Look at this picture and tell me what you think. Do you think about Han Solo or Harrison Ford when you see it? He has more bone structure in his face than Harrison Ford has. Even a bigger head/face. It's impossible for me to suspend disbelieve and tell myself that that's Han Solo.
The hairline is the weakest point here.
Anyway, if they chose a lookalike, people would badmouth that too. You can't have right these days. I think the movie could work with Alden, or at least it won't depend on him. If the script and production will be good, then he'll be fine too. I guess.
But the thing is, I'd rather have a bad actor sounding and looking like Harrison Ford. If you look at Anthony Igruber in the scenes he plays in Age Of Adeline, you can just SEE and HEAR Harrison Ford. He might not be the best actor, but I dont think the acting in the OT or the PT is good anyways. It's always been kinda cheesy. Its just the charisma of the actors that made the whole thing work. They should REALLY have cast Anthony.
Yes, it's true that Ford's charisma is what made Han Solo great, but the fact is that looks don't confer charisma. And Mr. Lookalike may look right, but if that untrained guy can't project the badassery, sex appeal, humor, manliness, and charisma required for the role, well, they'd be better off with a CGI lead.
When making a film like this with a recast, the best course of action is to hire the best, most talented, most charismatic actor they can find and let the makeup people do their best, and hope that your guy is good enough to make people stop caring that he doesn't really look like Han Solo.
yeah about 10 minutes. Its played in a flashback montage. Its really good though. Like I said, I don't need the best actor alive. He is decent enough. To be fair I don't think Harrison Ford was such a good actor back in the day either. He is just a handsome charismatic guy. I'd rather have someone who looks and sounds like him than someone who completely doesn't.
Maybe they can have Han scarred in a terrible spaceship accident later in the series. The way they explained the difference in Luke's face after Hamill's car accident between Star Wars and Empire Strikes Back.
It's "impossible" for you guys to suspend disbelief that this guys is playing a younger Hans, yet you have no problem accepting the "force", two legged co-pilot giant dogs named chewbacca and other metaphysical and fantastical things? It's a bit absurd, is it not? 😉
Yeah, the actor is not a Harrison Ford lookalike, but from those photos it's clear he's playing a younger Hans Olo... 😎
Perhaps you guys are abit too attached to the original movies to have perspective...
How in the hell is that a fair comparison? Yes its hard to suspend disbelieve that in 7 years, this fucking guy changes from THAT to Harrison Ford. Because he looks even older than Harrison Ford did in A New Hope. Get a clue. Besides I loved the young Obi-Wan Kenobi so.
You haven’t seen this yet. Maybe, just maybe, you might want to wait to see the film and performance before moaning about it? How many movies have you seen that had amazing trailers, only to turn out to be terrible? How many movies looked terrible but were actually good?
Seems way to many people are just looking to moan. I don’t think he was a good choice based on the the small amount of screen time I saw in the trailer, but you don’t see me moaning all over the place because I haven’t seen the film yet. Open mind and all that maybe?
Chris pine looks nothing like William shatner, people still liked those reboot movies enough to ignore it.
Because Christ Pine was playing a different Kirk, from a different timeline. He wasn't playing the same character.
This Alden guy is basically playing the EXACT same Solo we see in the OT. There is no difference. So he should LOOK like him. The movie probably is good. I might really enjoy it, but he will never LOOK like Han Solo to me. It would feel like someone playing dress up for Halloween.
I don't say that the movie will be bad, or good. Its just that it looks super weird seeing this guy pretending to be Han Solo
All I'm seeing is a 5ft 8 guy with a receding hairline (arguably worse than Ford's these days) that looks nothing like Ford. Furthermore, I don't get any charismatic or likeable impression from him either.