MovieChat Forums > The Hateful Eight (2015) Discussion > So Samuel L. Jackson was gay in this one...

So Samuel L. Jackson was gay in this one?

Weird that they made him gay in this one. That was the one part that was a little too strange for me. Maybe I'm just not used to seeing him like that. He's a great actor, but I didn't see it.



After a few days, I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who was wondering about this. Other people besides myself have been curious about this strange character turn.

The main interpretation seems to be that Jackson was making this story up, to stoke Bruce Dern's anger.

A couple of questions arise for me if that is the case:

How did he know the son's full name and the color of his hair if it did not happen?

Would that not still make him gay anyway, since he was so comfortable making others believe he was?



This may surprise you, but rape isn't sex.

False: all conservatives are stupid people;
True: most stupid people are conservative


This may surprise you, but rape isn't sex.

Rape is certainly is sex, don't be silly. It might not be lovemaking, but it is still sex. That's why a person can get sexually transmitted diseases from it. It's also why women can get pregnant from rapes. You're just regurgitating some corny stuff, columbusbuck.



You need to give consent, free from duress, for it to be sex.

False: all conservatives are stupid people;
True: most stupid people are conservative


Utter hogwash.

Just look up the word in the dictionary.

rape: unlawful sexual activity and usually sexual intercourse carried out forcibly or under threat of injury against the will usually of a female or with a person who is beneath a certain age or incapable of valid consent.

How can you have a rape without sex? Really dumb.




Haha. That is a terrible analogy. Drowning is the opposite of swimming. You drown when you fail to swim.

Whose definition of sex are you going by? The New American Feminist Victim Dictionary?



Because the definition of sex requires CONSENT.
Drowning isn't swimming either, though both require people trying to stay afloat in water. Elements that occur in both does not make the two the same. Same with rape and sex.

False: all conservatives are stupid people;
True: most stupid people are conservative


You're changing the traditional definition of sex. More corny PC baloney. People like you love to redefine words.



I'm not sure if the character was supposed to be gay or straight, but the rape story was one of violence and humiliation, he raped the man to humiliate him, rather than sexual gratification. In any case, I believe the story was invented


Nah. He made up that story to spook the old General (it worked).


He spooked the old general by presenting himself as a a gay rapist. Sure showed him!



He only told the General he made his son do that, it doesn't mean he did.



Any male who engages in sexual activity with another male is a homosexual, AKA: gay, by definition.

I don't dance, tell jokes or wear my pants too tight, but I do know about a thousand songs.



Educate yourself.
Comical Irony Alert.

Definition of homosexuality

: the quality or state of being homosexual

: erotic activity with another of the same sex

Definition homosexual

: of, relating to, or characterized by a tendency to direct sexual desire toward another of the same sex

: of, relating to, or involving sexual intercourse between persons of the same sex

but rape isn't driven by sexual attraction.
Yes, it is, dumbass; always at least partly, and usually wholly. Most rapes start out as legitimate attempts at consensual sex.

I don't dance, tell jokes or wear my pants too tight, but I do know about a thousand songs.



That's how most prison rapes start?
Obviously, simpleton. Pretty much everyone prefers the path of least resistance to get what they want.
Go back to highschool.
More comical irony from the credulous moron who was "educated" by laughable feminist authors such as Susan Brownmiller.

I don't dance, tell jokes or wear my pants too tight, but I do know about a thousand songs.



Right, and what they want is to assert their dominance and/or humiliate the victim in the case of most male-on-male rapes.
Even in such rare cases as those ...

"assert their dominance and/or humiliate the victim"

And ...

"the rapist wanting sexual gratification"

... are not mutually exclusive.

If the rapist is supposedly not gay, then he would be victimizing himself just as much as he'd be victimizing anyone else, given that he's participating in homosexual acts (a heterosexual finds the idea of himself participating in such acts to be utterly revolting). The same goes for any rapist; if the rapist didn't want to have sex, yet has sex anyway, he's victimizing himself too.
But in your pathetically narrow perception, you can only begin to comprehend the sexual factors. Here's a suggestion: refresh yourself on introductory college psychology (or maybe read the Wikipedia link I've shared twice).
LOL @ "psychology". Psychology is not a hard science, because there is no way to observe and test human thoughts. We only have indirect and unreliable indicators of what people are thinking, i.e., their words and actions. That's why a good actor who is well-versed in the Theories Du Jour could convince a psychologist that he has any number of conditions in the DSM, but the same actor couldn't convince any competent real doctor that he has e.g., lung cancer, if he doesn't actually have lung cancer, because there are real scientific tests for that.
What are you talking about? How does this discussion have anything to do with feminism or Susan Brownmiller?
Brownmiller and other feminist authors in the 1970s popularized the laughable idea that "rape isn't about sex, it is about power/control"; so much so that it has become "folk wisdom" (lol), by which you've been duped.
Most rapists in prison are identified as heterosexual, and outside of prison, they show no indication of being sexually attracted to other men.
A male who has "sex" with another male is a homosexual, by definition, numbnuts. Just because he prefers women changes nothing. I prefer fresh mushrooms to canned mushrooms, but that doesn't mean I don't like canned mushrooms. The fact that I have canned mushrooms in my cupboard and voluntarily eat them from time to time is evidence of that. On the other hand, I wouldn't eat rotting roadkill regardless of the circumstances, which is the way it is with a heterosexual, i.e., he wouldn't voluntarily engage in homosexual "sex", because the idea of it is thoroughly disgusting. Anyone who does so, regardless of the "rationalization", is not a heterosexual, they are a homosexual, or a "bisexual" if you prefer that term.
Keep digging yourself into a hole.
Comical Irony Alert: Part IV

I don't dance, tell jokes or wear my pants too tight, but I do know about a thousand songs.


The reason you're winning this argument, MaximRecoil, is because you have facts on your said, no matter how upset that makes some people.

In this case, the facts are quite simple. It breaks down like this:

Sex is sexual.

Not controversial, right?

A homosexual act is a sexual activity between two members of the same sex. So Warren forcing the General's son to stimulate his sexual organs- a sexual act- is therefore a homosexual act (and for argument's sake, let's say it's true). And Warren being the once who willfully initiated it, he is at least partially homosexual.

Society doesn't like to classify rape as sexual. I get that. It's icky. They say that rape has nothing to do with sex. But that's simply, physically, anatomically, demonstrably not true. You can go all into the internal process/motives of Warren or any rapist, say that it's about power, humiliation, whatever, but what is occurring is undeniably a sexual act. Motives and mindsets are broad and there could be any number of reasons people engage in sex acts. A prostitute only has sex with her clients because he pays her. Clearly not an act of love, but does that mean it's not sexual? That's just the facts of what is physically occurring. It doesn't diminish the victim in any way, nor is it homophobic to acknowledge the truth that a man who chooses to engage in a sex act with another man is, in that instance, homosexual.


Please ignore me permanently. If not I'll assume you're in love with me.xoxo rabbit


No he wasn't gay because he didn't suck the son's dick. The son did forcefully. It is called dominance.

My momma loved me but she died
Hud Bannon


This thread was some of the most cringe-worthy garbage I've ever sifted through (and as a dedicated "dumpster diver", that's saying a lot). The lot of you are some incredibly sheltered children at best, and mentally deficient, barely-functioning minimum wage workers at worst.

~*~ If you want breakfast in bed, sleep in the kitchen. ~*~
