Slow Horses or this?

So far I prefer SH. A little comedy mixed in with the overall drama.


Slow Horses is very entertaining thanks to Oldman Gary's wise cracks and farts and Kirsten Scott Thomas' class, but it is so meaningless and vapid.

The Agency is pretty damn clever and complicated. I am glad it has been renewed for at least a second season. The plots are think and the writing sharp and clever.

The other good political/semi-spy show is The Diplomat.


The difference is "Slow Horses" (Juvenile, not in a bad way) or "The Agency" ( Adult, in a good way). Depends on what you are in the mood for, or how deep and complex you want to do.


I like them both, but find I’m more inclined to be in the mood for SH over The Agency.


Slooooow Horses, but even better than both of them is The Bureau, the original that this is based on.


Nowhere to watch it now though. I think it is in French if I am not mistake.

I've always liked foreign French movies and in fact I just finished one. I rented Woody Allen's Coup de Chance which is really good.

If I see anywhere I can stream "The Bureau" I will have to check it out. I seriously doubt it can be better that this new American version, "The Agency", which I am awed by.


The Bureau tops everything. Not many have seen the original. I’m assuming you have. How do you compare the two? To me, The Agency is lagging? What do you think of Kassovitz vs. Fassbender?


So far The Bureau is tighter and makes more sense.

Both the guys act well, but I prefer Nadia from the original. I don't see the chemisty with Sami. I also slightly prefer the original Henry with that raincoat and perpetual dour expression.

Robert from Downton certainly seems to be an interesting twist so maybe it will start diverging a lot with his story.

I was surprised that they repeated the story about the boots. Of course new boots feel different than boots you've broken in! How could anyone miss that?

But we'll keep watching and see what they Clooney & co. have come up with.


The Bureau makes way more sense. Has way more style. Better writing.

Nadia was the central figure and much of the story revolved around her and Malotru. She had chemistry with Malotru. There is no chemistry with Samia and Martian. Yes, Henry played by Darroussin was perfect but I do like Wright. Henry the actor is good in everything - all of his French movies, I particularly like Red Lights. And, if the season goes forward, he has a huge story that takes place in S3. I also like the French version’s casting of the women.

They are repeating every detail in every plot just different names. It didn’t surprise me about the boots because it is essential to the plot.

I don’t think Fassbender is good in this. In other things, yes. But his voice is flat and he is constantly in instruction mode. And he looks awful. Malotru was the most proficient and magnificent spy. He just did it all without you knowing what he was doing. I know this series gets a second season. People do not have access to the original because this one is out. So it will not be seen. Clooney is probably thinking that most won’t see the original and it is a gift to those who will never see it.
