Extraterrestrials are real
Aliens have been visiting this planet and engaging the human race before you were even a twinkle in your father's eye. Anyone who disagrees is extremely ignorant.
Roswell, for example, did happen. And is one of the BIGGEST cover ups in all of mankind. Technology that we use today was reversed engineered by this event. One of the main reasons (in my opinion) why full disclosure has not taken place yet, is because of the psychological impact that it would have on humanity. Think about a super intelligent race, that communicates unlike us (telepathically), that have been conducting experiments on some humans, similar to how we would on animals in the wild.
Your government would not, and does not, know how to protect you from a race of beings who had these types of capabilities. The Honey Boo Boo and American Idol folks of the world could not handle this kind of revelation.
Some first world countries have slowly been preparing the world for this. Britain, France and Mexico have all provided some very compelling documentation into this phenomena. Hopefully, China and Russia will soon follow. The U.S. does not want you to know
Do your homework. there are several credible sources. Don't always rely on mainstream media and news outlets who ridicule the reality. Go and research Mexico's department of defense confirms UFOs existence. Also, research the Star child skull. A conference in Washington between April 29 - May 3 will hopefully get this topic into the public eye for good