MovieChat Forums > Get on Up (2014) Discussion > Will win an Oscar just because its about...

Will win an Oscar just because its about black people

Everyone is flocking to makes these movies since they are highly rated otherwise you are a racist if you dont like it. I cannot even name one movie about slavery or segregation that had a bad rating. This is because nobody wants to give it negative marks and be depicted as a racist.


Why don't you reveal yourself...Sarah Palin! Or are you Rush Limbaugh? Or maybe Ted Cruz. Whoever you are, you're an idiot.


It's just a little bit true . I'm not saying none of the movies are good. Amistad is a masterpiece and A Time to Kill is thoroughly enjoyable. But 12YaS was an exploitation flick disguised as high art and 42 was the worst, most inaccurate sport's biopic I have ever seen.

Regardless I really hope this is awesome because James Brown is God.


My point exactly. The other poster automatically refers to me as a Republican even though I am a pretty liberal democrat with friends of all races. I was just pointing out a fact. 42 honestly wasnt a good movie. Hollywood is just trying to cash in on slavery and segregation.


42 only has a 62 on Metacritic, and there were some critics who didn't like 12YaS, and I don't remember any of them being called racist. In fact, I can't remember a critic was called racist just for disliking a movie that happened to involve segregation or slavery. If critics are lying about enjoying certain movies out of fear, then I think they are being paranoid.


The Butler didn't get amazing reviews. Neither did Mandela. Neither did 42. Neither did Soul Plane. Pride, Coach Carter, Glory Road. Quit being stupid.


You're a racist! Those movies were all outstanding!


12 Years a Slave was an eplotation flick?? Are you kidding me. That movie was a true story about the severe hardships of slavery.. From the veiwpoint of a man who would later go on to become one of its biggest Abolishionists.. Grant it might have been extremely hard to watch at times.. But it was nonetheless very accurate. If all you saw was an explotation flick, then maybe you need to re-watch it.


I've heard people say it was an exploitation film several times. Boggles the mind.


The film had its merits but it was exploitative no less. There wasn't enough in the script to get the job done forcing McQueen to drive his point home with graphic violence. exploitation isn't always a bad thing, but to say there is none of it in 12YaS is, to me, extremely naive.

Join the jerks!


united sates slavery was graphically why not depict it.

do you have these same feelings about Schindler's List.


No. Schindler's Lost didn't really have very many graphic scenes to begin with but the graphic violence isn't what I too issue with. Some of my favorite flicks have graphic violence. It is how the violence was used. It was used to evoke emotions because the script was too weak on its own. Slave violence is nothing new. Go back and watch Amistad. Neither is exploitative filmmaking. And 12YaS utilizes both.

Join the jerks!


You must be white.


Any film told about Blacks not told from a white person's perspective or doesn't feature a white Savior is said to exploit white guilt.



Whoa,you REALLY got that backwards----DJANGO UNCHAINED was FAR more exploitative than 12 YEARS A SLAVE,which actually dealt with the realities of slavery FAR more than DJANGO--plus it was based on a true story. Hell,that's all DJANGO was WAS an exploitation film anyway---it didn't really examine slavery in any real shape or form. Obviously you don't know the difference bwt an exploitation film and a film that really seeks to explore real issues. Find out said difference,please.

Also, the OP is an idiot and dosen't know what the hell they're talking about,as usual. Every black film made is not even trying to go for the Oscar anyway.


It's completely true.

The Butler....12 Years A Slave. Always high honors. It doesn't matter how bad they are, the politically correct bureaucrats love it to death.


Oh drop that s * * t on "The Butler". That movie got no major awards other than a pitiful BAFTA and Critics Choice nom for Oprah and rightfully so because it was melodramatic schlock with a good cast.


Keep in mind that it was written, produced, directed, and casted by the white liberal democrat slavemasters.

Also keep in mind that blacks do not support film in general, let alone black film. They make up less than 1% of ticket sales, even to black films. But when it comes AWARD time, they huddle around that TV on for sure, .....and are more than ready to call everyone a racist, while begging the white liberal democrat slavemasters for a statue.



Mrs Palin? Not you again!



Boy,are you ignorant! Black people make up 25% of the moviegoing market---we go out and support films just like anybody else. As a black filmgoer and film lover, I will definitely support and have supported any black indie films as well as Hollywood films make by black director/producers if they're good. And, no all black films do not win Oscars---neither 42 and or THE BUTLER won---honestly, do your research---I hate when people of any color makes stupid,ignorant claims about anything black people do without the evidence to back it up. "White democrat slavemasters"---sorry,dear, that should be "white Republican wanna-turn-the-clock-back-to-the-1950's" Tea Party right-wing psycho control freaks.


Black people make up 25% of the moviegoing market

LOL! I just love your fantasy world stats.

But keep huddling around that TV, boy.


They make up less than 1% of ticket sales, even to black films.
Do white people even know facts, or do they make them up? Why are whites such liars? Latinos are 26%. African-Americans are 13%. Women are 50%. Black people opened almost every black led film at #1 based on their sales alone. Crackers are so stupid.


Latinos don't purchase tickets to black film, and barely any blacks do, genius.

Your fantasy world stats are hilarious, boy.


Was that you peeking in my window last April when I was watching the Academy awards?


James Brown is an extremely important American figure.. If you don't like him simply because he's black, that is your problem.


Also, take a look at Oscar winners in the past ten years. If you're going to draw a dumb, covertly racist conclusion based on that it's that it WON'T win an Oscar because it's about black people.


The people who award these movies ARE the racists.


Not true. A poorly-written and executed film is simply a BAD FILM.

It's typical of black-centered movies to receive poor IMDB reviews because of trolling.

12 Years a Slave is an exception. It's a good film with a stellar cast based on a real person. That's why it succeeded.


cry more whitey


Eh, a good movie is a good movie, and a bad movie is a bad movie. That's all I'm going to say about that.


Can you get more original material to troll with?

I am the Alpha and the Omoxus. The Omoxus and the Omega
