People forget, Heimdall can see/hear everything in ALL realms...He is a threat to Thanos so yeah, there is a good chance that Thanos will try to kill him but thats for another day, Thanos will not make an appearance in this as its actually after the events of Ultron and between/during the events of Civil War.....I'm sure Heimdall will say something along the lines of "Your friends on Midgard seemed to be having a War of their own" to which Thor might say "I have bigger problems to deal with"
If Thanos does make an appearance in the final scene (mid credits/end credits) talking to Game Master who apologizes for failing to bring on the Ragnarok, he may be more focused on killing Doctor Strange rather than Heimdall as DR Strange possesses one of the infinity stones..
Life is a joke, but atleast its a good one.