There seems to be a fundamental misunderstanding about this series
This is kind of a trip...I was reading another thread where someone was harping on these boring Chuck-based episodes, and someone else was bummed out about having to wait all the way until Season 5 to get more of Saul's present-day story revealed.
You guys know that this series is literally about the journey, right? This is the show...this is what its about.
You people squirming in your seats to get past all this boring stuff are missing what makes his show great, IMO. Its in the little things, the small moments, the intricacies of any given exchange, the interpersonal dynamics...this is the show lol And its awesome IMO!
If it seems boring to you, maybe you have a flawed understanding, a fundamental misconception of what this show is about...and if you can redefine it for yourself, you'd find it that much more enjoyable.
It'll have some intensity here and there, sure, but I wouldn't count on it building up to any kind of crashing crescendo of amazing badassery...nothing worth wishing you could hurry past this 'boring' stuff in order to see how the show is going to blow its load. The show is blowing its load right now...its great...and if its too slow for you, then it might not be as much 'boring' as it is 'not your kind of show'.
Just my $.02.