The complete SUCCESS on an artistic level.
I saw someone talking about how this movie failed artistically and I felt compelled to put forward the counter argument.
It boggles my mind that so many people seem to think this film is shallow. How? It examines the role of the hero. If anything, Captain America: Winter Soldier was a very by numbers movie because Cap was always the hero, he was always the boy scout and always doing the right thing.
In Avengers 2 we examine just what the right thing is.
In trying to save the world, Tony over steps the line and creates something that will ultimately destroy it - but that's not the point. The point of this movie is accepting that we CANNOT save the world, we CANNOT stop evil from happening and all we CAN do is fight to protect what we hold dear.
The lesson is learnt and we see this at the end of the movie. Always Tony Stark has been Iron Man flying through the air but at the end we see him as a normal man driving a normal, real car. He has been humbled. He has learnt that he cannot save the world.
It's a message to all of us, I think. Protect and hold dear but do not try to control and change the world. It won't work, it can't work and it will ultimately lead to conflict and death.
I think Joss touched on this in Serenity, where they talked about how the Alliance were "trying to make people better" but it did not work.
A very thoughtful film with brilliant moments that do hit home. If Avengers united heroes, Avengers 2 humbled them and taught them their role in the wider scheme of things.
10/10 It delivered everything I wanted to see, I had a blast watching it and I found the film's message to be a thoughtful and accurate one.
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