MovieChat Forums > Dark Skies (2013) Discussion > Extraterrestrials are real

Extraterrestrials are real

Aliens have been visiting this planet and engaging the human race before you were even a twinkle in your father's eye. Anyone who disagrees is extremely ignorant.

Roswell, for example, did happen. And is one of the BIGGEST cover ups in all of mankind. Technology that we use today was reversed engineered by this event. One of the main reasons (in my opinion) why full disclosure has not taken place yet, is because of the psychological impact that it would have on humanity. Think about a super intelligent race, that communicates unlike us (telepathically), that have been conducting experiments on some humans, similar to how we would on animals in the wild.

Your government would not, and does not, know how to protect you from a race of beings who had these types of capabilities. The Honey Boo Boo and American Idol folks of the world could not handle this kind of revelation.

Some first world countries have slowly been preparing the world for this. Britain, France and Mexico have all provided some very compelling documentation into this phenomena. Hopefully, China and Russia will soon follow. The U.S. does not want you to know

Do your homework. there are several credible sources. Don't always rely on mainstream media and news outlets who ridicule the reality. Go and research Mexico's department of defense confirms UFOs existence. Also, research the Star child skull. A conference in Washington between April 29 - May 3 will hopefully get this topic into the public eye for good


I think you've been playing too much X-COM: Enemy Unknown.

...not that I blame you, it's a great game. And how did you lose the USA from the Council? You need that funding to beat the game! Honestly, just because you're salty from losing the game doesn't mean aliens are actually invading.


There's nothing trivial about our existence. We can't ignore our intelligence, technology, and culture as evidence that we are in fact aliens from outer space. You have to seriously ask yourself, why does the concept of aliens from outer space seem so absurd when all you have to do is look in a mirror? There's plenty of species out there, and the religion dams are collapsing.


Aliens may or may not exist. It is a big universe after all. The idea that any extant alien civilizations have been visiting Earth is extremely far fetched though. The Law of Relativity essentially precludes it. It is possible, I suppose, civilizations more advanced than ours can overcome Relativity, but realistically that's a stretch I have a hard time contemplating.

Requiescat in pace, Krystle Papile. I'll always miss you.


Why would alien civilisations want to keep coming back to us as well? Abduction reports follow the same narrative almost every single time- what can aliens learn about us from fresh abductions that they didn't learn the first time?

To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.





Exactly. I've been looking through a telescope and binoculars my whole life...Not looking for aliens & UFOs, but loving the real beauty that you can see out there, once I saw the rings of Saturn & the red stripes of Jupiter (their moons too, tiny, but so awesome!) I was hooked.

In all that time I have never seen anything buzzing around that remotely resembled anything in terms of what people have decided would be "alien". You can see lots of things in orbit like satellites, which zip by super-fast, the Hubble and the ISS to name a few, though. And while I believe life exists on other planets, the odds are just too overwhelming in favour of, it hasn't made it's way here.

Science fiction is probably my fav genre then horror, I'm a total Trekker...but I don't believe in ghosts...and no matter how badly I wish there was a Federation of Planets & I was flying around the galaxy on the Enterprise, that's just sadly, not real.

I can picture a world without war or hate & us attacking that world because they'd never expect it


I think it's extremely likely that aliens exist, but we don't have great evidence that they have had any contact with earth yet, it's imaginable that alot of abduction experiences were actually sleep paralysis experiences which can be very scary


research the Star child skull

Oh I researched it, and this is what I found:

"DNA testing in 1999 at BOLD (Bureau of Legal Dentistry), a forensic DNA lab in Vancouver, British Columbia found standard X and Y chromosomes in two samples taken from the skull, "'conclusive evidence that the child was not only human (and male), but both of his parents must have been human as well, for each must have contributed one of the human sex chromosomes.'"

Sooo.. maybe YOU should do your homework?

Kids these days.


What's the source?..Wikipedia?

I'm still doing homework

Watch the link below..


1) Shermer, M. Why People Believe Weird Things, W.H. Freeman and Company, New York, 1997
2) Lloyd Pye and Mark Bean, The Starchild Project date site,
3) Lloyd Pye website:
4) Forbes CD, Jackson WF. A Colour Atlas and Text of Clinical Medicine. Wolfe Publishing, 1993.

^These are my sources

Just give up on this one guy. And try not to be so gullible.


You're a skeptic though (Source - New England Skeptic Society), so it makes sense that you would be quick to dismiss anything.

Let Pye come up with his funding and see how this unfolds. This is only one example. Steven Greer claims to have a 'non human' being that is currently being analysed too. The pictures certainly look unusual. Whether it's BS or not, I'm still interested to see the results of their findings.


You're a skeptic though (Source - New England Skeptic Society), so it makes sense that you would be quick to dismiss anything.

Nope. You have me all wrong. It's only logical that we aren't the only intelligent life in the universe, and I firmly believe that extraterrestrials have visitied Earth, continue to visit Earth, and acknowledge the possibility of the government covering up certain discoveries.

But with the amount of overblown conspiracies, hoaxes and phonies in the world, it is only healthy to think on this matter with a solid dose of skepticism. Whenever there is a valid non-paranormal theory to explain an occurence, it's almost always the right one. And in this case, there are not only theories, but evidence and documentation that support that this wasn't alien related.

I'm always willing to give new findings a chance, and if you have any other interesting things I'd be interested to take a look at them.


Likewise..Lloyd Pye seems very adamant that what he has is not entirely human. Not like I would fund his research, but I'll continue to see where this story goes over time. I've read abductees claims to having had reproductive fluids extracted...So who really knows what's going on? Not all these witnesses are going on cross country tours with their stories for profit or anything like that. Some are clearly media wh0res and some genuinely do seem fearful. Several have even passed polygraph examinations

I do agree however that there are only a handful of individuals who I believe are being completely truthful and/or credible in what they say. Two former military officials, due to their high ranking credentials. And possibly Steven Greer. At least he's doing his best to get more media coverage on the topic.

What are your thoughts on, the almost daily sightings in South America, Mexico City etc?...The mass sighting over Chile in December comes to mind. There's no way that those were Chinese lanterns and I've never seen helicopters or planes move in formation like that



oh dear.

seems like the internet subversion has truly done its work thoroughly on you. look up the term subversion. also look into mind control as you are a victim of it - but you arent alone - there has been an enormous psy op to push this agenda for almost a hundred years now. but i know my words wont change your beliefs just as a religious zealout wont listen to reason either. you truly want to believe but alas all you have to go on is hearsay, you tube videos, and fakery - indeed one of the major players in the origins of this psy op is the same chap who was involved in the piltdown man hoax. look at the people involved in pushing the agenda - follow the money, the reasoning and logic behind it and you'll discover whilst millions of people are distracted by this kind of rubbish your money, your liberty and your country are being sold down the river by the most corrupt government you've ever had - but whilst your mind is tied up with fairytales your social anger is controlled.


It's a given that there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe. The real question is; are they technologically advanced enough to traverse the vast distance between their world and ours?

Also, look into the the Shag Harbour (Nova Scotia, Canada) UFO incident of 4th October 1967. This is probably the closest we have to a government admitting an incident was UFO related. ui-generis.html

You can't palm off a second-rater on me. You gotta remember I was in the pink!


Bloodletting1 must be on crack, very thick or a troll.
