The victim mentality is what keeps blacks from becoming successful. It is so prevalent. The lack of accountability is another factor. It is always somebody else's fault. ALWAYS. The dindunuffin syndrome.
Blaming history for the behavior of a lot of members of the black communities today is nothing but a poor excuse of dismissing accountability.
Yet this "victim mentality" defines Trump's aggrieved blue-collar white voting base to a large extent, and it is exactly what he appeals to. The economy has changed, we live in a globalized and multicultural world, and you have been left behind or exploited, so support me and I will save you. I do not know if you are voting for Trump, but your argument is hypocritical or ignores what is inconvenient.
By the way, let me say that some white person talking about "what keeps blacks from becoming successful" is so disgustingly patronizing and smugly condescending as to totally lose credibility. As a neutral observer, I am not sure what you are trying to accomplish here, but let me let you know that you are totally ineffective and will never convince anyone that fails to already see matters your way.
By the way, many blacks are "successful," just so you know.
The point I am trying to make is that blacks have a very good life in the US
... some do, some do not. Either way, blacks still face significant prejudice and de facto discrimination, even though legal discrimination has been rectified for the most part. The judicial system continues to treat blacks differently from whites in terms of arrest rates, incarceration rates, and execution rates (for the same crimes), and blacks are still at a disproportionate risk of suffering from police violence. The point is that our country should live up to its creed—the words written in the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution regarding equality. And the idea that people who expose and seek to rectify inequities should just be quiet and appreciate American life is—dare I say it—neofascistic. If you do not like people protesting or critiquing inequities and injustices, then maybe you should get out there and work to address them yourself so that there is no longer anything to protest or critique.
Again, as a neutral observer with no agenda here, I would suggest educating yourself and stop being in denial. You seem intent on denying certain realities, perhaps to assuage a sense of guilt.
Moreover, once again, one could say that white folks have a very good life in the US, so why are so many of them acting as if they have been victimized and that the country is on the verge of an apocalypse unless we elect Donald Trump? Victimization works both ways.
The Arab empires have had black slaves for more than a one even cares about that. Some countries in that region still have black slaves. The way the blacks from Africa were treated by the Arab slave traders is 10 times greater on the scale of magnitude compared to what went down in the US. But you don't see blacks bitching about that. They are hardly even aware of that bit of history.
... maybe because most African-Americans have never lived in the Arab world and have no connection to it, whereas they live in the US and most of their ancestors have been here for centuries? Maybe because African-Americans are "Americans"?
What world are you living in, dude? Your comment is a total non sequitur and smacks of intellectual desperation on your part.
Also, the scale of the trans-Atlantic slave trade proved vastly greater.
I know that blacks are also not a monolithic group but there are many communities in America that take pride in their blackness (whatever that means). Blacks are their own worst enemies. #NotAll
Black people call whites out for being whites ALL THE TIME. Do you even watch the internet to see how many people just lump whites together as a monolithic group without a second thought about it? And they believe they are not racist.
I would suggest acquiring a sense of irony and understanding that the skewed societal playing field between a majority group and minority groups will naturally produce different internal and communal responses. You cannot presume a level playing field where one has historically not existed, which is essentially what you are doing. Blacks "take pride in their blackness" precisely because that "blackness" has historically been assaulted and degraded, something that whites have not experienced in the same (monolithic) way.
Moreover, how are such expressions of pride different from Irish-Americans taking pride in their Irish ancestry or Italian-Americans taking pride in their Italian heritage? You will counter that they are not taking pride in monolithic "whiteness," but "whiteness" has not been legally and culturally assaulted like "blackness" in American history, so there was never any need to celebrate "whiteness."
Indeed, your comment is as ignorant as someone saying, "Why are there no Straight Pride parades?"