MovieChat Forums > Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018) Discussion > Trolls Downvoting RT Score Already 39%

Trolls Downvoting RT Score Already 39%

want to see


Yeah, "trolls" - in other words, people who don't want to see this fucking thing are finally chiming in.


No trolls dishonestly trying to give the impression the film is doing worse then what it really is. Trolls who have no opinion on the movie but take emotional ejoyment in histrionically deriding and downvoting a movie no one has seen yet. 147 people have allegedly voted on the movie but no actual review on the movie. We have no reason to trust these numbers.


Nobody has voted a score for the movie on RT.

The vote is if they are interested in seeing the film.

Its not even out yet.


Fred S
May 17, 2018
Until they fire the evil little imp Rian Pigface Johnson I will never pay for anything Star Wars. I'll pay to watch another competing film and company and go into theater where this is playing. That is the only recourse we true non sjw fans have.

Heather%20 S.
Heather S
May 17, 2018
Not seeing another sjw Kathleen kennedy piece of garbage im out until someone qualified is running lucas films

Vin A.
Vin A
May 17, 2018
Looks and sounds like total garbage. Star Wars was on life support after Last Jedi. Star Wars is now dead. A joke. Kathleen Kennedy must go NOW

Still love OT and always will

Arthur G.
Arthur G
May 17, 2018
Will not support Kathleen Kennedy and her SJW endeavor. The force is not female. Star Wars belongs to the true hardcore fans the phone love with the original story and characters.


Yeah, those are people that don't want to see it. Quite clearly.


What about the fake 5 star reviews?


C'mon, those are no trolls. Those are True Believers That Serve the Almighty Progresist Light XD


I voted that I didn't want to see it. And I don't. Not in the theater anyway. I may borrow it from the library in a few months to see how bad it is like I did with Justice League.

I believe the 67% is accurate. I know many uber SW fans at work and it's divided in the middle. Non-viewers because of anger towards the direction of the movies and others because of the bad reviews.

Update: 39% and still sinking


have not seen this level of trolling since Ghostbusters, Star Wars fans are pathetic


Yes, because we should all definitely vote "yes" to something we don't want to see, so your feelings won't get hurt.


I've never looked at user reviews on Rotting Tomato:

Why are they calling these "reviews" when they are just counting in interest in seeing it? Nothing fake about that, but someone must be sending trolls there.


they are real and legit. not bots but could be coordinated.
most mainstream films have a 80%+ Want to see rating pre-release no matter how bad they look.

when films are unappealing, most users historically just ignore and not downvote. so the rating looks odd


ha ha tin foil hat time.

A lot of people are not interested in seeing it.

What is your problem with that?

"when films are unappealing, most users historically just ignore and not downvote. so the rating looks odd"

But its a big well known franchise with a lot of fans so that would explain the spike in votes over films less well known.

a lot of those fans just do not want to pay to go see this film.


How dare people say they don't want to see this piece of shit.


It is crap bullshit film I hope it will flop


Every time I look up these things we find a lot of downvoting but the upvoting generally far surpasses it. Essentially cancelling out the downvotes and giving a film a higher than it should be score.

A good example is TLJ and its IMDB score of 7.3. They use a weighted scale, but obviously the ones and tens due have an effect. In the case of The Last Jedi, there was more than twice as many tens than ones and its a film A LOT of people hated. How many of those tens are BS? Possibly more than there are ones total. Its score probably higher than it should be. The same will happen here, there are people that are simply protective of disney and of their own personal bias and on sites like those I think they outnumber the people that will downvote it for the opposite of the same reasons.


TLJ votes peak at 8*. Smooth curve except for 1* which must be fake. Weighted mean is 0.3 more than actual.


It's not only the trolls participating in the "soycott". Don't kid yourself, buddy.
