MovieChat Forums > A Million Ways to Die in the West (2014) Discussion > Easily one of the worst comedies I've ev...

Easily one of the worst comedies I've ever seen.

I went into this expecting something at least on-par with Ted (while not being a cinematic masterpiece, it's plot made sense and there were a few laughs throughout). Instead I left wishing I could get my money back. I refuse to walk out of movies; I believe that I can't truly criticize something if I haven't seen it all the way through, but this was a struggle. I'm sure I'll get bashed for 'not getting the humor' and I realize I'm not 17 anymore, but I can't understand how anyone who knows what good movies are can think this is even remotely funny. I loved the premise, but the movie itself just didn't do it for me. I can laugh at the occasional fart joke, but these were terrible. If you're going to make a two-hour poop joke, at least have the decency to write a plot that makes sense. This felt like it was a bunch of jokes that his friends assured him were funny with no one but himself to critique it, then he slapped them all into a movie with a loose plot that he hoped would pass for a movie.


i totally agree ,this type of comedies with no plot and poop jokes suck ,Go watch The big lebwaski man classic comedy




I'm sure I'll get bashed for 'not getting the humor' and I realize I'm not 17 anymore . . .
There's a strange but well-known phenomenon at play here, and it really has very little to do with age: animated characters and live-action characters are two VERY different animals. Animated characters can get away with a h-ll of a lot more (situationally and verbally) than live actors can. Many writers/creators/etc. of animated shows forget this, and when they branch out into movies, write like they're writing an episode of their animated show (or book - this is why nobody seems to be able to do justice to Frank Miller's work). Although it's brilliant (or used to be) in the animation world, it just doesn't work in the live-action world. Imagine someone trying to do a live-action Homer Simpson. It would probably leave the audience with their mouths hanging open, demanding refunds.


Totally agree. One of the worst movies I have seen. So bad I didn't even watch it all.


I found this movie to be painfully UNfunny. And I enjoy Macfarlane's sense of humor. This movie was just a huge miss.



I sell butane and potato accessories.


If you're going to make a two-hour poop joke, at least have the decency to write a plot that makes sense.

Have you considered that maybe you're too young for this movie? Sorry if it wasn't epic and quotable enough for you.

Listen to Iced Earth and play Doom


You say you aren't 17 anymore but Ted was just as silly and stupid and the plot was just as loose. It was low brow toilet bowl humor and this was no different. The difference is "a talking cartoon bear" made it seem funnier than it actually was. I can guarantee you that if you replaced Ted with an actual person named Ted, people would have bashed it relentlessly. And vice versa. If you had replaced Seth the wuss in the movie with a cgi something or rather it probably would have been "funnier". That's how a lot of people's minds work.
