Reviews are coming in and most are saying its an epic conclusion

Some say it bypassed TLJ which im relieved of , i had a feeling it would turn out good



Yeh most gave bad reviews for TLJ and Solo , how weird



HAHAHA! Lovely and extremely appropriate V response, Sivagish! I know that scene in particular.


I dont get it , so potentially we have a good star wars movie but yet its almist like you dont want it to be good ? Bizzare


I hope it's good. That would be much better than it being another terrible film. But at the same time, it's hard not to feel like no matter how good it is it can't erase TLJ from existence. Also, I'm not a big fan of TFA and think it's a pretty lackluster movie, so even if TROS is great, there will still be the sense that Disney should just de-canonize the entire trilogy and forget it ever happened.


Here's my favourite review:-

Star Wars fan and founder of Legion of Leia Jenna Busch said: “I am absolutely blown away! I’ve never been so satisfied by a film. This is the end of an era and a franchise that has defined my life and this did it justice in a way I didn’t imagine it could. “

😂 How good is that?!!



From the reactions that I've seen so far, it sounds like JJ tried to make two movies in one. Quite a few have been saying that it's an overstuffed plot with a whole lot of shit going on.

One said this: "It felt like an apology for The Last Jedi in some ways, and a sequel to The Force Awakens in many." That makes me feel like JJ tried to make what he thought should be the proper sequel to TFA, and then in the same movie tried to make the sequel to that sequel.


It's pretty clear that he shoved his version of 8 into the first half of this film.


Pro critics also loved TLJ. I have little faith in them.


It will be epic most people will love it and it will make a ton of money. Only the trolls that hate Disney will complain and make fake reviews before the see it but they will see it most are just all talk.


It will be epic most people will love it and it will make a ton of money. Only the trolls that hate Disney will complain and make fake reviews before the see it but they will see it most are just all talk.

