This film is racist.

Not one black/Mexican/Asian actor was cast in this film. Screw hollywood. That's messed up.


The OP is obviously troll. How couldn't you guys tell?


What is a troll?


I'm black and didn't care. I really don't want to see World Star's website in this movie. BTW all of the people in this were unlikeable. I really think you're on here to troll the board.


Fresno,ca not very white. Clovis mostly white.

You Can't Spell Success without U.



Not one black/Mexican/Asian actor was cast in this film. Screw hollywood. That's messed up.

the movie is just reflecting real life.


Oh shut the hell up. By your logic every film is racist. You are acting like it is a Chinese made film and all the actors are white European. Moron


Maybe one or more is multiracial / mixed ethnicity...can't always tell by names or looks (after all, that would be stereotyping, now wouldn't it? 

"Shake your hair girl with your ponytail"


The barking dog was a Chihuahua which is a Mexican, bases covered, quota filled for the sjw pc brigade. Lets all dye our hair bright purple and blue to celebrate.


OMG the nerve of having all of 5 people in a movie....and not having every possible race represented. The world does not revolve around the color of your skin dumbass. I can't tell you how many "black" movies I've seen with NO WHITE CHARACTERS. Are those racist too?


Please name them, sir.

i do my crosswords in pen.


Name movies with an all black main cast?

Damn near any Tyler Perry movie
Barber shop
Beauty shop
Boyz In The Hood

And that's just off the top of my head. Yet no one is bouncing off the walls calling those films racist for not including whites, mexicans, asians, etc. But OMG if a movie has an all white must be racist right? Funny how that double standard works...
