The Last Jedi was way better

The Last Jedi was way better than this crap.

As controversial as it was, The Last Jedi tried something different. It consolidated Kylo Ren as a great villain and Rey was clear on who she was and what she must do. Plus, Finn finally learned to sacrifice himself for others. And Poe learned patience and obedience.

But this film try to shoehorn things to please fans. The whole “Rey is really special and a grandaughter of Palpatine” was ridiculous. It was better to leave her as a daughter of nobodies.

No explanation as to how the Emperor is back.

And, of course, the film played it too safe. At least with The Last Jedi you had the death of Luke. It was a very dramatic and useful death. But in this one, everyone survives, except for Leia. This death also was just “meh.”

And Rey taking the Skywalker name? C’mon!

TROS was a lazy effort with too much fan service.

The Last Jedi is the best of the new trilogy.


I will give them credit for not taking the Abrams approach of recycling storylines and drenching everything in nostalgia.

That said, what they did do just wasn't good.


Finn is still a coward in TLJ
Rey is still a mary sue
Ren still sucks ass
The new girl is annoying
Luke's character is ruined
Ackbar doesn't get a proper sendoff(The purple haired lady does)

Crap against mega crap


I concur. It was just a polished turd.


what's up with ackbar love?


Hes iconic he warned us of the traps


Luke was already ruined in TFA. The writing was already on the wall for those of us who weren't in denial about how much of steaming pile of diarrhea TFA was .


Give it up dude - no-one is going to like tlj, ever.


I love TLJ.


TLJ is utter shit, and nothing will change that.


You're comparing one stool sample to another. In the end, it's irrelevant as they're both pieces of shit.


And WHAT did that piece of shit do that was "so different"? I see countless fanboys of that movie (I can't believe that film has a cult following, but it apparently does) and they ALL use that "it was different" excuse and not one of them ever elaborates. It looked like a knock-off of Empire. What was so "different" about it?


I’ll give you one (I am not going to go into it all).

Kylo Ren tricking and killing Snokes was different. He became the Supreme Leader. That is something that Vader could not do. It was a nice twist and consolidated him as a villain.


There may have been one or two scenes like this that were OK, but the rest was shit.

I honestly believe that anyone defending The Last Jedi is deliberately trolling the SW community (either that or a complete retard) and I encourage all to ignore these posts from now on as I will.


Or you can be an adult and accept that people have different opinions.


If your posting on TROS board that TLJ was better your obviously out for a reaction.


The first half of the film felt like they were going to finally reveal Poe and Finn as a couple, but then midway their bickering and flirty relationship seems undone and the way they interact changes a bit. Then they throw in a [black] woman to give to Finn and erase his relationship with Rose (and Poe).

Why give Keri Russell so little to do? Why cast a huge star like her and only show her eyes once and keep her masked for the rest?

I hated the pandering to the fans by cutting Rose down significantly and giving her very few scenes because bigots can't handle an Asian girl on their screen. I did not like her, but that was fucked up for the actress who did nothing wrong. Didn't they do the same thing to Jar Jar Binks in the prequels? It is fucked up.

The scene when Rey and Kylo kiss was so cringe that my entire theaters started to laugh, and the woman behind me said "Adam Driver deserves better than this! I cant believe he agreed to this" and the man next to me looked at his son and said "this is so bad". The entire theater reacted to that scene. Kylo dying right after they kiss was ridiculous. This was like Romeo and Juliet in space.

I loved the usage of Lando, it felt appropriate, and my theater clapped when he showed up.

Leia choosing Poe to take over for her was a bit ridiculous to me. This is a character that was originally supposed to die within the first few minutes of The Force Awakens, but now he is given one of the most important roles in the film? Please.

They hardly gave Finn anything to do in this one. He seemed to just be standing around watching everything happen while Poe now in General and Rey is... Rey.

There were two movies here. A Rey and Kylo movie that needed about 40 more minutes of footage to tie it together. Scenes like Leia explaining how she trained to be a Jedi for a while, Rey continuously lapsing into darker and darker decisions in a desperate attempt to do the right thing, and Kylo emoting about why exactly he was obsessed with granddaddy, and how that wasn't working out for him. Then there was a buddy spaceguy movie, where Finn and Poe run around gathering macguffins to stop the first order. Finn finds someone he actually has a shot with, Poe learns what it means to not just lead, but inspire. At the climax, it's not just about the love between Finn and Poe, but the friends we made along the way, that overthrow the first order.

Instead, I got a movie that had both of those movies, plus a desperate unraveling of as much of TLJ as they could manage, all squeezed into it. It was overloaded, messy, and had a distinct Disney smugness about it that I honestly could not abide. The scene with the emperor procedurally explaining how Rey was going to kill him in anger and become sith empress, was Disney saying, "look, we can also do the good part of return of the Jedi, this star wars thing is easy" with a nod and a wink.


Sorry! No way..The last Jedi was a shame in the Star Wars universe.
