This film is racist.

Not one black/Mexican/Asian actor was cast in this film. Screw hollywood. That's messed up.


it was more realistic the way it was, not everybody has minority friends.


The film was bad either way. The fact that it's all white people getting killed didn't bug me at all 



so what?
Seriously, so what?
It's a group of nasty ass friends. So they didn't have a black/asian/latino friend within the inner circle.. I think that's just pretty normal.


I bet you're a racist. I bet you hate us white people!


Was that a joke or are you another limousine whitey libtard slave guilt complex a-hole?

True but yet again not true as a well known movie quote goes for horror movies "its always the *beep* , the *beep* or the fat guy that buys its first".

But yeah all this Black lives matter and multiracial pro nonsense gives Will Smith and his libtard wife a bad name and all the other limousine libtard cracker whiteys who came out and supported it and even bigger hardon!

White slave guilt complex
But sorry the blacks were selling each other well before the whitey arrived and the arabs are still doing it but no one complains about them because they have the oil and the money!


Every film is racist.

Our fingerprints don't fade from the lives we touch--Remember Me


Because black people and other minorities do not do dumb stuff like this! It's the truth and we all know it! Hell! This was showing how these white kids behave in our country cyberbullying, doing extreme stuff that normal and sane people wouldnt do, making cruel jokes about their peers, urging them to kill themselves for kicks and giggles, getting upset if a female doesn't sleep with them or shooting up a school...white America for you!


Good. This movie sucked. White people deserve crappy roles.
