Wow... This movie...

I'm not exaggerating, but I am a lifelong horror movie fan, and have gotten to the point were I've seen damn near every horror movie worth seeing. This movie is one of the scariest I've ever seen. Several movies have great parts that make you remember them, ie. the demon over the shoulder in Insidious, the thing behind the door in The Conjuring, the footprints in Paranormal Activity, as well as the woman getting dragged out of bed.

However this movie is FULL of these moments, too many to name. The atmosphere was PERFECT. I genuinely had a bit of trouble sleeping afterwards. Hasn't happened in years! I'm fanboying out because I always go into horror movies expecting this level of enjoyment and am almost always let down.

Don't let the cheesy box art deter you, this is a winner.


It got you too, hey?  Lots of reactions like this here! Including mine. Pleasant surprise, to be actually scared by a scary movie.

It's very well done.

"Oh, dear. Mr. Dictionary seems to have deserted us again."


Yes, it was great!!


I'm the same way, movies don't "scare" me anymore but this one was as intense as it gets. I was on the edge of my seat jaw dropped for like the last hour of this. What a pleasant surprise.


Totally agree! I normally dislike movies with jump scares and reliance on supernatural everything; they usually have pathetic plots and are just lazy - lazily-written, lazily-acted, completely expecting the gullible three-quarters of the audience to pull the story along and fill in the plot holes themselves. This was refreshingly different; I wish more movies were like this, I might not be so pessimistic about the genre.


Yes! This was a totally unique film, truly scary. However, the ending, while good, left too many questions unanswered.

I really wish there were more answers as to what really happened back when the situation occurred, and maybe having her look into records, or why the homeless man was there.... something ....

Still a solid movie, just was a little disappointed at the end that there wasn't some sort of wrap up like an investigation giving us a little more info.

Overall, doesn't diminish the powerful effects of the movie.


I'd have to agree! I was not expecting this to be good at all but I'd heard a few people sing its praises and that's usually not a good sign because I'm always like "WTF you talking about?" but this was pretty great.

Like others I'm cynical when it comes to Horror movies these days, but this restored some faith that they can be good.

The film isn't flawless but to the people saying, just run etc, if she did there's no movie! My only big complaint was the ending. I'd have preferred more of an explanation.

Overall I'm pleasantly surprised.


Totally agree too. Everything good about a horror. Every scene was utilised properly to almost feel like it was all closing in on the main character. Less is more. Less numbers of actors gives room to explore a character in finer detail; in which case Last shift did.

Not too keen on Dread, Casadaga was ok (from memory) and avoided DiBlasi's other films. However, this was refreshing and a good example of how good a horror can be by attaining the most substance out of a minimal set.


I agree with all of you. The only reason this does not have a higher rating is because there is not enough blood guts and gore, not enough sex or just not enough outright action and over-the-top musical effects and jumps for its scares.

No this is a psychological thriller like I enjoy them...slightly offsetting, but not unrealistic enough that it couldn't happen as long as we accept the foundational premise of good and evil and life after death (whether in form of a ghost or whatever the cult leader and the girls were). Of course, we have to accept that level of suspension of disbelief to enjoy this or any other movie like Star Wars.

The cult leader seemed and acted like what one would act like...the images of the bloodied faces with, what, bags or sheets over their head...and then that one girl who broke in and shot herself in the head...that girl played "cult member nutjob" PERFECTLY. Her eyes, her tone of voice, her stare...and the way she just so casually blew herself in the head with a gun...and those eyes...just offputtingly tense.

This movie isn't perfect when it comes to some of the other acting performances but overall, it was pretty darn good and doesn't pander to slow people who have to have everything explained to them regarding "what's going on?"



Yeah, scary movies don't usually bother me too much, and I frequently watch movies of all kinds alone at night...but I'm starting to rethink this one. :/ There's about 35 minutes left, and I think I'll wait to finish it until it's nice and bright outside... And yes, I'm a dude, and not at all small (6' 1", 250 lbs) but this movie has got the chill factor practically down to an art form. And it just does NOT let up. At all.


Yeah, scary movies don't usually bother me too much, and I frequently watch movies of all kinds alone at night...but I'm starting to rethink this one. :/ There's about 35 minutes left, and I think I'll wait to finish it until it's nice and bright outside... And yes, I'm a dude, and not at all small (6' 1", 250 lbs) but this movie has got the chill factor practically down to an art form. And it just does NOT let up. At all.

Man up, Shirley! :)


That part when the man with the bag over his head slowly elevates at an angle...(*CHILLS*) Love it.

