MovieChat Forums > Rogue One (2016) Discussion > Did anyone expect this to do so well in ...

Did anyone expect this to do so well in the Theatres?

I think Disney said they would be happy with 300k, it is at 520 and will probably end up in the 530-535 range beating out The Dark Knight in the US.

I admit we saw it twice and I really liked it for what it was, I just didn't expect it to be this big.

It wasn't part of the Jedi storyline at all, which was actually nice.


Yes. Now, what I didn't expect though, was that it was actually going to be good.

The Force Awakens was a very safe, paint-by-numbers Star Wars movie that gave long time fans what they wanted while giving children shiny things to love.

Rogue One didn't do any of that. This movie's got balls. I wasn't expecting that from Disney.

Pidder Padder? Make my Heart go Boom Bap and Then We'll Talk!
