What if they're trying to save it?
I agree with the other poster.
it's disappointing that you guys come up with that question that shows a very shallow perspective on your movie. I was expecting better.
you can't save humanity by keeping the worst of it which only this process allows.
i copy paste from a thread i made before seeing yours :
what is left of humanity after that "cleansing" process?
* a bunch of random uneducated kids that were lucky enough to end up at the end with selfless people
* a bunch of highly manipulative selfish individual that were smart enough to find their way through killing kids & pregnant women in the process without a blink.
it's not going to be heaven on earth after that, more likely hell with power struggles between those psychos with those remaining kids in the middle, victims, again.
there's no way anyone with values like love & selflessness & great leadership skills (great leader set example) would make it through.
There's no way this process can save humanity if you think deep about it, if you think deep about what is great about humanity & what should be saved of it in a let's save humanity process.
this process is twisted & sadistic & cannot save humanity. To believe otherwise is a confession that you guys are very ignorant of TRUE human nature & are totally lost in the consumerist paradigm.
maybe it would be good for your art that you study more of the reality of the universe & earth & humanity. burn your tv, burn your materialistic possession go experience life outside of the neocons globalisation box one year, two years, take as much time as required until you can think out of that conditioned box we live in.
before reading you it was a 7 or 8, now i've read your post, can't be more than a 5 because it's obviously not thought through all the way.