Did anyone cry at the end?😭

how did you feel as the saga ended (Rey burying the lightsabres and then lied to the old woman as she looked upon the ghosts of Luke/Leia) and you were walking out of the cinema (not knowing that would be the last time you'd go to the cinema in a long time) how did it feel knowing thats it?

Me.. I think I was abit 'wow.. thats it huh..' idk what i was expecting..maybe Rey using the force to go back in time to the events of the OT (imagine if JJ had ended with that one lol)


I cried tears of relief that the whole dreadful Disney saga was over.


I cried because they wasted millions of taxpayer dollars to rape a beloved franchise.


No, if anything I was infuriated that Rey ended up with Luke’s lightsaber, ship, home and last name and didn’t earn any of them
