MovieChat Forums > Bird Box (2018) Discussion > An Asian actor would never be given to b...

An Asian actor would never be given to be the love interest of the White woman.

Asian guy here. Couldn't enjoy this movie due to the blatant propaganda they are pushing. It's always has to be the black guy who is desirable to white women. Never an Asian man. Never. The villains are invariably always white men; the underdog, noble, brave, strong, intelligent, desirable to white women non-white guy is invariably the black guy. So he is the one paired up with the white woman.

They've been pushing this agenda for decades. We've had enough of this crap.

With the rise of China, and with that, the Asian market. I hope Netflix realises we don't want to see this crap. We want to see Asian men represented in a better light. Why can't the Asian guy be the one who is heroic and desirable to white women?


While no one will admit it, size does matter and Asian guys have tiny ding-dongs.


Good comeback. Lol 😂


Have you ever watched Kim's Convenience? They have an Asian man/white woman love story.


I can't tell if this is an intentional or accidental troll thread. OP's rant make little sense. How is it "always" the black guy desirable to women? It's a fact that the vast majority of the time interracial relationships depicted in film/television involves white male/non white female so it's highly odd that you're getting more upset about the far fewer instances of black men with white women. Odd that you're so focused on white women in general really.

As a person of Asian decent I'd be more concerned about the general lack of Asian men in Hollywood marketed as leading men & sex symbols desirable to women as there are virtually none. That's what I'd be more concerned about instead of your bizarre fixation on black men & white women even as you seem unconcerned about white men with Asian women. You sound like a wannabe cuckold for white supremacist males.


Name a few of these "white male/non white female" relationships you claim are the majority and appear in films that have been released in the last ten years.


I already did in another thread topic whining about black men & white women on Netflix if you're so interested. All of it was off the top of my head, not something i looked up & all of it was restricted to Netflix media.

The fact that white men/non white women has always been the most common instance of interracial relationships in Hollywood is not really even a matter of reasonable debate.


I'm upset specifically at the poor representation of Asian males in the media. We almost never get the white woman. Your logic doesn't fly. I agree the vast majority of times interracial relationships depicted on film/television involves WMXF, uh huh, white priviledge white men gets the ethnic women too. I get it. But my point is, when white women are paired up with non-white men, that non-white dude is invariable a man of dark persuasion, virtually never an Asian dude. Why am I harping on about white women? Euh, it's obvious, isn't it?

I am concerned about the poor representation of Asian men in western media. Why do white women matter? Because they (The powers that be, Jewish Hollywood, etc) may throw us a bone and show an Asian man kicking ass, but we never end up with the White woman, we're never depicted as being desirable to white women.

As for the WMAF pairing, yeah, it's sickening which is why I refuse to watch anything with this element in it.


Okay so as I thought. A pathetic wannabe white supremacist Asian cuckold or a trolling white supremacist pretending to be Asian. Thanks for clearing that up.


Why would you think I am either of those? Why can't I just be a normal Asian guy who wishes better media representation for Asian men?

I can't be advocating for white supremacy when I want to see Asian males paired up with White females. And I think it is sickening how WM are paired up with XF, and I don't want to see it.

White guy pretending to be Asian? Euh... I am Asian, but whatever, why can't you just take my post at face value, why do you have to think up silly conspiracies?


It's not much of a conspiracy when you're openly talking like a pathetic white supremacist wannabe.


Well, this is how some Asian people feel. Get real. Do you know any Asians? Do you think we all love this BMWF propaganda Jewish controlled media serves us? Wake up, your culture is disappearing around you.


Instead of complaining about it on the internet, you could go to school and do whatever steps necessary to become a filmmaker, then put your own stories out there involving Asian man/White woman couples and whatever else you can think of.

That's the only way anything gets done in this world. Don't cry about what someone else chooses to do.


Glenn and Maggie, 'The Walking Dead'.


Yeah, I liked it. Glenn could have been more macho for me, but it's a step in the right direction.


What a baby.



Oh, If you want to talk about reality here. Have you seen the crime statistics for which group commits the most crime? Yet this is not represented in the media. Name me a movie in recent memory where the villain is a person of dark persuasion? Euh, other than Demolition Man... my point is that 99% of the time, the status quo is WHITE MAN = Villian, GOODIE = Dark persuasion, Invisible group = Asians.

Many people of dark persuasion have negative traits and characteristics, but it would be churlish to highlight this, because there are people of dark persuasion who are good people.

Yes, many Asian men do conform to the negative stereotype about them, but then, many do not. I'm Asian, and I am assertive, masculine, etc.


I’d watch that. Wait, I did. The Lover (1992) and The Ginger Tree (1989). Yeah not recent stuff but I thought the love stories in both were compelling. There are signs things are shifting. K-pop stars have tons of western teen fans. The ladies seem to like the lead guy in Crazy Rich Asians too. Have hope!


I'd say that Hollywood is pretty racist towards Asians. More so than black peeps - and I suspect it's because they are the more vocal minority. Asians in general don't talk much about racism - for black people it's a common topic of discussion. One could argue it's because Asians don't experience as much racism as black people - but in hollywood, I'd argue that Asians get discriminated against by far more than black peeps. Whenever I see one of those 'post-apacolypse' films, there's a bunch of white and black peeps - seldom asians. I'm like - WTF happened to Asians? And hell - middle-eastern Asians get discriminated even more so - b/c even when they do put an Asian to fit the diversity gap hole - middle-eastern peeps are nowhere to be seen. It's hilarious because India and China make up half of the world's population - but Hollywood is an American entity - it's the like the world's epicenter of racism, so it's not really surprising.

Having said that, I see more and more films where they do feature Chinese just to appeal to the Chinese audience - you'd think that's great, but those roles are usually so minor that it becomes clear from the onset that it's nothing more but a way to pander to the Chinese money.


As an Asian dude, I do agree that Asians experience fewer instances of racism. I was telling a friend recently I don't even recall the last time I was called a ch*nk.
