Masturbation Scene

This would have to rank as one of the all time most stupid scenes put to film. You have just had a plane crash, watched most of your buddies murdered and or eaten and have little chance of survival. So what do you do with everyone around watching, pull your pecker out and start having a good time. Stress relief my ass, totally unrealistic and completely inane.


totally unrealistic

As opposed to the rest of this documentary...

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That's called dark humor you literal rube. You honestly think Eli Roth didn't know that was unrealistic? He's a hundred times more acute and self-aware then you are. Don't be such an idiot.

Twitter @killakippa


It was misplaced and garbage you righteous nonce.


Gonna have to disagree with you in a big way. Eli has absolutely NO idea what tone to set in this film - it's all over the place, and because of that this scene comes out as completely ridiculous.


Are you this aggresive towards people in real life when they have a difference of opinion on a movie? Or are you only tough online? Because it's weird.


Strangely enough it would have made sense if it had been one of the characters who was cracking up who started to masturbate. It could have been a really disturbing scene. Given that it was the only character who didn't seem unduly stressed by the situation it just felt uneven.

The biggest problem with this film... which showed considerable promise, is the uneven tone. Eli just never decided what kind of film he wanted to make and so it's three different films kinda sewn together and that scene was a prime example of a part that didn't quite fit.


That was actually really funny. The others characters were like "... WTTTTFFFFF!?!?"

Just like i was too . Funniest thing is that it happen just when the other girl killed herself and he was there watching her body wanking off lol


And when whatshisname started to strangle him he kept right on fapping...


Not only did he continue fapping, notice he starts to fap faster. The guy was loving it.


Haha, that was so off the wall it was hilarious.

In Vino Veritas.


Ejaculation does relieve stress, but one usually has to be in a relaxed state or environment to do so.


Ejaculation does relieve stress, but one usually has to be in a relaxed state or environment to do so.

That's paradoxical.

Atheism isn't a religion. It's a personal relationship with reality.


What was unrealistic is that no one kicked him for it. It would have made more sense if the scene was at night or something and he got caught.

"You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling." 


Awwww come on, it was funny! If your going to be killed and butchered, might as well spank the monkey lol. Maybe he was hopeful thinking that if some of the female cannibals seen him and if he was well endowed, they would want to veto killing, butchering and eating him just to get some action from a big sausage.


I read a book years ago, might have been Generation Kill, and they talked about masturbating in a combat zone as a form of stress relief. They called it a “combat jack.”


RIP Handjob from Full Metal Jacket.
