MovieChat Forums > The Magnificent Seven (2016) Discussion > Denzel and Hollywood colorblind?

Denzel and Hollywood colorblind?

Good movie but I was frustrated at how the story takes place in the 1800's and nobody gives attention to Denzel being a Black man, Nobody, unreal. They mention the Mexican and the Native American, but not the Black man, I guess Denzel has transcended above and beyond his Blackness.


Last time I checked, this was a work of fiction and not real life.

"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf


I seem to remember the very first town they went into people noticed.

After that it was mostly dealing with people he already knew, till he got to the town where he promptly killed a bunch of Blackwater. I mean Pinkertons. I mean whatever they were mercenaries. After his group goes through them like butter, I doubt anyone's gonna be stupid enough to say anything cross to him.



"In reality", Bass Reeves, an African-American lawman/marshal from the era says "hello". :-/

Seems Sam Chisolm was modeled after him.


And I would say "Goodbye Bass!" I find it amusing how so many are using this guy to support some claim of diversity and equal opportunity in the Old West during the 1800s.

I hate to bust your bubble folks, but Reeves was just more or less a buffalo solder and that's all. He was hired by a U.S. marshal because he could speak the Indian language, and they used him--and other black men as well--to facilitate the genocide of Native Americans during the 19th century. To try and compare him to this Chisom character that Denzel played is stupid.


Yes, Bass Reeves, yes.

Wait was this film set in Indian Territory?

I must have missed that part of the story.


"If police officers kill big black men TODAY, for no reason for over minor traffic violations" - keep spreading the lies and promoting the race war.


keep spreading the lies and promoting the race war.

how am I lying when this is all I see in the news, from Tulsa to NCarolina, to Missouri to FL.....


You are seeing individual cases which in no way represent a trend. You are just eating what the media is feeding you. Imagine if they showed plane crashes all would start thinking that is actually a current world problem. You should be concerned much more with what they are not showing you. Millions of black people have been arrested in the last years without any sort of problem. But you don't care about that. You care about the one that got shot. And you don't look at the fact that white people get shot to...much more than blacks. But don't look at what you don't see.


promote THE race war... that is/was funny

reply is true. The fact that so many people believe that black people are purposefully targeted by police officers is retarded. When looking at all these cases that you believe prove your point, you never notice that the vast majority of them have something in common. The suspects are not following legitimate orders. And the media only shows you the cases where black people get shot. A lot of white people get shot because they don't follow police orders as well. Also, hundreds of thousands of black people get arrested every year without any sort of difficulties because they follow orders.
I know it's hard for you to grasp, but maybe one day you'll get there.


It seems you're one of those people who have convinced themselves that the many examples of African Americans whom the police used excessive force against, had it coming because they didn't follow, as you put it, legitimate orders! In other words, it's their own fault they got killed!

Most of the cases that have come to the spotlight in recent years involve African Americans being shot to death or killed otherwise by the police, or even vigilantes like Zimmerman, not just just being harassed or arrested. That's why it's getting so much attention.

You claim that, " A lot of white people get shot because they don't follow police orders as well. Also, hundreds of thousands of black people get arrested every year without any sort of difficulties because they follow orders." How about you post the numbers and sources of those numbers to prove your claim? I'm not holding my breath.

It's been a well known fact for many years that the police in the U.S. does target African Americans for things like stop and frisk, or just stopping them in general for questioning. One of the best examples is the case Philando Castile Minnesota, where his girlfriend had the foresight to take a video of the whole horrific event. Many White people walk around with assault rifles in public places, and they don't seem to be ever harassed by law enforcement, yet a black man just tries to reach out for his drivers licenses to show, and he gets shot!


You should be the one that posts number and sources. Because if you look with unbiased eyes at the statistics you have to try very hard to make it about race.
Misinterpreting statistics is how this mess got started in the first place. The fact remains that you are not more likely to get shot by the police if you are black.
Also, this African American *beep* has got to stop. Whites are not called European American so the fact that you call blacks African American even though they were born for generations in America is just PC *beep*
"t's been a well known fact for many years that the police in the U.S. does target African Americans for things like stop and frisk, or just stopping them in general for questioning." - and you take offense at that why exactly? When you have a certain group that represents 13% of the population committing 50% of violent crimes including murder you want that not to factor into how the police look at suspects? Really?
Making excuses for thugs who make bad decisions in life is not going to improve race relations. Philando Castile didn't deserve to die, but please don't make a martyr out of him. It wasn't even a white officer that shot him. But again...if you are not willing to look at how some people get themselves into this situation and only see black vs white or black vs police than you have some nice biased glasses over your eyes that make everything seem racist.
Again...whites get shot more than blacks...fact. Blacks are involved in more violent crimes than whites...fact.
You want these facts to not play any weight in the discussion because it makes it clear that there is an exaggeration in the claims of racism within the police force. You want the police to be racist so you can excuse the poor behavior of so many blacks. Do not even get me started on the anti-police culture within black communities.


You claim that, " A lot of white people get shot because they don't follow police orders as well. Also, hundreds of thousands of black people get arrested every year without any sort of difficulties because they follow orders." How about you post the numbers and sources of those numbers to prove your claim? I'm not holding my breath.

That you would even doubt that shows how out of touch you are. You can check the FBI crime statistics site yourself if you're genuinely interested and not trolling.


Maybe you should check the FBI statistics. 2015 statistics : 495 whites shot by police, 258 blacks shot by police.
If you factor in the fact that given the high levels of criminality in black communities (members from this community account for 50% of violent crime) you will see that blacks are actually underrepresented. You cannot expect to have a representation in police shootings proportional to the population percentage when your group does half of the violent crime in the country. This is reality we are talking about.
If you expect the representation in police shootings to be proportional to the population percentage than would it be okay for me to expect that blacks(#NotAll) should commit crime also proportional to their population percentage?
It would only be unfair if blacks committed the same amount of violent crime per capita as whites. As long as they are 5 times more likely to commit murders, the number of police shootings should not come as a surprise to anybody.
Most police shooting are justified anyway, black or white.


I was responding to the other guy. 


5 times?

My understanding (from your own words) is that half the violent crime convictions (important distinction) are of black people.

Black people make up about 20% of the population. So their over representation is HALF what you say it is, and closer to 2.5x.

What is a legal fact is where criminality is more prevalent in a particular ethnic group, and the ethnic group is less able to defend themselves against criminal conviction (for financial or other reasons), they are more likely to be convicted of the same crime as someone from another ethnic group.

Add to this the third strike rule which targets black offender as they have a higher rate of recidivism than white offenders and your 5x becomes particularly out of wack.

In my own country a study showed the indigenous were 10% more likely at every stage of the legal process to be arrested, charged, and convicted for the same crime committed by someone of European ethnicity), and they were also more likely to plead guilty. These facts alone do not make a person sent to jail innocent, but it definitely makes them a victim of racism.

I see no reason why this would not be true for black people in the United States. First being more likely to be targeted based on their ehtnicity, then less likely to afford an effective legal defense, then more likely to plead guilty, then more likely to have a criminal history used against them at sentencing.

This 2.5x over representation might end up being less than 2x were these factors taken into account. And that is all before we address WHY black people are more likely to be offenders in the first place. Which you subscribe to their just being naturally bad people, from an unhealthy society which you claim is not a reflection of a lengthy history of abuse, and marginalization... Even going so far as to defend slavery itself.


Black people make up 13% of the population which makes the fact that they commit half of the violent crime in the US even worse. The over representation is off the charts.

Maybe said ethnic groups should just stop committing crime...just saying. Stop making excuses.

"Add to this the third strike rule which targets black offender as they have a higher rate of recidivism than white offenders" - so you are basically admitting that on average black people are more criminal than white people. The third strike rule targets serial offenders, not black people. You put the carriage before the horses there. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. We are talking about people who break the law here. Third time offenders are not really nice people.

" it definitely makes them a victim of racism."- no, it doesn't. Please PLEASE try to at least feign a pinch of accountability towards these ethnic groups. All you are doing is finding excuses.

"Which you subscribe to their just being naturally bad people" - no. Stop projecting. And stop using original sin as an excuse for a bad culture. Black people are not naturally bad people as you can clearly see by the thousands of examples of successful blacks.
Who the *beep* is defending slavery? Just get the *beep* out. Really and honestly! You are not intellectually endowed to have this conversation.


"so you are basically admitting that on average black people are more criminal than white people. The third strike rule targets serial offenders, not black people. You put the carriage before the horses there. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. We are talking about people who break the law here. Third time offenders are not really nice people. "

It is the type of crime. And the chance of it happening again.

It isn't justice to punish someone three times as much for the same crime, when they have already been punished for the crimes they committed.

If recidivism is higher in black people a policy of punishing recidivism targets black people. That is simple f$%$# logic.

"no, it doesn't. Please PLEASE try to at least feign a pinch of accountability towards these ethnic groups. All you are doing is finding excuses.

"If you understood anything I said, or could conjure an original thought you would see it.

"Who the *beep* is defending slavery? Just get the *beep* out. Really and honestly! You are not intellectually endowed to have this conversation." You did, you muppet, when you admonished American slavery, because it wasn't (you claimed) as bad as Arab slavery.

I was actually resisting pointing out what a clearly stupid person you were, until I read your last stupid paragraph.

You are a thicko racist.


"It isn't justice to punish someone three times as much for the same crime, when they have already been punished for the crimes they committed."- who are you to decide what is and what is not justice. A person who keeps on committing crime is a danger to society and to the members of that society. Stop making excuses for criminal behavior. That is all you are doing.
If you can't understand why the law is and should be more punitive on serial offenders I am afraid reality is not a good place for you to be in.
Labeling people who do not agree with your opinions as racist just proves how prepared to have discussions on this subject you are.
You use different standards for blacks and for whites. That makes you a racist. It is that simple. When you want to put in laws that discriminate between people based on color that makes you a racist. That is what you have been claiming all along. "Poor black people don't know any better so the laws should be different for them." A clear case of bigotry of low expectations.
I have to apologize for holding blacks to the same standards of everybody else. Apparently that is racist now.
My God...people like you are too thick to even understand how *beep* racist you actually are.
You are probably white too suffering from a whole lot of white guilt.
Let people fail and let people pay for their failures. Coddling will not help them. It will only promote the victim mentality in their brains.


I've already detailed why you are dumb, and obviously a racist. You can't excuse slavery, by comparing it with other slavery. To try makes you an apparent idiot.

Your argument building is ridiculous and laughable, you've been destroyed in the other sub thread, and I guess that's why you never returned, and your retorts are childish.

There's very little of merit to you.


No, you haven't. You just like to label people who do not agree with you as that because you think you are fighting the good cause and protecting minorities when in fact you are the one who considers them so fragile as to not function as everybody else functions. You believe them to be weak and thus can rationalize your racism very easily.
Where did I excuse slavery, you *beep* moron? I am just pointing out that everybody else at one point has been a slave. That is just fact. You just think that because the ancestors of blacks were slaves just a couple of hundred of years ago that makes it okay for the current black generations who have never ever been a subject to slavery to internalize the suffering of past generations because...
You are the *beep* racist for not applying the same standards to everybody. You are the one perpetuating the victim mentality within these minority communities.
My retorts are childish when you think just labeling people who don't agree with you as racist is an argument? It's not. It will never be an argument.
Just as a curiosity? You are white, right? Where do you come from?


"Add to this the third strike rule which targets black offender as they have a higher rate of recidivism than white offenders and your 5x becomes particularly out of wack. "
I still can't get my head around this statement. Are you this oblivious to the fact that justice is blind and that the rules are the same for everybody? So, as things stand right now you are making the claim that the law should differentiate on the basis of color. You are promoting positive discrimination based on color because your expectations of the behavior of black people are lower. Amazing how blind you are to this double standard that you have created inside your head.
I recommend this talk on social justice where the way you think is also addressed.


Are you this oblivious to the fact that justice is blind and that the rules are the same for everybody?
If you say that justice is blind, you're saying that our society is unjust. Our system plays favorites in all kinds of ways. As for the rules being the same for everyone, they are not being applied that way.

This picture contains no physical depiction of the Godhead.


Proof! Simple as that. Show me the proof of these affirmations.
And no...when saying that justice is blind that only means that color does not come into play when justice is being served. The only real disparity is between rich and poor. That is the one that has to be solved. Talking about color is missing the point entirely.


12.3% of Americans are black.
52.1% of the police shootings are at black people.

Clearly supports that black people are targeted excessively. When I've gotten pulled over, I get a warning. I've only had one moving violation after 20 years of driving. When my sister in law (white) hit a Somali kid that ran into the road (he wasn't hurt, she just barely knocked him over with her foot hard on the brake), the cops told her to take off and then started arresting the rightfully upset and angry Somali family.

There are stats that can be used to predict and address crimes. My old boss wrote his dissertation on the use of SPSS on crime and law enforcement. He's retired now, but when I talked to him the other day, he was clear that the issues with law enforcement are based around fear and arrogance. Things that he always tried to teach against.

Fear is for aggressors.

Bravery is for the protectors.


Get your information right. Blacks equal more crimes of passion, white equal more crimes committed under the cover of the legal system (therefore they're aren't labeled crimes) and crimes of long planned intent that often take months if not years to discover


Maybe when African Americans aren't massively over-represented in violent crime, muggings, assaults, then there won't be so many in jail, and so many police shooting out of fear of this time it actually being a gun.

Of course this is a social and cultural problem, not a genetic one, and its roots lie Americas history of centuries of institutionalized racism. A history many seem determined to prove never existed on this board!

But it is not fair to blame a cop fearing for their life for shooting out of self preservation in a country that created the problem, and continues to ignore it.

Neither should it be surprising that black people get searched, frisked, pulled over, arrested, or convicted with higher frequency than other ethnic groups. This is a condition of the different social classes, and cultures that have resulted from slavery, economic disenfranchisement, and poverty. It is not a genetic problem. It is a history problem. And it won't go away by making cops more passive, and dead. Or pretending that black people had it easy in ye olde times of the West.


So we should find a way to wipe out history from peoples minds so that they don't internalize it as an actual problem. Give me a break. Making excuses for bad behavior. The truth of the matter is that none of the people living today had to go through slavery.NONE. If it affects them than it is a personal choice. Practically, everybody living today has somebody in their past who was a slave...white, black, brown, yellow.
I am not seeing to not acknowledge how things used to be...but stop making this the main excuse for bad behavior.
The reason why so many blacks today commit violent crimes has nothing to do with slavery. It is every individual's decision to engage in criminal activity. And the culture found in some of these black communities explain the violent tendencies better than history, poverty or whatever excuse you can make for dismissing accountability from these criminals.


Who said anything about "wiping out history from people's minds so they don't internalize it"? I know I didn't. I'll give you a break when you argue a point actually made, by me or anyone else.

If you think there are no slaves today you are naive. There might not be any governments that defend slavery. There are certainly slaves today. MANY. There are even some in the united states. When they get found the person keeping them gets sent to jail or multiple life sentences. So not NONE, even with your caps key broken. There are million that are paid next to nothing, and work in horrendous conditions, and face violence if they attempt to stand up for their rights as workers. What is a slave today?


I have already explained in simple simple terms why this bs argument that everyone has some ancestor that was a slave is hogwash. I do not identify as a Mesopotamian, or a Greek, or a Babylonian, or a Gaul, or a Roman, or a Goth. So any history of slavery in that time is SO ANCIENT its connection to me is lost, unless I went looking for it, and it could not possibly have any relevance even if I did. NONE.

Slavery in America is not a butterflies wings, like these ridiculous ancient slaveries you are trying to joist on people as justification for ignoring facts of African Americans today. The effects of slavery are quite apparent.

I'm going to take a minute out here just make a few points, just in case you want to build decent arguments in the future on a subject like this:

Never, ever, ever talk about people as being yellow if you are talking about 'race'. Let me explain why: a bit more than a century ago a few (racist) Europeans cooked up an imaginary genealogy of humanity. In this people were classified not according to actual genetics, or anything as subtle as ethnicity. The classes of humans were unrepresentative, and for the most part meaningless. It was ostensibly a crude tool to justify slavery, racism, land grabs, and other crimes in the colonial era. The human race cannot be divided into 5 flavors. When you talk about people being yellow it just highlights the fact you really don't know wtf you are talking about because you are getting your information out of some children's text book from about 1935. Race as a human classifier is bs. Always has been. It's well established, and very few people who know wtf they are on about will talk about races of people, yellow or otherwise.

Now this might confuse you because people talk about black and white people. What is that about? How can that be. Black and white is more typically thought of as other aspects OTHER than race. We lazily ascribe it to people based on their apparent ethnicity. Do you know the difference between race and ethnicty?

It is also often often associated with social and cultural constructs. For instance black music, or white culture.

Race is very tricky. It would probably pay, if you were going to discuss race, and slavery, to first understand what races are, and how they came to be. You can google that, although we both know you won;t do that because you have your idiot argument about ancient slavery and that is good enough for you even if you don't know wtf you are talking about.

Also, you repeatedly refer to black people as blacks. Now this is a minor point. South Africans were always very quick to call Africans 'blacks'. Not black people.

The reason for this is because by taking out the people you passively attack their status as people. This makes it easier for you to accept their abuse, and disregard their needs. If you make a habit of referring to black people as blacks it is pretty much a tell that you are a) old as hell, and therefor probably latently racist, or B) just racist.

You can tell this for yourself: review your writing, or just your memory of speech. Do you refer to white people as whites as often as you refer to black people as blacks? If you naturally call white people, white people, but are quick to call black people blacks, then it might pay to be honest with yourself why that is. I'll give you a clue it starts with 'r' and ends with 'acist'.

Back to subject.

The individual is responsible for their actions in society. Society would cease to function if someone could pass the buck for their individual actions. A black guy that beats someone up should go to jail. There cannot be an excuse for the individual to do such a thing. But if more black people than white people, or Asian, or whatever, are beating people up then it is the place of a concerned and responsive government to ask why.

Historical injustices leave ripples in the social 'pool', and measures should be taken to address the affects of those injustices. Your argument is no such ripples exist, because 50 generations ago your ancestor was a galley slave. Well, yes those ripples from his being made a slave are fairly tiny by now. Do you know anyone else today that is the descendant of a galley slave. Are you recognizable as a son of a galley slave? Are the descendants of galley slaves overrepresetned in crime? No, because it was FIFTY GENERATIONS AGO. JACKASS.

It is very easy for anyone with half a brain to look at the state of the Middle East, or Africa, and see the direct affects of Western colonialism that took place hundreds of years ago. But you can't apply the same eye to your own country.

You are looking at America after centuries of racism, and slavery, and can't imagine it having any affect on society today.

So how can that be possible? There are a few reasons this could be.

One is that you have never really honestly thought about it (at all). Perhaps you are one of the many millions of Americans for whom thinking is a real problem.

Or perhaps you are just a racist, and your (poor) perception aligns with what you want to see and that's good enough for you.

I thought there was a third reason, but nope. It really comes down to ignorance and/or racism.


I know no one said that. I was implying that that was the only way people could actually stop making this excuse. No black man living today has ever been a slave.
I don't know what definitions for slavery you are using, but as an American citizen with a valid passport you can go basically anywhere in the world to find your own way. People have to start taking responsibility for their own actions. This *beep* is getting out of hand. It is always somebody else's fault.
The effects of slavery in America are quite apparent because you keep beating up a dead horse. It has as much relevance as you want it to have.
Blacks are the ones who keep identifying as black. Whites do not do this. There is no white culture because whites are not a monolithic group. You have French, Italian, Dutch, English etc culture. I know that blacks are also not a monolithic group but there are many communities in America that take pride in their blackness (whatever that means). Blacks are their own worst enemies. #NotAll
Black people call whites out for being whites ALL THE TIME. Do you even watch the internet to see how many people just lump whites together as a monolithic group without a second thought about it? And they believe they are not racist.
"You are looking at America after centuries of racism, and slavery, and can't imagine it having any affect on society today. " - it only has effect today because there are groups of people...lazy people who get in life exactly what they deserve. And that is what happens when you do not put an effort to get ahead. America has made serious advances when it comes to minorities and it still isn't enough. How much is enough?
The Arab empires have had black slaves for more than a one even cares about that. Some countries in that region still have black slaves. The way the blacks from Africa were treated by the Arab slave traders is 10 times greater on the scale of magnitude compared to what went down in the US. But you don't see blacks bitching about that. They are hardly even aware of that bit of history.
The point I am trying to make is that blacks have a very good life in the US...much better than what happens in a lot of African countries where the majority of people are black. The victim mentality is what keeps blacks from becoming successful. It is so prevalent. The lack of accountability is another factor. It is always somebody else's fault. ALWAYS. The dindunuffin syndrome.

Blaming history for the behavior of a lot of members of the black communities today is nothing but a poor excuse of dismissing accountability.

And the fact that I am pointing this out is not racist, no matter how many times you bring it up.


Black people will stop 'making' this 'excuse' when it is thoroughly discredited. It has not been, because it takes more than some few decades to undo centuries of violence. There will be black people that find a healthy community to be a part of, create or foster a positive society. This is what is required to give children a fair chance at success. Many do not. You seem to think that a child forced to tolerate, and even thrive in adverse situations has been dealt a fair hand. That their failure to compete is a reflection of their innate laziness, or apathy. I disagree.

"Blacks are the ones who keep identifying as black. Whites do not do this. "

Yes, they do. I believe you yourself in a previous post identified white people. I presume you identify as a white person. So not really sure why you would say this. A cake an eat it approach perhaps.

"There is no white culture because whites are not a monolithic group."

There absolutely is white culture. It's been the dominant one for quite a while now. In America it is the system of law, the system of governance, the system of banking. The US did not look to Africa or the Native Americans for its social system, it's legal system. No it looked to Africa for its resources. It looked to the Native American their resources. It looked to Europe for everything else. Europeans, and European culture is often understood to be 'white' culture. This is because it is like oil and water when combined with indigenous ones.

I live on an island. Our judges wear wigs. They speak English. We all speak English. The native language is not English. White culture dominates because it is the default, and always presumed superior. Of course there is white culture. Centuries of racism made sure there was a white culture.

"Black people call whites out for being whites ALL THE TIME. Do you even watch the internet to see how many people just lump whites together as a monolithic group without a second thought about it? And they believe they are not racist."

Yes, and? Firstly, its the internet. The internet is not a reflection of society, it's a reflection of the internet.

Secondly, boo hoo white man! In the US for centuries black people were slaves, for centuries after they had less rights and were second class citizens and abused. Now they can express themselves, sometimes racistly without being lynched, or shot for it. The pendulum swings both ways. I am always a bit confused by the mentality of people that think just because white people decided one year to let non-white people vote, or not be slaves, or have access tot he same health care, or go to the same schools, that all the negative affects that white racism has had would simply poof! Go away!

It doesn't work like that. At some point centuries ago. Black people had their own cultures. Ones that they lived under and understood. Just as the natives of my island had their own religion, culture, social networks etc. That was all destroyed by white colonialism a long long time ago. Now these people have to form social connections, and find social cohesion within a foreign setting. Some adapt and exploit this, and are successful. Good for them.

"America has made some serious advances when it comes to minorities".

Yes? Please. What are these advances? If you mean that America has made personal advances, and shrugged off much of its bigotry. Then yes, this is true.

If you mean it is some sort of global leader when it comes to multi-ethnic diversity and equal opportunity then you are deluded. America has consistently lagged, you are simply buying the American mythology.

If the latter, let's just pretend that America wasn't built on, and the last country in the world to ban slavery. That takes some big advances just to catch up with the rest of the world...

Americans are often very proud of their myth of inclusion. That since its conception anyone could come and make their claim, build their fortune. Conveniently forgetting that that fortune was usually based on disenfranchising the Native American, and the people that came were white people. Thus populating America with people and disseminating white culture. Diversity is a moot point in "French, Italian, Dutch, English" when they all considered themselves equal, and the superior of the black man, or the Asian, or the Native American. Dutch colonialism in Asia was frightful btw. It doesn't really celebrate ethnic diversity when a film has a bunch of white people from France, Italy, Netherlands, and Britain. Cultural diversity, sure.

"The Arab empires have had black slaves for more than a one even cares about that. Some countries in that region still have black slaves. "

I thought you said no one today is a slave. Goal-shifting perhaps.

"The way the blacks from Africa were treated by the Arab slave traders is 10 times greater on the scale of magnitude compared to what went down in the US. "

Indeed, well let me just say this sound like complete bs. I suggest you go read about slave ships, with whole cargoes thrown overboard, and the punishments inflicted upon salves that were disobedient or ran off.

Of course an important distinction here, and one (much like you original argument) that defies logic, is that if you are using the Middle East, and particularly hundreds of years before America's much more recent experiment of slavery, to justify Americas slavery.

So you are officially an apologist for America's enlightened slavery.

What happened to black people in America really wasn't that bad was it. I mean they got sent over here chained in boats where whole cargoes of slaves contracted diseases and had to be thrown overboard. And when they got here they were branded, tortured, maimed, killed, or worked to death. Such an enlightened form of slavery the US. No way black people should feel that their ancestors were abused. America did them a favor taking them away from those nasty African slavers!

And then you point out how lucky black people are to be in the US instead of 'Africa'. Golly they really should be grateful for white slavery in your mind shouldn't they. The victim mentality is a symptom of a problem caused by racism. But you just think it will go away as soon as black people learn to love racism and slavery, the way you do.


The victim mentality is what keeps blacks from becoming successful. It is so prevalent. The lack of accountability is another factor. It is always somebody else's fault. ALWAYS. The dindunuffin syndrome.

Blaming history for the behavior of a lot of members of the black communities today is nothing but a poor excuse of dismissing accountability.

Yet this "victim mentality" defines Trump's aggrieved blue-collar white voting base to a large extent, and it is exactly what he appeals to. The economy has changed, we live in a globalized and multicultural world, and you have been left behind or exploited, so support me and I will save you. I do not know if you are voting for Trump, but your argument is hypocritical or ignores what is inconvenient.

By the way, let me say that some white person talking about "what keeps blacks from becoming successful" is so disgustingly patronizing and smugly condescending as to totally lose credibility. As a neutral observer, I am not sure what you are trying to accomplish here, but let me let you know that you are totally ineffective and will never convince anyone that fails to already see matters your way.

By the way, many blacks are "successful," just so you know.

The point I am trying to make is that blacks have a very good life in the US

... some do, some do not. Either way, blacks still face significant prejudice and de facto discrimination, even though legal discrimination has been rectified for the most part. The judicial system continues to treat blacks differently from whites in terms of arrest rates, incarceration rates, and execution rates (for the same crimes), and blacks are still at a disproportionate risk of suffering from police violence. The point is that our country should live up to its creed—the words written in the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution regarding equality. And the idea that people who expose and seek to rectify inequities should just be quiet and appreciate American life is—dare I say it—neofascistic. If you do not like people protesting or critiquing inequities and injustices, then maybe you should get out there and work to address them yourself so that there is no longer anything to protest or critique.

Again, as a neutral observer with no agenda here, I would suggest educating yourself and stop being in denial. You seem intent on denying certain realities, perhaps to assuage a sense of guilt.

Moreover, once again, one could say that white folks have a very good life in the US, so why are so many of them acting as if they have been victimized and that the country is on the verge of an apocalypse unless we elect Donald Trump? Victimization works both ways.

The Arab empires have had black slaves for more than a one even cares about that. Some countries in that region still have black slaves. The way the blacks from Africa were treated by the Arab slave traders is 10 times greater on the scale of magnitude compared to what went down in the US. But you don't see blacks bitching about that. They are hardly even aware of that bit of history.

... maybe because most African-Americans have never lived in the Arab world and have no connection to it, whereas they live in the US and most of their ancestors have been here for centuries? Maybe because African-Americans are "Americans"?

What world are you living in, dude? Your comment is a total non sequitur and smacks of intellectual desperation on your part.

Also, the scale of the trans-Atlantic slave trade proved vastly greater.

I know that blacks are also not a monolithic group but there are many communities in America that take pride in their blackness (whatever that means). Blacks are their own worst enemies. #NotAll

Black people call whites out for being whites ALL THE TIME. Do you even watch the internet to see how many people just lump whites together as a monolithic group without a second thought about it? And they believe they are not racist.

I would suggest acquiring a sense of irony and understanding that the skewed societal playing field between a majority group and minority groups will naturally produce different internal and communal responses. You cannot presume a level playing field where one has historically not existed, which is essentially what you are doing. Blacks "take pride in their blackness" precisely because that "blackness" has historically been assaulted and degraded, something that whites have not experienced in the same (monolithic) way.

Moreover, how are such expressions of pride different from Irish-Americans taking pride in their Irish ancestry or Italian-Americans taking pride in their Italian heritage? You will counter that they are not taking pride in monolithic "whiteness," but "whiteness" has not been legally and culturally assaulted like "blackness" in American history, so there was never any need to celebrate "whiteness."

Indeed, your comment is as ignorant as someone saying, "Why are there no Straight Pride parades?"


Sooo the point is there are crooked cops and dumb folks, sooo what does that have to do with race, can you grasp that? Sooo what War do you speak of, musts we register, is there formal training?


I didn't make it about race. They did. Or did you not see what BLM is saying? As for the rest of your rant...try to make a point. It seems you have no interest in speaking clearly .


If you cant catch it, that's on you player, or are you just feigning ignorance... nope didn't catch BLM, nor did I bring up BLM again that's on you if you missed my point.


Aaand if you dont think officers target folks, maaan I would love to reside in your world, so care free... and please notice, no mention of race, simply folks....


What you're probably not seeing, though, is the thousands of white people that aren't following legitimate police orders that don't get shot. The point is that the police are predisposed to think of black people as violent, so when they do something unexpected the first reaction is to shoot. White people aren't thought of as violent so police are more likely to try negotiating first.


A lot of white people get shot...actually the statistics show that whites get shot at twice the numbers. But nobody cares about that anyway.
"The point is that the police are predisposed to think of black people as violent" - *beep* A black person is less likely to be shoot by the police especially now.
You forget to bring up the fact that the black community gives us the biggest numbers of criminals per capita. Over 50% of violent crime, including murder in the last 20 years has been committed by members of the black community. I am really sorry that in some areas of the US because of this some innocent blacks might be treated tougher than a white person, but this doesn't happen without a reason.
The fact of the matter is that given the number of interactions members of the black community have with police, they are actually under represented in police shootings compared to whites.
At the end of the day, the blame game has got to stop. Black communities have to admit that there is a problem with violence and that it has to do something with culture.
I don't have any solutions for these issues, but what is clear to me is that the discussion is not honest. There is a lot of excuse making for bad behavior.


White's get shot at twice the numbers? That's while making up 63% of the population compared to 12% black. That means that while white shootings may be higher in number, they don't come close in percentage.

As for your statistic on 50% of violent crime being by black people, I'd like to see a source for that number, but assuming I accept it, then it would be interesting to do a comparison of violent crime by poor people generally and compare it to the percentage of white and black people that are poor. I suspect that there'd be a higher correlation of violent crime to poverty than there is to race.


Yeah, I always go to the white version of worldstarhiphop to watch white people on street corners beat each other up between sips of the 40oz.

Wait what? No I don't.

That's because there is white culture, and black culture in America. This is the thing that divides, along with class. It isn't genetics.

You can't fix the system just saying "Don't profile black people"! You have to fix it by making profiling not work, which sadly it does atm.


That's because there is white culture, and black culture in America. This is the thing that divides, along with class. It isn't genetics.
I was around during that Euro American kumbaya time when people said that John F. Kennedy couldn't be president because he was a Catholic.

First, they ignore you.
Then they fight you.
Then you win.
Then they pretend that they were on the same side as you all the time.

This picture contains no physical depiction of the Godhead.



Wow, you've got quite the distortion of reality going. If you're not even cognizant of today's reality, how on earth can we trust your imaginary old west? You're an idiot. Watch Deadwood some time.



Eff off with your race war media hyped BS. Chances are, if you get shot by the cops (I dont care what color the cop/"criminal/victim" was) you are most likely a bad listener and NOT following the cops orders, which make them itchy, because they dont know if you are armed.

So, yea...and then we have these up-jumped racist idiots that go off and murder cops in Dallas. They can die in a cancer fire.


I seem to remember the very first town they went into people noticed.

... yes, absolutely.

Of course, the film deals with race in puerile and superficial manner. Something much more intriguing, and somewhat more realistic, would have been to make the entire "seven" black and have a white community deal with the dilemma: should we hire the best even if they are [insert whatever racial epithet], or should we look for a gang of white mercenaries that may not be as skilled yet that we will be comfortable with?

But such an idea probably would not have been as commercial ...


I hardly think the few white people willing to see this made a big deal about the cast.


The historical accuracy is frustrating. As frustrating as a white Matt Damon in The Great Wall. Seriously, who cares? Were people complaining like this with Ned in Unforgiven? I know it's a political year, but jeez...



Well, Denzel Washington played Don Pedro, a 1800's military officer from Spain, in the 1993 movie 'Much Ado About Nothing' based on a Shakespeare play ...


Hey Sam...did you even watch the Movie?....the first scene for Denzel's Character comes slowly riding into town, people are reacting to him....and you can hear townspeople saying bad comments under their breathe, and closing doors, pulling women and children off the street...."what is he doing here"? is clearly heard...then he walks into the Saloon, and everyone in the place goes completely silent...and then for the next few minutes you see guns being pulled out, cocked, and pointed at him....he asks for a drink, and is told "We don't serve that brand">....then he is basically "drawn on" by 4 or 5 guys, and has to take them out....WTF?...."NOBODY GIVES ATTENTION TO DENZEL BEING A BLACK MAN"? really do not pick up on the subtleties of this film....maybe try watching again...without your "Built in Racism Slant"....



You ain't heard nothing till you hear Tony Curtis say "Yonder is the castle of my fadder"!


Good movie but I was frustrated at how the story takes place in the 1800's and nobody gives attention to Denzel being a Black man, Nobody, unreal.

I agree totally. That's what makes this movie ridiculous and not even worth watching.
