MovieChat Forums > Rogue One (2016) Discussion > This is pure fantasy. Women aren't heroe...

This is pure fantasy. Women aren't heroes or physical combat warriors.

How many women put themselves in harms way to save people? LOL. How many women are tougher and stronger than men?

In this whole "women empowerment" garbage where we constantly get female action stars with them besting men physically and mentally, that's as far from reality as the alien creatures featured in these stories. You don't see women working terrifying jobs or beating people in combat.

It's pure BS and these movies are nothing but social engineering of feminist garbage.


TC must be the king of gays if he finds cute female leads kicking ass repulsive.



Some people getting intimidated by women these days ...

perhaps they should start acting like men instead of demanding of being treated like men and putting down women.


So we shouldn't want women to show us some love, respect and encouragement?? We shouldn't want women to make us happy? So we should treat women as children and take care of them, encourage them, do whatever we can to support them in their goals??

Women aren't adults with the same capacities as men, is that what you're saying? Women aren't strong enough or powerful enough to be intimidating?? If we are intimidated by women, we're being sissies?? Are you perpetuating a few gender stereotypes there, because it sounds like it...?

The problem is that modern women don't give two sh!ts about men anymore. They won't even allow us the pride of being their heroes. They want to define our roles for us. No fcking way!


The problem is that modern women don't give two sh!ts about men anymore. They won't even allow us the pride of being their heroes. They want to define our roles for us. No fcking way!

LOLOL! You want a woman to look up to you, bat her eyelashes, and say, "my hero." Of course right after you untie her from the train tracks.


Train tracks really? You're as small-minded and petty as you've always been, Ruby.

I'm talking about a man's accomplishment. A man goes to the moon or lands a probe on a fcking comet, chances are some bitch somewhere will find something wrong with how he did it, why he did it or what he was wearing while doing it. Everyone has an opinion, sure. But that man shouldn't have to publicly apologize for offending the delicate sensibilities of that one pain in the ass woman. That's ridiculous. That man deserves to be an inspiration. NOT made into a public menace.


Luke, one mustn't wear a shirt with pictures of scantily clad women on it when representing his organization during a press conference. Maybe if the guy was the owner of a strip club, then it would be fine for his clothing to objectify women. We wouldn't want a scientist from NASA wearing such inappropriate clothing during a press conference.


bullsheet this guy can wear whatever he wants. he earned it. was the feminazi even remotely a scientist? no? then she shouldnt be allowed to complain.

if i was the guy i would have never apologized because there is nothing to apologize for.
hell, as a man im offended that women found his shirt offensive.
jealous of a bunch of scantly clad DRAWINGS? my hades woman, get laid, but lose the weight first, fatty.


bullsheet this guy can wear whatever he wants. he earned it.

Not according to the European Space Agency, the organization he was representing.


do you thinkg they really care? that apology was forced on him because they didnt want the org to think they are sexist.

you dont have to wear such shirts to be sexist. but in the warped minds of feminazis, everything a man does is sexist.
the worst part is? we are letting them affect us.
well, other men. i dont bow down to women except my girfriend because boobs are life. i respect and love them, but if one of them starts blabbering feminazi sheet ill just ignore her. if she assaults me i will hit back and yell "EQUALITY, BIATCH"


i dont bow down to women except my girfriend because boobs are life. if she assaults me i will hit back and yell "EQUALITY, BIATCH"

Relax, a sex doll can't assault you.


...a sex doll can't assault you.
But you would assault a man wouldn't you and expect to get away with and scream "victim", because you are "precious" female. Just take your beatings like a man would, if you want equality. If a male gets beaten, he's not allowed to complain, or if he does, he just has to man up and suck it up. If it is a woman who beats him up, he would be ridiculed. Where is the gender equality in that? If you read about some anonymous guy getting beaten up in the news, you wouldn't really care. If you read about the same thing happening to a female, you would get out your lynch rope. Why, if you are into this equality thing?

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try to troll without modifying my post. specially since its right above yours and people can read it and realize what a dumb attempt at trolling you just made.

oh, wait, youre a feminazi, or an old man yelling at a cloud. i cant care enough to tell the difference, if there are any.


Ruby Ruthless, is an almost 50yr old self-proclaimed libertine feminist. She thinks that men need to bow and kowtow before her self-absorbed narcissistic presence. This is a personality disorder of plaque like proportions, that appears to have afflicted many of the generations from the past 100yrs.

With Ruby, it is all about the image of "self" and how "special" she believes she is for being female and how men should kowtow before women for giving birth to them and that they should be grateful to women, because they have allowed men the use of their vaginas. She has also commented how homosexuals are abnormal, because something went wrong in the womb. With "gay" people, she can't use her sex to lure and manipulate them. They can see right through her phony charade. She doesn't have a son though, but a daughter who she claims is autistic and she thinks she knows all about what makes males tick and how oppressive they have been to females throughout the centuries.

She is a typical spoiled, pampered, deluded and in denial selfish female creature, who screams misogyny at the drop of a hat when men aren't siding with her or buying into her bulls<>t. She doesn't care how men have been oppressed and treated by other men, because that is not what is important to her. They deserve what they get for being males. The hypocrisy of this phony, self-absorbed, shortsighted, naive and warped feminist freak, is that she can't open her arrogant and conceited eyes, and acknowledge that her and her femib!tch sisters would have a s<>t life, without males contribution to building up our societies and communities. They don't have the same strength, interest or capabilities to do what many men can on a practical\infrastructure\construction level, and then think that they have a right to use them to get what ever they want out of them, while they are getting their hair styled and their nails polished.

Don't eat the whole ones! Those are for the guests. 🍪


try to troll without modifying my post. specially since its right above yours and people can read it and realize what a dumb attempt at trolling you just made.

It was funny!


So, we should just ignore and forget what he accomplished simply because of what he WORE?? We can't celebrate what he did due to his inappropriate attire?? Are you fcking serious??

I think you bitches are just jealous and threatened by the accomplishments of men. You're just projecting insecurity over your own biological inadequacies. That's what I think. You're not fit to be parents anymore, because you're nothing but overgrown little girls throwing tantrums because they didn't get what Santa promised them on Christmas.

I'm pissed that you all can dismiss the accomplishments of men to elevate your own fat asses.


So, we should just ignore and forget what he accomplished simply because of what he WORE?? We can't celebrate what he did due to his inappropriate attire?? Are you fcking serious??

I think you bitches are just jealous and threatened by the accomplishments of men. You're just projecting insecurity over your own biological inadequacies. That's what I think. You're not fit to be parents anymore, because you're nothing but overgrown little girls throwing tantrums because they didn't get what Santa promised them on Christmas.

I'm pissed that you all can dismiss the accomplishments of men to elevate your own fat asses.

The misogyny is strong with this one. No one is dismissing the accomplishments of men. Also, you should stop getting your self-worth from other men's accomplishments.


The misogyny is strong with this one.

It doesn't even exist and is just a desperate ruse, of a typical, warped and phony feminist to play the misogyny card, when you have nothing else up your sleeve to spit and hiss. Men know women are the worst misogynists around and that a females misandry, envy and jealousy of males runs rampant and is innate within them. They only want you for one thing and that is all you have to take control over a man. How is that for misogynistic?

you should stop getting your self-worth from other men's accomplishments.
Pot kettle phony, when you sell yourself up on other women's accomplishments.

Don't eat the whole ones! Those are for the guests. 🍪


The misogyny is strong with this one. No one is dismissing the accomplishments of men. Also, you should stop getting your self-worth from other men's accomplishments.

Why not? That's how people accomplish great things. They're inspired by people they can relate to in some way.


Why not? That's how people accomplish great things. They're inspired by people they can relate to in some way.

Being inspired by people isn't the same as getting your self-worth from belonging to a particular gender. You're a loser with no accomplishments of your own so you get your sense of self-worth from belonging to the male gender. Really, being born with a Y chromosome is no great accomplishment, it's just the chromosome your father happened to pass on to you.


Instead of putting down women that are having success and getting in a leadership position, being intimidated and losing your confidence as a man.

Instead of demanding being seen as a hero, demanding respect from women.

Go out and become and hero and a real man to women, earn that respect.

Don't imply that women don't have the strength and character to be a strong person, that's just weak.

-It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything-


So we shouldn't want women to show us some love, respect and encouragement?

Show THEM love, respect, and encouragement, and they'll return the gesture.

They won't even allow us the pride of being their heroes. They want to define our roles for us. No fcking way!

This goes both ways. You want to define THEIR roles and have been doing so for ages... They can say "No fcking way!" as well.


Boys gettin' triggered when women are represented.

Males like the OP is why there's lesbians in the world.

Pidder Padder? Make my Heart go Boom Bap and Then We'll Talk!


More like whiny feminists getting triggered by the truth.


Oh. Was this thread started by a whiny feminist?

Pidder Padder? Make my Heart go Boom Bap and Then We'll Talk!


I don't know know but the message I replied to sure was



Pidder Padder? Make my Heart go Boom Bap and Then We'll Talk!


Excellent, now am I going to push further by citing examples of how women get completely outclassed by men when it comes to physical activities or are we done?


I was done with "neat."

But while we're on the subject, um, considering men are physically stronger and build muscle easier than us, you're supposed to be better at certain physical activities.

Seems like you want a pat on the back for being the status quo.

Pidder Padder? Make my Heart go Boom Bap and Then We'll Talk!


Were you? I'm not a native English speaker, such complex words escape me.

A pat on the back from you for stating the obvious? Absolutely not, but I imagine worse could happen.


They can't handle a woman out performing them and will just stomp their feet, pout, and demand that they step down and let them shine without deserving it .. funny

A real man will respect a woman who is kicking ass without being intimidated and feeling less of a man.

-It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything-


A real man will respect a woman who is kicking ass without being intimidated and feeling less of a man.
I would agree with that statement, but also add, it's men like that--that have enough confidence in who they are--that makes go weak in the knees and feel all girlish.

Pidder Padder? Make my Heart go Boom Bap and Then We'll Talk!


Have you ever heard of hypergamy?? Women don't want men who they can outdo or out-earn. They don't want to provide security for men. They still want men to at least be able to take care of themselves. I'm sorry, but the world isn't made like that. He can lose his job, forcing her to be the financial security in the household. And he's no longer able to take care of himself. That's a no-no. BUT men have always been willing to provide physical, financial and emotional security for women. They can depend on us to support them. Men can't depend on women. It's that simple.


Men who complain and cry about women outperforming them will just have to lower their standard and go for women who don't kick their ass in life in general, and let the real men take care of those cool women and satiety them and make them happy.

-It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything-


Ok. You want men to man up basically. I want women to woman up.


I want women to woman up.

I want women to grow up and wise up.

Don't eat the whole ones! Those are for the guests. 🍪


Luke, everyone needs to be able to take care of themselves, man or woman. If you don't think husbands and wives both support each other in their marriages, then I don't know what to tell you.


Looking at the insanely high divorce rates since women start stabbing their husbands in the back (due to the influences of feminism), I think you're the one who needs to wake up and smell reality. Men did their part. Women used the resources those men were providing and took them for everything else. That's modern marriage thanks to feminism. Yes, people need to take care of themselves. BUT like I said, a husband can always lose his job and he can't trust her to support him like she can trust him to keep a roof over her head.

Hell, after that disgraceful Campbell's soup add in which a wife or girlfriend tells her incredibly sick husband / boyfriend to go fck himself for asking her to make him soup... we can't really trust women for any kind of support.


No one should be stuck in a bad marriage.

Plenty of men have relied on their wives for financial support, among other kinds of support.

The guy in the commercial wasn't incredibly sick. He was an annoying mama's boy.


Ruby, would you be willing to take a bullet for your man?


Ruby, would you be willing to take a bullet for your man?

Sure. If someone hands me a bullet, I'll take it. Though I'm not sure what my husband would use the bullet for.


Marriage is supposed to be me and you against the world. NOT you and the rest of the world against me. People fight all the time, that doesn't automatically make the marriage bad.


Marriage is supposed to be me and you against the world. NOT you and the rest of the world against me. People fight all the time, that doesn't automatically make the marriage bad.

A lot of things make a marriage bad: cheating, poor communication, irresponsible spending habits, alcoholism/drug abuse, physical/emotional abuse, etc. People have to decide for themselves the state of their marriage and whether they should stay in it or not. People can't be forced to stay together.


Thanks for reading that out of a book. I swear to god. I bet anything you're full of sh!t when you say you're married.


If you don't think husbands and wives both support each other in their marriages, then I don't know what to tell you.
See this is your problem Ruby, you can only think in terms of man\woman unions, as though that is all there is to life. Well, that is all there is to your life, because you feel that men need to get with women, because underneath all your false, fake and phony bravado, you are desperate for men in your life and you ONLY HAVE YOUR SEX TO LURE THEM, so you can USE THEM. You are a dis-empowered, homophobic, self-important, narcissistic feminist sow, who lacks a sense of perspective and self-awareness. When are you going to wake up, grow up or both?

Don't eat the whole ones! Those are for the guests. 🍪


Males like the OP is why there's lesbians in the world.
Lesbians wish they were men and I'd say most men wouldn't even bother with most of them, due to how bitter, vile and aggressive most of them can be, especially the big fat ugly bull dykes. They have no choice, except to find solace in the arms of another woman.

I'd also say, it's warped feminist and aggressive women, that makes male homosexuality so much more tantalizing and appealing. 😄

Don't eat the whole ones! Those are for the guests. 🍪


Lesbians wish they were men and I'd say most men wouldn't even bother with most of them, due to how bitter, vile and aggressive most of them can be, especially the big fat ugly bull dykes.
The people you describe are far from the lesbians I know. I think it's possible that the lesbians where you live are a very skewed sample, but the overall tone of your post tells me that you're theorizing out of thin air.

This picture contains no physical depiction of the Godhead.


Perhaps, but who cares, they are not male.

Don't eat the whole ones!...Those are for the guests. 🍪


Perhaps, but who cares, they are not male.
I was anticipating lots of possible responses to my post, but this is bizarre and pointless. Do you really think that making pointless stereotypes based on one or zero cases is a bad thing only when men are the ones being prejudged?

This picture contains no physical depiction of the Godhead.


Make some sense would ya! From my experience, lesbians can tend to be the most bitter and unpleasant creatures around. Perhaps some aren't, but it would be a very small majority. Hestia Rose on these threads, is an extreme example of a man-loathing lesbian. Sad that they weren't born beautiful and all powerful glorious male. My heart just bleeds. 😭

Don't eat the whole ones!...Those are for the guests. 🍪


Make some sense would ya! From my experience, lesbians can tend to be the most bitter and unpleasant creatures around.
Here's some sense: bitterness is a learned experience. If the lesbians in your town are bitter and the ones in my city are not, that tells me that homophobia is driving more people to bitterness than the support that gays receive here.
Sad that they weren't born beautiful
I have trouble picturing that Kate McKinnon and the beautiful lesbians I know were any less cute as babies than straight newborns.

This picture contains no physical depiction of the Godhead.


Lesbians are the gate keepers of bitterness. Poor things!

Don't eat the whole ones!...Those are for the guests. 🍪


Or maybe - just maybe some people are too bored and sensitive, too neurotic and psychotic that they see racism, sexism, homophobia in everything, including their soup... making them irrational and unpleasant, causing people to generalize.


We all know, Luke, that you are a misogynist, and not the only sexist Star Wars fan. There were going to be fans unhappy with Rey and Finn. Like sexism, racism is also alive and well, but hopefully diminishing.


But you don't care about homophobia diminishing though do you? You are one of the biggest perpetrators. You are also one of the biggest sexist feminist freaks I have encountered on here, and your claim about racism where none exists is just as phony.

Don't eat the whole ones!...Those are for the guests. 🍪


Perhaps, but who cares, they are not male.
I was anticipating lots of possible responses to my post, but this is bizarre and pointless. Do you really think that making pointless stereotypes based on one or zero cases is a bad thing only when men are the ones being prejudged?

This picture contains no physical depiction of the Godhead.


Who cares what you were anticipating. And yes, men are prejudged by many insecure females and feminists, and seen as potential rapists. It has all they have to hang onto, a perverted and obsessive notion about a males sexuality and how he sexually objectifies females and doesn't see her for the wonderful and "special" person she is. Well guess what, males DO SEE females as a sexual object, always have, always will. That is the only "real" reason they pay them any attention.

Don't eat the whole ones!...Those are for the guests. 🍪


Most man aren't heroes either mate. It's fantasy and I don't mind at all watching women kicking ass. It's unrealistic with even a man most of the time, so what about it?


And it's even more unrealistic with a female. When females are seen as the more expendable and disposable gender, and put their lives on their line, in the manner that males have done throughout the centuries, then perhaps they just might be given more credibility as ass kickers.

Don't eat the whole ones! Those are for the guests. 🍪


Most man aren't heroes either mate. It's fantasy and I don't mind at all watching women kicking ass. It's unrealistic with even a man most of the time, so what about it?



Exactly. Now when I go to a movie I lean over to my girlfriend and tell her how safe I feel that I have her there to protect me when she and I see that sort of stuff, which is far too frequent. They just miss because of this, and I don't know any women who actually want their men to be weak wastes-of-space while they embody everything of worth.

We call it "The Legend of the Superb*tch".


Exactly. Now when I go to a movie I lean over to my girlfriend and tell her how safe I feel that I have her there to protect me when she and I see that sort of stuff, which is far too frequent. They just miss because of this, and I don't know any women who actually want their men to be weak wastes-of-space while they embody everything of worth.

No one is truly safe out in public. Shouldn't we all learn some self defense skills?


No need to when I have a strong woman there to protect me- haven't you seen a movie recently?


If a person can gestate and give birth to a human, even when the other person can impregnate and then be out the door to look for others to impregnate........I'd call the former person the "hero" and the latter the "zero". Just sayin'.


Is this a remark about the African American community? Because if it is black women and government bear much of that responsibility with government programs that essentially pay them to stay single parents. The govt needs to stop trying to interfere in their lives with those programs and we all could use a bit of old rugged individualism like Hoover said. Good point.



This post is nothing but pure misogynist garbage.

To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.


It took you a woman being tough for you to finally realise Star Wars is "pure fantasy"?


It took you a woman being tough for you to finally realise Star Wars is "pure fantasy"?

Maybe he doesn't realize that Batman, Captain Kirk, and James Bond are also, "pure fantasy." No one looks at them and says, "masculinist propaganda."


I do. It's because of them I have body issues. How can I live up to such an example?

But in all honesty, the OP probably has a small package.


I do think the issue these guys have with women is that they can't get any in their beds.


These movies still influence girls to think that they can do anything and everything on their own. EVERYONE needs help sometimes. Only an arrogant, self-centered, antisocial idiot thinks that they don't need someone for something. BUT you have to show some respect for the people who are actually helping you. By stating the obviously fallacy that men have never sacrificed themselves for the women they love, you clearly have no respect or love for men. That's why I'm so glad you don't have a son. If you can't trust a man, you don't love him.


Rey didn't do any more on her own than Luke did. Without Finn, she'd be in pieces. And I'm glad you don't ever get the chance to breed.


Is that all you can think about, using your bland feeble feminine sex as a tool to ensnare men into your bed so you can use them? You have absolutely zero self-awareness and I could just imagine the type of slut you would have been at high school. You would have been one stuck up, entitled and manipulating nasty little b!tch. You still are.

Don't eat the whole ones!...Those are for the guests. 🍪


The stupidity of these men is astounding.


Coming from the person who is too stupid to even know what stupid is, yes, it is incredibly astounding.

Don't eat the whole ones!...Those are for the guests. 🍪


When I see rants like this, I have to assume that the ranter is over compensating.
