Rank All Live-Action Star Wars Theatrical Releases

Mine is here)
1) Empire Strikes Back
2) A New Hope
3) The Last Jedi
4) Revenge of the Sith
5) Rogue One
6) Return of the Jedi
7) The Force Awakens
8) Rise of Skywalker
9) Solo
10) Attack of the Clones
11) Phantom Menace


1) Empire Strikes Back
2) A New Hope
3) Return of the Jedi
4) The Force Awakens
5) Rogue One
6) Solo
7) Rise of Skywalker
8)The Revenge of the Sith
9) Attack of the Clones
10) Phantom Menace


1. The Empire Strikes Back
2. A New Hope
3. Attack of the Clones
4. Rogue One
5. The Force Awakens
6. Return of the Jedi
7. The Rise of Skywalker
8. The Last Jedi
9. Revenge of the Sith
10. The Phantom Menace
11. Solo


01) Empire Strikes Back
02) A New Hope
03) Revenge Of The Sith
04) Return Of The Jedi
05) The Mandalorian

06) Attack Of The Clones
07) The Phantom Menace

08) The Holiday Special
09) The Last Jedi
10) Solo
11) Rogue One
12) The Rise Of Skywalker
13) The Force Awakens


Star Wars - tightest script, most original, delivers the complete package in one go
Empire Strikes Back - the expansion of the Force and the mysticism; it pushes Star Wars into stranger, darker, more somber territory and allows the heroes to lose, which is gutsy
Return of the Jedi - has its flaws, but the final confrontation between Luke and Vader is magic and the perfect conclusion.
The Force Awakens - brain off, tonnes of fun
The Last Jedi - I liked the ambition, but not the execution.
Rogue One - Mostly bored, but I like the droid
The Rise of Skywalker - High highs and low lows
Revenge of the Sith - Operatic, but idiotic
The Phantom Menace - This one was more fun than AotC, even if it did have more Jar-Jar and the goofball kid.
Attack of the Clones - Turns out I'll take goofball kid over whiny teenager

I haven't seen Solo. I feel like it would probably wind up somewhere around TFA, TLJ, and R1, just because I think it'd be forgettable but popcorny.



Really they may as well be equal, OT is goat.


Not a big fan of the prequels at all.

No other SW films exist.


Star Wars (1977)

The rest are pointless


Even empire and Jedi?


Empire's a good movie and all, but not needed. The story is over at the end of Star Wars.


Fate of Darth Vader was kind of anticlimactic in the end of Star Wars, don't you think?


I figured it was implying evil will always be out there, sort of like the end of Halloween


1. The Empire Strikes Back
2. A New Hope
3. Revenge of the Sith
4. Return of The Jedi (Luke, Vader, Emperor confrontation saves this film)
5. Attack of the Clones
6. The Phantom Menace

*Di$ney Fanfiction Trash*

1. Rogue One
2. Solo
3. The Last Jedi
4. The Rise of Skywalker

5. The Farce Awakens (Took a steaming dump on the OT, poorly rehashed it & killed any real potential the Di$ney trilogy had from the jump. Most were just too blind to see it until it was too late)


Seriously for the life of me I have no idea what anyone ever say in TFA, it was a bland, soulless rehash of ANH. The characters weren't likable, the dialogue was cringeworthy, there was no buildup, tension or suspense and our main protagonist is a Mary Sue. The only redeeming quality was that the CGI wasn't as obvious as the prequels but still the special effects weren't anything praiseworthy.


1) Empire Strikes Back
2) A New Hope
3) Return of the Jedi
4) Revenge of the Sith
5) Attack of the Clones
6) Phantom Menace
7) The Force Awakens
8) Rogue One
9) Rise of Skywalker
10) Solo
11) The Last Jedi

The last 5 in my list, I'm not even sure what order to put them in. I just know that TLJ is last because I really didn't enjoy it at all, it was terrible. But I haven't watched them enough to know what order to put them in, I've only seen them all once and I haven't had the desire to watch them again. None of them really left a lasting impression on me. To be honest though, this could change, when the prequels released I wasn't a fan either, but I adore them now.
