7.9 on IMDB????

I can't understand what people find so great about this movie? 36% of the voters gave it either 9 or 10 stars. Don't get me wrong its a decent movie with great performances but it was a 6/10 for me. I know movie is just entertainment and its value is subjective to ones choice and preference. But I was just wondering where the disconnect was between me and those 36% of the people.


This movie has affected me in an odd way. Immediately after watching it I decided between giving it a 7 or 8 and ended up with an 8. The premise and actors were top notch but some stuff especially towards the ending felt a bit weak. Then, in just a matter of hours it started to feel better, so much that I've since then fought off feelings of rewatching it. I prefer to wait a fair amount of time, many months, before rewatching anything and its only been like a month now.

At the moment I feel like giving it a 9 but I'll hold off on changing my rating until after I've watched it a second time. Might be that my feelings are based on only remembering the good parts. In any case I kinda fell in love with the song and guitar performance and that part I have rewatched several times. Might also have affected my general feeling about the movie.


I think the OP answered his/her own question. The "disconnect" between you and those other 36% is out of pure subjectivity. I'd like to add that, it's not a complete disconnect...it's not as if you scored the film a "1" or a "2"; you clearly saw some merit in the movie. I'd also like to add that although some of those 36% are people who genuinely experienced this as a 10/10 film, I'm sure that many are also people who awarded the film a 10 because they are die-hard Tarantino devotees attempting to counterbalance the low scores.

Personally, I gave it a 8/10. I enjoyed it very much, and rewatched it a couple of times. I'm a sucker for almost anything Agatha Christie-esque. It's not my favorite of Tarantino's films, though.

Screws fall out all of the time. The world's an imperfect place.


Totally Agree. I'm have been a big Tarantino fan, since Reservoir dogs. But I put 4, because, for me, this is his worst film ever.


it had a better script than Jango.
it was also better in total.

how is a decent movie only a 6 for you? for real. how?

( but honestly you gave to the "300" an 8! which is a bad movie. lies into your face. 300 man yea. let's start with that they were 3000 and it's a historical fact and everyone agrees with it. you gave 9! to the Superbad. you rated all the st...est comedies with 8.. )

probably that's why your taste is bad.

( the new "star wars" movie 9? jesus.. Black Swan only a 7?? Casino 7??
Scent of a Woman 7? )

so there's your answer.
your taste is bad.


I gave it an 8, as it's a good entertaining movie with no flaws; but not a 9 or 10 though, as it's not as captivating or breath-taking as some other movies I enjoyed.


I think the current rating of the film is pretty fair. Somewhere in the 7.5-8.25 range. I've watched the movie twice and actually enjoyed it just as much the second time! It's a middle of the pack Tarantino movie for me....lower than Pulp, Django, Jackie Brown and slightly above Kill Bill and Death Proof.


People are more on medications today than ever before. They can feel good about a bad movie depending on the drug affecting their brain while they watch it. That is why no one understand what is going on about IMDb ratings today. Also, if you watch a movie after picking up an amazing girl and you have an amazing night you will hardly be able to give a movie a bad rating. People give movie rating based more on external environment affecting their movie experience rather than objectivity.

Seriously, today's movies sucks and it doesn't seem to bother people. But I did not watch this one yet, I have no idea if it is a bad movie or a good one, neither did I give any rating yet.


In cases like you seem to have to deal with I usually recommend to first give a rating, then take the medication and never watch the movie.


What do I have to deal with ?!


Don't know. People who "are more on medications today than ever before"? Or what's the message you've been trying to convey?!


70% of americans are on prescription drug:


I suggest, suppose, that taking medication like antidepressant for example, will disable your ability to understand the authentic feel of a movie.


But that's what I said. First give a rating, soberly. Then take the medication, as prescribed by the doctor. But never watch the movie, because you're not going to understand it anyway.

That's usually my recommendation with these kinds of cases. And as far as I can tell you appear to agree ?!


My position is clear and I dont recommend to give rating to a movie you did not see. And I don't think people taking drugs should be allowed to give ratings or be film critics, but they can watch any movies they want.

It's my opinion, feel free to troll it, disagree or agree with it. Unless you can prove I am wrong I am not interested to waste my time with you tho.


That's very possibly a misguided opinion, I'm afraid to say. The rating of movies has been proven to be of great therapeutic effect, regardless of a movie having been seen or not. Specifically because people get a feeling from it, of their voice being heard where it otherwise isn't.

Could it be that you're a bit selfish about movie ratings, if you don't mind me asking ? What meaning precisely would you like to attach to them ?!


The rating is not the only problem. The movie industry is studying its audience and sadly, today's audience is MEDICATED! Audience love seeing movie that reflect their little *beep* up and happy feelings. That is why we have movies filled with dumb stories. It's the representation of how the drugged society feels today.

That's normal. If I was sad, I would be attracted to sad movies or sad songs, if I was on PRESCRIPTION DRUGS, well, I don't know but I think I would love to go in theaters watch the last crap on big screen.

My opinion.


But that's good. I very much commend having an opinion of ones own.

You can't blame the movie industry for studying their audiences though. That's what they always have done. Simply because making movies costs a lot of money, you know, and they don't only want that back but make some, too. Regardless of any medication their audiences might depend on or not (let alone all that coke they're snorting themselves).

So that's the issue you're taking with today's society then. The medication. And movies, and their ratings in particular, are just a random subject you're choosing to express your discomfort.

I understand that, very much. If I had a say, the entire pharmacy industry would be obliterated today rather than tomorrow, no matter the cost. Globally.

So what do you propose. How do we proceed from here. The offense you're taking surely is a call for action, too, isn't it ?!


Let's stigmatize people who take substance they don't need.


Excellent proposal! We might have to define what "need" means though. For starters, is falling into a coma acceptable or not ?!


It's too obvious. Let's start with all the kids who drug themselves with medication found at home. Let's send a clear signal that nothing is cool about it.


You mean ... Coca Cola? Or what do you mean is it that can be found "at home" ?!


Alcohol might be a problem too. 72% of students consumed alcohol by the end of high school.



Ok. We're going to tell them kids that it's not cool (which I just did, shouting out of the window and down the street that it's not cool). Now what ? I thought we were going to stigmatize ?!


For me, that is exactly what stigmatize is, telling them it's morally wrong, not cool, not good to take substances. Let's use propaganda! Make some posters that show how ridiculous drinking alcohol or abusing drug is versus the beauty and coolness of being clean in an healthy body. Print them and stick them wherever it's legally allowed to do so. Globally.


Done! High five!

I'm sure those kids are going heed our excellent advice and cherish our posters! (you don't mind me amending mine with a small addition of my own, about same-sex intercourse, x rated movies and skipping school)


I don't mind.


Makes great use of one location, sports beautiful cinematography and set design, captures great performances, all while telling a compelling and intense story. Apart from the violence, I don't see what's not to like.

Better to be king for a night than schmuck for a lifetime.
