 39%
want to see
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Not just trolls, the 72% score has a Deadpool 2 review in it. An error perhaps...or not.
That's incorrect, it's a glitch in whatever app he's using - go to the main site and it's not there. As much as I dislike Disney SW, I hate false info even more.
shareFair enough, an obvious glitch. But it's a convenient one. Dark Crimes, the Jim Carrey movie could do with one of those positive review glitches right about now.
shareI'm saying it's not being counted into the percentage, it's just a visual glitch in his app. You won't find any reviews like that on the official site.
shareIt's concerning as to the level of antipathy towards this film. I hope its not a harbinger of things to come in relation to it's box office.
I may be in the minority, but I am very excited to see this film!
I may be in the minority, but I am very excited to see this film!
your reverse trolling game is truly the worst I've ever seen...
lol I get it, your trying to suggest not many people are looking forward to solo, but Hey I AM...a classic reverse trolling technique
But your reverse trolling doesnt make sense because you picked a film that Is clearly Massively Anticipated and clearly has the MASSES waiting to see do we know...Presales are higher than Black Panther, Tracking is on Par with DP2 for OW...Reviews are good enough it isnt going to change anyones mind about seeing this film...
I may be in the minority, but I am very excited to see this film!
this only works if A Film isnt getting very much Hype...or has such disastrous reviews that it makes people not want to see it anymore...
a film Like Pacific Rim 2 would have been perfect to use this reverse trolling tactic on...If you wanted to troll on PR2 and Point out its clearly not got very many people wanting to see, Anticipation Is non existent and Reviews have been so bad, People arent going to want to see it.....Then your reverse trolling statement would have worked perfect.
saying "I may be in the minority, but I am very excited to see this film!" suggests/gets your point across that the film Isnt very anticipated ...
lol but embarrassingly you said about a film that Is Unequivocally Greatly Anticipated with concrete facts to back it up that its Greatly Anticipated.....there for your reverse trolling is awful and doesnt make since...
Your not in the Minority....Your In The Majority with everyone else whos excited to see SOLO...
also you can get past the point, SOLO has the same tracking as DP2....if your trying to reverse troll and suggest SOLO isnt anticipated but Hey I'm looking forward to it...
Then You basically have to feel the same about DP2...
If You think your in The Minority for being excited for SOLO.....
Then You must have been in The Minority for being excited about DP2 too....because they have the same Tracking, same level of interest and anticipation
once again you didnt think about your trolling queen....Its awful but most importantly doesnt make sense...
Now I'm free
Free fallin'
Yeah, I'm free
Free fallin'