This is a genuine question. I've encountered it many times (online only), and I want to know why.
Is it because men think we owe it to them to look a certain way for them? And if we drop the ball, we're somehow disrespecting them personally?
Is it transference from some deeply lamented physical flaw that they have and they want to make sure others feel the same pain relating to insecurity? Or like a, "how dare YOU not be consumed with the obsession to look a certain way that I am? How dare you be that carefree!" I mean..I'm at a loss here, what is it?
Or maybe it's women masked as men who are like, "I worked so hard to get down to 118, now if bigger women start becoming acceptable, it was all a waste!" Because honestly I don't encounter this anti-chubby sentiment in real life, only online. I say anti-chubby because really the weight they're targeting doesn't even rise to the level of obesity.
I can understand morbidly obese people being a drain on economics, if it is or was at one point within their control to prevent..that could elicit some political anger..but 145-180 just isn't that big of a deal. Why the hostility and range????
---- Edit: 9 months after original post----- I believe I've solved the puzzle. Often the word "lazy" comes up which is weird... why do you care if someone else is lazy when it isn't affecting you? Well, what they mean is, "If you wanted to change your appearance and be what I want you to be, you would! The fact that you're not doing it means you don't care about my assessment of your body!!" And there lays the problem: When women defiantly continue to eat and maintain a bigger weight that some men find unacceptable, it is a reminder of their insignificance. These women don't care what these men think or say about them..and they take issue with that.
I also think it has to do with guys who are maybe shorter or social recluses who feel they don't have the pick of the litter when it comes to dating... so they feel they can bully their options into becoming skinnier (not considering the fact that if they were skinnier, they'd probably diet and exercise their way right out of the guy's league.)
Thanks for a rousing debate, everyone! I'm sure it'll continue for years to come...
The only thing I find off putting about fat people (both male & female) is the look of a defeated, Glutinous, and lazy human who spends his life doing nothing but eating & complaining. You don't have to be so fat. It's kinda disgusting and sends a wrong message and really kinda shows how greedy we can be. So many people starving but Fat ass has to go grab another burger because they think they're Hungary. It also shows that said person is weak minded for they have to stuff their faces to be happy. It's just not a good look for humans.
You don't have to be so fat. It's kinda disgusting and sends a wrong message and really kinda shows how greedy we can be. So many people starving but Fat ass has to go grab another burger because they think they're Hungary. It also shows that said person is weak minded for they have to stuff their faces to be happy.
Surely you can't be this ignorant? Did it ever occur to you that:
1. Overweight people are dealing with addiction to certain foods? Do you judge drug addicts and alcoholics with the same contempt? After all, there are people starving.. but coke head has to go snort some more. And alcoholism is an exercise is excess and gluttony as well.
2. Obesity is actually more common in lower economic circles. It's expensive to eat healthy, and cheap to eat unhealthy.
3. Not only are there health conditions that cause obesity, but there are numerous medications and health conditions that cause one's weight to go up. Not to mention some peoples' bodies just metabolize differently. So a skinny person might consume as much or more as a fat person. In short your assumptions based on looks are very possibly way off base and a terrible way to judge someone. "Never judge a book by its cover" and all that. First grade mantras aside, if you are using weight as your method of deciding who is and isn't an acceptable human being, you may be wrong more often than you're right. Then you'll find yourself surrounded by the exact wrong types of people.
Look up the statistics: People with "health conditions" only comprise 2% of fat people. The other 98% just eat too much and never exercise, and are always eager to say "maybe there's a health problem".
The reason people dislike fat people is the same reason people dislike lazy people, or dirty people. It's a general disrespect for someone who doesn't respect him/herself. If I were to roll around in mud all day every day and never take a shower, I would look like *beep* and you would be right to dislike me. The same goes for someone who stuffs her face with junk food all day and never exercises. It's just gross.
Finally, there is the fact that men are biologically more attracted to women who are in healthy shape. There is no doubt about it that beyond a certain amount of healthy fat, carrying too much fat around is just bad for you and inefficient. Then when you have this unattractive woman parading herself around and pretending to be the greatest thing in the world, people find it annoying.
Look up the statistics: People with "health conditions" only comprise 2% of fat people. The other 98% just eat too much and never exercise, and are always eager to say "maybe there's a health problem".
You hardly read what I wrote. This is a response to less than 2% of what I wrote, but it was easy for you, as you've had this debate before and have that statistic in your back pocket. That's a bit lazy if you ask me.
There are also numerous medications that cause weight gain. Additionally, everyone metabolizes food differently. Some skinny people may be just as lazy and indulgent as a fat person, their body just metabolizes it differently for whatever reason.
The same goes for someone who stuffs her face with junk food all day and never exercises.
1. You can't judge lifestyle by appearance. See above. You may think you can, but you're incorrect. 2. Is there a reason you don't resent overweight men the same way you resent overweight women? Not being attracted to them is not an excuse to downright resent them.
Finally, there is the fact that men are biologically more attracted to women who are in healthy shape
haha I swear I wrote my last sentence before reading your next one. But same goes. I very clearly did NOT ask why men were not attracted to heavier women. I asked why it angers some men when women are heavier. Why bother replying to something when you didn't bother reading it?
Then when you have this unattractive woman parading herself around and pretending to be the greatest thing in the world, people find it annoying.
and in what way does one pretend to be the greatest thing in the world?
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You hardly read what I wrote. This is a response to less than 2% of what I wrote, but it was easy for you, as you've had this debate before and have that statistic in your back pocket. That's a bit lazy if you ask me.
You may be right, I don't remember but it's possible that I didn't read everything you said. And yes I'm very lazy.
There are also numerous medications that cause weight gain. Additionally, everyone metabolizes food differently. Some skinny people may be just as lazy and indulgent as a fat person, their body just metabolizes it differently for whatever reason.
Very few medications cause long-term fat gain. It's more common to cause water retention, or increased appetite. Also, most people are not on these types of medication.
Furthermore, your argument that there are some skinny people who can eat loads and not gain weight is off-topic. First of all, these people are rare. What is more common is a skinny person who thinks they eat "a lot" but they actually don't. They usually indulge in a giant meal every once in a while, but also skip a lot of meals. And secondly, life is not fair. Some people fall into pitfalls that other people never have to deal with. Some people fall into a pitfall and find a way to get themselves out, while others stay in the pitfall and wallow in self-pity and blame the rest of the world.
The reality is that regardless of all external or internal factors, there is only 1 way to get fat: By eating more than your body needs. There is only 1 way to stay fat: By refusing to eat less than your body burns.
1. You can't judge lifestyle by appearance. See above. You may think you can, but you're incorrect.
Yes you can. As I mentioned above, there is only 1 way to get fat. Obesity is at its core just a symptom of a greater underlying problem. Every obese person I've ever known tends to be somewhat lazy, lacking in self discipline, disorganized, and most importantly they tend to fail to accept responsibility for their situation. Invariably they blame genetics or hormones, or point to the hypothetical "skinny person that can eat as much as she wants but never gains weight", or blame society for "fat-shaming".
2. Is there a reason you don't resent overweight men the same way you resent overweight women? Not being attracted to them is not an excuse to downright resent them.
The topic, as you started it, was about overweight women, and my argument was based on that. I generally don't have a lot of respect for overweight people of any gender.
In fact I broke contact with one of my best friends because he was overweight -- although his attitude of failing to take control spilled over in other aspects of his life: He was unemployed, he would meet up with me and show up an hour late, etc. He told me he wanted to lose weight and I spent an entire day taking him out to the supermarket and showing him how to make healthy meals, I wrote down a plan for him, he thanked me and then he proceeded to throw it all away -- the next time we went out he ordered a double burger with fries and a coke.
haha I swear I wrote my last sentence before reading your next one. But same goes. I very clearly did NOT ask why men were not attracted to heavier women. I asked why it angers some men when women are heavier. Why bother replying to something when you didn't bother reading it?
and in what way does one pretend to be the greatest thing in the world?
These 2 points fit in together.
There is a grossness to it, and it's hard to explain, but I'll give it a go.
I think part of it is because overweight women will often try to mimic the behavior and appearance of attractive women, for example they will wear tight clothes, revealing dresses, high heels, and excessive makeup. The resultant incongruity looks like a mess and men find it gross and disturbing to see.
As for how they pretend to be the greatest thing in the world, they often tend to develop a denial that they have a problem that is self-inflicted. Subsequently they develop a bubble in which they irrationally boost their sense of self-worth. Eventually this elevates to a point where they think they are even above normal women.
I've briefly dated a few overweight women and they tend to be arrogant, as well as unreasonable in terms of personal grooming and hygiene. For example they typically have quite bad BO, they refuse to shave or even trim their lady parts, and on top of this they come out with a sort of "take it or leave it" attitude and then they call you shallow when you leave them.
And then there's the whole issue that many of them become feminists... reply share
there is only 1 way to get fat: By eating more than your body needs. There is only 1 way to stay fat: By refusing to eat less than your body burns.
This is actually not true, as far as being the one and only reason someone gets fat. Not eating can make someone fat. Not eating enough in a day actually slows down the bodies metabolic rate because the body thinks it's starving. Someone who doesn't eat at least 3 squares a day (within accepted caloric intake ranges of course) and only eats 1 meal a day can have a slow metabolism so the body retains anything and everything it takes in, or feeds of the muscle instead of the fat. That same person could possibly change their eating habits without changing anything else and start to lose weight. Why don't people eat this way then? Who knows, it could be because of finances, not feeling hungry (because the metabolism is slow they may not feel hungry and therefore don't eat), succumbing to the thought that eating less will equate to being thin...
I can understand not being attracted to it, but thinking overweight people are less than because they're gluttonous or lazy is just ignorant.
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That's not true at all -- this is a common misconception that eating less can make you fat, and is commonly put forward by fat people to justify their fatness.
When you eat less, your body reduces its metabolism in rough proportion to the calorie defecit; HOWEVER, the ratio of this proportion is less than 1. In other words, it cannot and will not reduce the metabolism to below the caloric amount that the body is consuming. So eating less will always result in weight loss.
When you see people go on a diet and get fat, what you're actually seeing is them going on a diet for a few days/weeks, and then giving up and eating a load of junk food when their metabolism is slow, and then obviously gaining weight.
It is not ignorant to think overweight people are gluttonous; that is the only way to get overweight. Sticking your head in the sand and saying "they can't help it" is being ignorant.
When you see people go on a diet and get fat, what you're actually seeing is them going on a diet for a few days/weeks, and then giving up and eating a load of junk food when their metabolism is slow, and then obviously gaining weight.
yeah I know. That's not what I was referring to. I'm saying that you can't look at people and know if they're lazy or not just based on your estimation of their BMI. That's really all I'm saying.... you're reading far too much into much of my commentary. You assume skinny people are super energetic and productive. That could be true...but it could be genetics. I know plenty of skinny people who don't do crap. I even knew one model-type woman who slept with chocolate by her bed because she was so addicted that she would wake up in the middle of the night and need a fix. She also never had a gym membership in her life. You'd look at her and *assume* whatever it is you assume about her personality and you'd be wrong. That's it! You'd be attracted to her, which is great but that's not what you said earlier. You made reference to what one's physical shape implies about their personal attributes. Was it you or some other misguided soul who also said that you assume fat women are entitled? That's a great laugh because it is thin women who know you worship their bodies who have the most entitled personalities!
It is not ignorant to think overweight people are gluttonous; that is the only way to get overweight. Sticking your head in the sand and saying "they can't help it" is being ignorant.
In some cases you'll be right and in some cases you'll be wrong. Only a moron assumes all of his assumptions are accurate ;-)
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There is a lot you're missing. You're making assumptions to prove what you want to prove.
I actually live with one of these model-type women, so I've seen it from up close. Yes, she eats junk food. She loves chocolate, and if I get her a box of chocolate she'll devour it in a day. She can go through an entire extra large pizza on her own. And she doesn't go to the gym.
HOWEVER, on average she still eats less than most people.
This is the part that you're missing, the part that overweight people choose to selectively oversee: Just because someone eats chocolate or pizza every once in a while does not mean they eat like that all of the time. Most of these "skinny people that can eat whatever they want", don't actually eat very much. For every day that she eats an entire large pizza, there are 3 days where she skips breakfast, skips lunch, and just has some sushi or a sandwich in the evening.
In any case, you simply cannot get fat without overeating. Please tell me why you think I'm wrong about this. I'm genuinely very interested to know how you think someone who eats less than their body requires can possibly get fat.
Didn't you just say that you resent overweight women because you believe their weight indicates they are greedy and lazy? Too much food; not enough exercise. Maybe you're projecting your own insecurities onto others?
Furthermore, your argument that there are some skinny people who can eat loads and not gain weight is off-topic.
No it's not off-topic at all. You said that you feel as though one's weight is indicative of their personality type. I'm pointing out that you very possible could be wrong in your assessment.
there is only 1 way to get fat: By eating more than your body needs. There is only 1 way to stay fat: By refusing to eat less than your body burns.
Not true.
Don't have time to read or respond to the rest, I'll try to edit this at a later time.
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Everybody is a little bit lazy. I'm still very successful in my career, I am in spectacular shape physically, and I have an active social life. By most measures I would be considered successful, and none of these things come about by laziness.
Regardless of whether or not a hypothetical skinny person exists somewhere that can eat loads but stay skinny, the fact remains that if fat people didn't eat so much they never would have gotten fat. This is an undeniable fact. I don't know where you get "not true" from that, but I suppose it's just a typical fat person getting angry at the world.
And just FYI, these "people who can eat loads but never gain weight" don't actually exist. Most skinny people overestimate the amount of food they eat. It is also scientifically proven that obese people systematically under-report the amount of food they eat.
It is also undeniable that you will lose weight if you eat less.
Enlighten me: In pictures of Auschwitz concentration camps, where are the fat people that can't lose weight no matter how little they eat?
Regardless of whether or not a hypothetical skinny person exists somewhere that can eat loads but stay skinny, the fact remains that if fat people didn't eat so much they never would have gotten fat. This is an undeniable fact. I don't know where you get "not true" from that, but I suppose it's just a typical fat person getting angry at the world.
You seem incapable of accepting that everybody's body metabolizes food differently. It interferes with your ability to make snap judgments about people based on their physical appearance.
And just FYI, these "people who can eat loads but never gain weight" don't actually exist. Most skinny people overestimate the amount of food they eat. It is also scientifically proven that obese people systematically under-report the amount of food they eat.
haha I love when people toss around unfounded statistics from fictional data How can science prove something that was unreported?
Enlighten me: In pictures of Auschwitz concentration camps, where are the fat people that can't lose weight no matter how little they eat?
No doubt about it, that much of what you say is true. If you eat nothing you will be skin and bones. It's pretty disturbing that you want people to literally starve themselves like they're in a concentration camp to please your eyesight. Overweight people don't care that much about what you have to look at, little man. Get over that fact. The whole point of this thread (of which I am OP) is that men have an irrational and misplaced anger when women are overweight. My hypothesis is the cause of this frustration is the realization of their own insignificance. Because you're correct-- if us fatties tried *hard enough*, we could be skinny for you. And we don't care that much..that's what drives you nuts.
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My Auschwitz comment is not meant to be disturbing, it's meant to disprove your silly comment that "everybody metabolizes food differently". Do you have any scientific data to prove this?
Regardless of how your body metabolizes food, if your body burns 1800 calories a day and you eat 1800 calories a day, you WILL NOT gain fat. It just isn't physically possible. How can you not understand that? It's simple mathematics, and has nothing to do with how much you hate skinny girls or guys that like skinny girls.
Furthermore, if your body requires 1800 calories a day and you eat 1500, you will lose weight. Again, this is basic mathematics. What differs between people is that some people's bodies will burn 1800 calories a day, and some people will burn 2500 a day, so diets will differ. But if you undereat you will lose weight, as is proven in Auschwitz photos.
Also about this comment:
haha I love when people toss around unfounded statistics from fictional data How can science prove something that was unreported?
Here is a published article on the topic: In which a group of people who "just couldn't lose weight" were monitored. Their caloric intake was tracked, and they were asked to write down what they ate. The same was done with their exercise.
The result was that the fatties underreported their food intake by an average of 47%. Basically, they were eating twice as much as they said they were eating. They also overreported their exercise levels, and perceived a genetic cause for their obesity.
Here's a quote for you:
The failure of some obese subjects to lose weight while eating a diet they report as low in calories is due to an energy intake substantially higher than reported and an overestimation of physical activity, not to an abnormality in thermogenesis.
So there you have it. I showed you concrete scientific evidence for what I said. Your turn. Show some scientific evidence that fat people are born that way.
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Lol..Mere facts won't stop the fat pig Jupiter. Until she gets new batteries, the slob will binge post unintelligible trash as her lonileness and hate for the well adjusted society shines through her imbellicic rants. She makes no sense and is at odds with every poster. Speaks volumes about her pathetic lack of life.
I know.. what's sad is the amount of attention these idiots get. I work at Oxford university and I see these liberal ideas thrown about all the time. My favourite is the girl who wrote an article about how 97% of people can't lose weight by dieting, and therefore she refuses to diet. (No fatty, that means that 97% of fatties can't stick to a diet, not that dieting doesn't work.)
That article is hysterical. Anything not to lose weight. Dieting does not work. It is everyone else's fault I eat too much and am a fat pig. That how it reads but the funniest part was this slob giving medical advice to trained professional physicians on how they should deal with patients. I guess the well meaning Doctor should turn a blind eye to all the health risks associated with being overweight.
Thanks for posting.
Poor fat Jupiter, what a sad way to spend Memorial Day. Get extra batteries next time you fat slob when you surf for male porn you lonely, angry, deranged pig.
Yeah, it shows an insight into an overweight person's mentality. I've always maintained that obesity is primarily a personality flaw; the physical aspect is just a side effect. Their behaviour typically carries over onto other aspects of their lives as well. Every overweight person I've ever met tends to have a common sort of mentality: A lack of personal responsibility for their problems, and a tendency to blame the rest of the world.
There are multiple examples, one of my favourite is the fat woman who makes a video of herself breaking a scale, because apparently it's the scale's fault that she's overweight:
It's the classic fable of the guy who breaks the mirror because it shows him the truth. The hard truth is that if society doesn't like you or find you attractive, it's usually your fault, especially when it comes to something like weight which is something you can easily control.
Haha goodness gracious. You guys are like wind up toys, all I have to do is wind you up and let you go. You'll chatter independently for months apparently.You're free to continue on thinking that you can tell a lot about a person by their size, and you can continue being wrong about a lot of people. You're more than welcome to think that skinny women are delightful, unblemished souls and fat people are insufferable. You even said one of the reasons you don't like fat people is that they're lazy, then proceeded to admit that you yourself are lazy haha. I guess you just hold others to a higher standard than yourself.
I know it's an old discussion, but I just discovered the subject line question. One th ing you missed in your reasons - emotional eating. This can be as difficult to break as quitting smoking, heroin, or alcohol. It can be a lifelong thing where people fail at it, too. It's unfortunate, but I do think compassion is in order.
In our culture, we don't like to look at emotions, especially difficult ones. The difficult ones that can be driving people to overeat at their only source of pleasure are beyond the understanding of most people, and certainly beyond their compassion. Because most people are selfish and self-centered, and limited in their compassion even to family and friends, never mind the world at large. Just my explanation of the behaviours of both many obese people and also the people who abuse them. I'm 55, spent a lifetime observing these patterns.
2. Obesity is actually more common in lower economic circles. It's expensive to eat healthy, and cheap to eat unhealthy.
I know this is an old comment on imdb but this is a ridiculous statement. I've worked as a bagger in a grocery store for 15 years and frankly belle peppers, Yellow onions, and things like oranges and grapefruits cost way less than the most expensive frozen pizzas that people with Link cards buy. The only reason they buy expensive pizzas is because they just don't like veggies or fruit. I'm not speaking for every customer on link cards. I'm speaking of the most overweight people buying nothing but hamburger, French Fries, pizzas, snack items, and of course lots of soda. No fruits or vegetables. Just unhealthy things. I admit I don't eat perfect all the time but I sitll try to make a habit of eating veggies and fruits.
Even when I was on a link card I at least bought canned vegetable soup and strawberries. But I have seen overweight people on Link Cards buy nothing but unhealthy things. And frankly I have also seen people with link cards buy almost nothing but soda with their link cards. If I got a dollar for every time a person with a link card bought a bunch of 12 packs of soda and then got told their link card ran out of money and they took off only food items, I could buy a used car that works. It seems kind of ridiculous. It's like, "Come to our house. We got barely any food but we do have nothing but soda.
Heck even years ago when relying on a link card (I haven't relied on one in quite a few years) I never bought soda with it. If you ask me, soda shouldn't even be able to be bought on a link card.
Just so you know by "Fat People" I MEAN scooter driving handicap parking lot taking Obese monsters. I think the reason you don't see it in real life and only online is people tend to be most Fake face to face. Take a person away from Punch in the face range put a keyboard, a screen and an anonymous screen name that's when Real comes out. Just to throw it in there though it seems the only race tht don't mind the Fattys. Are black people lol
Aesthetically, slimmer women are generally considered more attractive and tons of studies show that, but on the other hand, obesity/overweight rates and marriage rates show as well that most men are not bothered by a plump woman and that plenty of women like Amy and way fatter have no problems getting boyfriends, even if they are not the physical ideal, just as plenty of guys with average looks and average incomes have no problem getting married either.
Forums tend attract people with extreme positions which are not that common in real life because people that have a neutral position rarely feel the need to comment.
It is not the case that men are "not bothered" by overweight women. It is more often the case that these men simply could not aspire to attract a more suitable mate and settled for what they could get.
Often it is because they are themselves overweight, and want to be with someone who shares the same lifestyle.
But you will never ever find a successful, confident, healthy man in good shape married to a fat woman.
It's true that people try to get the best they can and if the man has the option to go for a slim woman he will in most cases, I never contended that. The point I'm trying to make is that if you're willing to settle for an overweight woman its because her size doesn't bother you and isn't a deal breaker even if it's not your preference.
You can settle for something less than ideal, but you will never settle for something you find flat out repulsive.
Google Pierce Brosnan, Dick Van Dyke and Bernie Sanders wives. Your world view is so hilariously limited. You actually think every man is attracted to only what you are, and furthermore you can predict their motives for veering. Just like you think everyone is fat for the same reason and every skinny person has a more palatable personality than their overweight counterparts. Well I'm guilty of assessmens and assumptions too, for instance this whole post is dedicated to analyzing the motives of guys like you who have animosity towards heavy girls. So I understand the compulsion to understand something you don't agree with. But I think you're way off. Everyone has different taste in partners. I'm positive that some men genuinely find a bigger body type attractive. In fact, some settle for skinny girls because they think it makes them more socially accepted. Because loud mouth idiots like you say silly crap like you just said above. Then there are the men who -- believe it or not-- value other attributes that their woman has to offer, beyond looks. I know, hard for someone like you to fathom. Whatever the case, there are men who choose bigger girls over thinner ones. You're such a simple minded individual! Absolutely no grasp of complexity in your mind hahaha.
Because it means they are unbearable... both literally and figuratively. All that attitude and the embodiment of 1st world excess and consumption.
Well at least you answered my question correctly and told me what men find so objectionable about it. I mean if you're not attracted to her, that's one thing but it seems to cause them undue amounts of hostility and rage. I actually had a feeling it might be linked to some sort of assumption about their personality, but I think you're sorely mistaken and in for a rude awakening if you don't think that some fit girls have massive attitude problems Many probably far worse than that of heavier girls. Anyone who has the time and inclination to work out that much, not to mention the high maintenance vegan, gluten free diets these broads are on, has some serious self-absorption issues. Plus their sense of entitlement might not be reflected in their appearance but the way they're treated by many people will take its toll on their expectations of how they are to be treated. Of course these are only lessons you can learn yourself, first hand, from dating them. If you think you can find the one low maintenance fit girl, by all means... have fun. And just knowing a girl casually isn't really knowing will learn that lesson too. So don't tell me, "I know tons of skinny girls who are soo nice, they say hi to me sometimes!" Wow, that is nice, but you don't really know them or how they'd treat you in a relationship. To paraphrase the words of a wise man I once heard speak, sometimes it's better to go for a bigger girl because when you marry her and make her the mother of your children, you want to make sure she's more focused on you and the kids than herself.
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Why 125 lbs my little pudge Queen. By your own admission you a dumpy 138 lbs and that was after you took one of your huge craps.
Your entire posting history is about fat women and well shaped women being mean. Forget diets you slob, just get off the keyboard and exercise. How about a simple walk you fat angry f---.
Shut up you basement dwelling virgin. You couldn't get a 138 pound chick either. You probably couldn't even get a 150 pound girl.
This is where you tell me the following...
1. You are dating a model. 2. You have a black belt. 3. You drive a Porshe. 4. You make 6 figures a year (but the first two figures are 0) 5. You don't live in your mommy's basement.
Jupiter Cadence, why must you use a sock puppet to reply.
You're fat and bored, we get it. You are very angry way too obvious. So Jupiter A.K.A. Doggie, put down the extra helping and take a brisk walk outdoors.
Jupiter Cadence, why must you use a sock puppet to reply.
You're fat and bored, we get it. You are very angry way too obvious. So Jupiter A.K.A. Doggie, put down the extra helping and take a brisk walk outdoors.
What's funny is you think you can hurt me using ammunition I provided you I told you my weight because idgaf.
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The funny thing is that if one were to check our posting histories they would see the only time we've ever conversed is in the Trainwreck boards.
Wouldn't socks "follow" each other around more? Otherwise what's the point of making up a fake account and not having it agree with every post one makes?
To paraphrase the words of a wise man I once heard speak, sometimes it's better to go for a bigger girl because when you marry her and make her the mother of your children, you want to make sure she's more focused on you and the kids than herself.
Naw. The hostility and rage are a reaction to the kuntiness of the fat chick who is posting. It's not random or undue. Stop slinging around all the "fattitude" and a lot fewer guys will be hostile.
Guys don't look at a girl and say "oh she's 126 pounds. She's ugly!". The penis is the only scale we use. You either look good to us or you don't. So when a chick brings up pounds and skinny girls... she's revealing lots of negative things about her self such as her ignorance about male sexuality and her feminist indoctrination.
FYI Sophia Loren was 143 lbs in her prime. What a beauty. She could have been 160. Beautiful face and figure. Voluptuous no flab under her arms, no flabby butt.
The disturbing part is that this Jupiter girl is too far gone to learn anything from what I've written. But I guess that's to be expected from an Amy "Miss Piggy" Schumer lover.
Dude I know a number isn't a good indicator of whether or not a woman is attractive, but it's online. I could've posted pics of "types" I guess but that's a lot more time consuming, for both me and you, than just saying "125." What I meant was... if 120 is the ideal (and maybe it's not for you, but whatever--say Brooklyn Decker is the idea...) then why is every woman even slightly bigger the object of hostility and rage. Like seriously Amy is not that big...
Exactly. And when all the ones that 'look good' to you (because of the vastly unrealistic standard a neckbeard like you has set for himself) refuse to sleep with you, you are left with average looking women (who are of course beneath you, since you feel entitled to reach above the level your horrid personality dictates), and the fat-rage is born.
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Exactly. And when all the ones that 'look good' to you (because of the vastly unrealistic standard a neckbeard like you has set for himself) refuse to sleep with you, you are left with average looking women (who are of course beneath you, since you feel entitled to reach above the level your horrid personality dictates), and the fat-rage is born.
I don't understand it either, and I agree that I've basically only seen this behavior online (and in teenagers).
I don't agree with "fat hate" at all, but I can understand a dislike for people who are actually obese. Even though many people have medical conditions that make it difficult to lose weight, there are a lot of people who are in their situation simply due to laziness and gluttony. HOWEVER, Amy Schumer is not even close to being in that boat and there are tons of comments here about how fat and ugly she is. Her weight fluctuates and she is at some times "overweight," but never obese. And in this movie, I would say she would probably fit a "normal" BMI.
I maintain that these people who are calling her out on her looks wouldn't think twice if she were in their friend group or someone they work with. People are just not used to seeing people who don't look like Keira Knightley on the big screen. It's pathetic, but it's true.
Well, I just hate seeing ugly things and being fat is ugly in my opinion. I guess it's similar to women and short guys...i mean, why do women care so much that a man is shorter or taller than them?
Please copy and paste links to females being insulting to the point where they come off as angry about a man's shortness. The Tom Cruise forum might be a good place to start.
One, two or three won't cut it though. It has to be several, at least HALF as many comments as I could counter regarding Amy Schumer's weight, for this to be a relevant discussion.
Once you do this, I will address this "really good point." Until then, it isn't a point at all...just an attempt at one.
As it turns out, my original point wasn't that males are wrong for not being attracted to certain types of women, but that the hostility they regard these women with is baffling and unwarranted. If you can display proof that a comparable amount of women address short men with the same contempt, I'll concede.
Take all the time you need, btw. No deadline
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You probably should have researched this some, shouldn't you?
hahahah you provide one light-hearted quip about her ex husband who dumped her for another woman as proof that women react hostility in droves to short men just because they're short????? You're a joke. Come back when you're serious. Must be at least this tall to ride this.
Hint: I didn't say that jokes about men's height were never made, and I even said that in my original post that one, two or three wouldn't cut it. It must be a quantity that is comparable to the backlash we see against women's weight. You probably should've read some about the argument you wanted to participate in, shouldn't you?
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Frankly I don't have time to go through all these links but just based on their titles it seems to only prove that women are attracted to tall men and prefer height in a partner. Duh. I never denied that. I didn't need to research anything to find that. Do you have some mental disorder that makes it hard for you to remember everything at once? The point is that women don't come in droves to berate and be nasty towards men just because of their height the way they do towards women with weight.
Frankly I don't have time to go through all these links
Sad, you asked for "evidence", you got it, and rather than admit you were wrong you're pretending that you're too busy for it.
I never denied that.
Yes, you did.
Do you have some mental disorder that makes it hard for you to remember everything at once?
Nope, you've conveniently written it all down for me and posted how little you know.
The point is that women don't come in droves to berate and be nasty towards men just because of their height the way they do towards women with weight.
No one's denying that. However women certainly are selective about men regarding their height the way that others are selective about weight.
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Hitokiri, are you being deliberately obtuse or are you just stupid? None of your 'points' address the central issue. No one here is claiming that women don't illicit preference when choosing men. Your use of height as an example is just like the adage "gentlemen the prefer blondes". The point that Jupiter is making is that women that prefer tall men do not flock to the message boards of short actors to call them disgusting midgets. if you can provide links to numerous examples of this (you can't) then your argument can be pursued. Otherwise, you're just trying to justify your *beep* sociopathic behavior.
Do you similarly single out other traits you don't prefer and shame women who don't have those traits? If you prefer blondes, do you go to the message boards of brunette actresses and call them chestnut haired cows? If you like big boobs, do you shame and heckle skinny women with small racks? What is it about chubby women that has you so upset? What do they owe you?
Your use of height as an example is just like the adage "gentlemen the prefer blondes".
It wasn't my example, Mr. Obtuse. Go back and look at who made that comment initially.
The point that Jupiter is making is that women that prefer tall men do not flock to the message boards of short actors to call them disgusting midgets.
That is not the point at all that Jupiter is attempt to make. Jupiter denied that women prefer men who are taller and asked for evidence, which was provided and then denied it existed.
Otherwise, you're just trying to justify your *beep* sociopathic behavior.
I didn't realize I was talking to a doctor here! How nice of you to give your expert, professional, medical opinion.
Or... you're just making up things again and presenting them as fact in a poor attempt to discredit what was presented and twist to your own agenda.
What is it about chubby women that has you so upset? What do they owe you?
Wow Mr. Obtuse... generalizing again here aren't you? No one is allowed to make a comment about one actress without it somehow applying to an entire populous?
Anyway, go back and reread. You'll see where I've never made such assumptions. Reading is rather difficult for you though...
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Every one of your points is clearly falsified if you read above, so I won't bother refuting them. The fact that you fall back to the whole "you obviously can't read" chestnut when it's oh so obvious that I can in fact read is further proof of your complete lack of an actual argument.
Every one of your points is clearly falsified if you read above
Got it, you have no basis for your claims and when called out on them... you can't answer.
The fact that you fall back to the whole "you obviously can't read" chestnut when it's oh so obvious that I can in fact read is further proof of your complete lack of an actual argument.
You see words and misinterpret them... which is a failure to actually read what is in front of you.
Enjoy life as a moron.
You're the one who can't read... and resorts to ad hominems... and then pouts afterwards when you can't back up your baseless claims.
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Ummm Jupiter in fact did NOT try to deny that women prefer tally guys. I've conceded that point repeatedly. I'll say it clearly for you: women prefer tall men. Most men prefer fit women. My point is and has always been, a lack of attraction should not result in animosity, hostility, even rage against the subject (person) which is not providing arousal.
Sad, you asked for "evidence", you got it, and rather than admit you were wrong you're pretending that you're too busy for it.
Okay, fair enough. Good point. I did, however, read the headlines of those links and they were all just about how women are attracted to height. Totally irrelevant to my point.
I never denied that. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Yes, you did.
ummmm NO, I most certainly didn't. Please provide link or quote of me saying anything like that. I said, for the billionth time, that women do not bully, harass, berate and belittle men because of their height. The Tom Cruise boards aren't littered with rage and excrement directed at him and all of his fans because short men make women so angry--that doesn't happen.
The point is that women don't come in droves to berate and be nasty towards men just because of their height the way they do towards women with weight. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
No one's denying that. However women certainly are selective about men regarding their height the way that others are selective about weight.
Then you and I don't disagree. Yes, women are attracted to height. My question was why are men so angry when women are fat? That's it. That's all I wanted to know!
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Good point. I did, however, read the headlines of those links and they were all just about how women are attracted to height. Totally irrelevant to my point.
Actually no, it proves that you don't read and just gloss over things... and go off on tangents.
ummmm NO, I most certainly didn't. Please provide link or quote of me saying anything like that.
Here ya go: Please copy and paste links to females being insulting to the point where they come off as angry about a man's shortness. The Tom Cruise forum might be a good place to start.
Remember? I even started with Tom Cruise, and you pretended that the comment Nicole made didn't count.
My question was why are men so angry when women are fat? That's it
And I asked why you selected 125 as the cut-off? How is that the determining factor on fat vs obese?
Do you take into account things such as BMI?
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you pretended that the comment Nicole made didn't count.
A jab about his height after HE DUMPED HER FOR A YOUNGER WOMAN (named Katie Holmes,) does not count when what I requested was proof that women come in droves to his message boards to rant about how disgusting his height is. Unless all these men who rant about Schumer's appearance were at one point dumped by her, your Nicole Kidman quip is irrelevant to this discussion.
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why do women care so much that a man is shorter or taller than them?
I've never seen scores of women posting nasty things about Tom Cruise because he's short... care to post links? Again I've stated it before and I'll state it again: It's fine if you're not attracted to someone of a certain size (height or weight), but to literally hate them and be so nasty because of a physical trait is something I really only see males doing, and in regards to a woman's weight mostly.
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