MovieChat Forums > Dark Skies (2013) Discussion > Extraterrestrials are real

Extraterrestrials are real

Aliens have been visiting this planet and engaging the human race before you were even a twinkle in your father's eye. Anyone who disagrees is extremely ignorant.

Roswell, for example, did happen. And is one of the BIGGEST cover ups in all of mankind. Technology that we use today was reversed engineered by this event. One of the main reasons (in my opinion) why full disclosure has not taken place yet, is because of the psychological impact that it would have on humanity. Think about a super intelligent race, that communicates unlike us (telepathically), that have been conducting experiments on some humans, similar to how we would on animals in the wild.

Your government would not, and does not, know how to protect you from a race of beings who had these types of capabilities. The Honey Boo Boo and American Idol folks of the world could not handle this kind of revelation.

Some first world countries have slowly been preparing the world for this. Britain, France and Mexico have all provided some very compelling documentation into this phenomena. Hopefully, China and Russia will soon follow. The U.S. does not want you to know

Do your homework. there are several credible sources. Don't always rely on mainstream media and news outlets who ridicule the reality. Go and research Mexico's department of defense confirms UFOs existence. Also, research the Star child skull. A conference in Washington between April 29 - May 3 will hopefully get this topic into the public eye for good


yep.^ i agree.

Leslie Kean wrote a very good book on the subject that only deals with the most confirmed UFO cases by the most credible sources (it's called UFO's: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials go on the Record).

some things (like alien abduction) i have a harder time with because it just requires a much bigger leap of faith. to say that they are studying us in the same way we study animals sounds too human-centric a way of thinking. why would advanced beings from other parts of the galaxy need to physically touch and explore us? just doesn't really add up for me but that's just my take on it. there is a pretty damn good book about abductions though called Close Encounters Of The Fourth Kind which centers around a conference on the subject held at MIT. by the end of that one i was more open to the idea though i still don't fully believe.

UFO's however are a real occurrence and are being investigated by our government for sure. there are cases on official record wherein the sighting of a UFO near a missile silo has corresponded with the loss of launch functions. basically someone is telling us in a not so subtle way that they can just turn our fancy weapons off.

there is a case out of Iran from the 70's i think where a fighter pilot tried to engage a UFO (seen by dozens of civilians and military personal) but every time he went to fire, his weapons systems just shut down. no big lasers, no slimy tentacles. just weapons that won't work when you need them too. now that is the subtlety that i feel is missing from the "grab and prod" abduction stories.

that's what she said


i agree theres no possible reason to believe we on this rock are special in any way. aliens have visited before in ancient times and have continued to do so. my grandfather, a wwII pacific veteran and a state policeman for 30+ years says he without-a-doubt witnessed a UFO while on duty one night.


Dr. Steven Greer, man you guys gotta check his stuff out credible source and explains everything very thoroughly!!


I have read Dr. Greer's book, "Hidden Truth, Forbidden Knowledge" a few times. His is one of the most fascinating, credible accounts of ET existence I've ever read.


There's always a book isn't there. Think about it......


You are all morons.

There is no proof. Congrats for being on the internet a lot, without actually doing any collegiate/grad level research or study on this subject.

It's nice you fruitcakes believe in this stuff, but if any of you were halfway literate, you would realize that it's not only unlikely, but downright ludicrous.

If there's actually ever any proof uncovered (besides coincidences, your imagination, blurry Youtube videos, and debunked theories), you nuts will be the first people I apologize to. Just don't hold your breath.

Since they haven't made themselves known to us, assuming these imaginary creatures do exist, start be reading and thinking about the Fermi Paradox:

Seriously, you kids are absurd. And don't come back with this "opinion" copout, you have nothing, the least of which is empirical evidence.

Or... am I being paid to tell you this? lol


Oh, stop it. ignore the fermi paradox- there must be a reason that the radio/microwave messages get lost or garbled. think of the numbers, just think of the numbers. Then think of the chance of us just being the only ones. now THAT is preposterous!!!!!!!!!!!! ... and conceited beyond belief!!


For sure, it is very unlikely we are alone, but that doesn't mean other intelligent races are buzzing around the skies abducting humans...


Exactly, why the heck would they bother ?

Distances are so extremely VAST , why come all those lightyears away from home to
rectally probe some redneck potato farmer ?

why not some NASA scientist or politician ? ...


Here Here, Some sense on this at last, you'd think an Alien race that advanced with the capability would be abducting some redneck?

If they're so advanced wouldn't they be able to cover their tracks better ?

Or erase completely the memories of the victims?

Co-incidence as well that they look like something we find terrifying - I'd imagine we wouldn't even regognise them ..


you raise some very good and credible points i will give you that i dont consider myself a complete true believer i am willing to concede that people do make up some seriously messed up s***. and co-incidence is a powerful and often credible way of explanation especially with the way hollywood has ingrained the alien mythos into all our brains, however. to address the points you raised and i am only playing devils advocate so please dont jump down my throat.

First there is a theory in criminal investigation that state that no matter how advanced or technologically savvy you claim to be you will always disturb the environment enough to create an imprint on said area that cannot be removed or covered up.

Second you cannot artificially remove every piece of memory from the human brain i mean think of it this way we are an advanced race compared to most of the other species on this planet and we are just as alien to them as an extra-terrestrial would be to us and we cant remove their memory of us. plus our brains are hardwired for memory and survival sure our brains can be fooled but some imprint still remains.

and finally an advanced race that has been watching us would know not to abduct a high profile person that would draw attention so pick someone who no one would believe.


Hey, you STFU!

My friend's cousin who's untie has a twice removed sibling from a third marriage to a crop duster who's father's illegitimate son's seventh uncle's mistress was abused (sexually) by Alien's, gave birth to one of their offspring which looks human ..... we call her "Little Ed". Was meant to be Little ET but some of her cousin's kept saying Ed, so it stuck. We KNOW this because the Doctor's are so accurate we conception, and about the week she conceived nine men have come forward claiming to be the father. A child can't have 10 father's stewpid! That means Maizy is right, her daughter's an alien. When she's sober, which isn't often, Maizy has forgotten all the graphic details of her sordid encounter. That's the anal probe thing which wipes a person's mind ...... nasty.


These the scientist got it wrong. One ayahuasca session and it would enlighten their mind and the answer would be clear. We have made contact with interdimensional beings since thousands of years. How else you think ancient civilizations like the mayas or ancient egyptians got their supreme knowledge, just look at their sacred architecture they left behind. Their priests used hallucinogenic plants to reach higher realms of reality where they could be in contact with this beings. In our normal state our brain is stucked to this known reality that we are experiencing, but this doesn't mean that this is the only reality that exist. For more info I recommend this book:


Millions of people believe in a God. Are they morons too, Defenseman13? ;-)


Millions of people believe in a God. Are they morons too, Defenseman13? ;-)

Yes. And brainwashed from a very young age.


"Millions of people believe in a God. Are they morons too,"

Most assuredly. In fact, one tends to find that the religious are among the strongest believers in UFO bullshat. Just sayin'...

đź’€ "That fĂĽckin' Flowers."


What is moronic is to insist that we are alone in the universe. Its like a Victorian railing against the possibility of a horseless carraige.

Et lux perpetua luceat eis


steven greer is a cia operative. he is part of a mind control psy op - dont you guys ever do any research on these people?


Not sure if he is a CIA operative or not but he used to have credibility but shot himself in the foot when he tried to promote his "free energy" stuff. His claims that all aliens are peaceful raised a red flag in the UFOlogy community. Since then, he has been running around conning gullible people out of their hard earned money with nonsensical UFO seminars and midnight alien sightseeing, all for naught.

Greer is a money hungry, corrupted fraud and people need to be wary of him.


Well said, as i said a few msgs back, 'there's always a book isnt there?'


Always a video to buy, too.

<Generation "me" is an EPIC FAILURE>


Steven Greer is a known charlatan. There is no evidence (not credible or sane...) beyond delusions and parroted BS that ETs ever have been to Earth, nvm his illogical free energy crap. If there was such a thing it would be a catastrophe. Use your brain, give a bomber free energy and let him toy with it. ONE example why if it IS real (it isn't, I'm a physicist who's tried all the pseudo crap) it will never come to fruition. NVM the lost jobs, it's really stupid...

Morons, you're like a hive. I'm sure ETs exist elsewhere, but not here, as bad as some of you nitwits who follow trash WANT to believe, no solid evidence! Humans like being tricked... FACT. There's a lot of money in the BS info genre, gullible humans everywhere, ignorant and naĂŻve, lacking the most basic critical thinking skills and jumping over the facts that don't fit their subjective ONE SIDED beliefs; rarely questioning them. Confirmation bias central.


You people are by far some of the stupidest the Earth has to offer.

The Starchild skull was human! Dear god.

Who says we're alone? I don't. But there isn't a single shred of evidence that aliens have ever crossed the vast emptiness of space and landed here! Every single claim is flaky and probably wrong.

A UFO could be anything. Especially in the US, their military budget is huge! Yet people are amazed by seeing something unusual flying.


The question would be why would they even want to, if they could? To harvest human brains? LOL

The distances between stars are unimaginably huge, that it is far more likely for any intelligent civilization to die out before they can bridge it.

Any civilization which survives long enough to develop viable interstellar travel (whether FTL or not), would be so advanced we would be beneath their notice. They probably wouldn't even need spaceships, much less be recognizable as actual entities to us humans. There would be really nothing of interest to them on Earth. They would be busy pursuing higher goals we wouldn't even be able to understand. Visiting Earth to them would be equivalent to spending the day digging up anthills. Pointless. Even biologists are happy with an ant specimen or two. They don't try to live with the ants and invade their colonies for the glory of the human empire.


Thank you sir !!

Nail hit on the head !


Maybe they visit us just to mess with us, like a little kid with a magnifying glass on an ant hill.


Right? I love that the guy starts off by saying that "ROSWELL DID HAPPEN".



@zachhasbro your grandfather is correct on 24th nowember of 2010 around 22 pm i was a military patrol, sky was really clear the minute i stepped foot thre i realized something was wrong i have looked 10 minutes to sky and some bright lights were not normal, they were moving very slowly you had to concentrate on them to realize it,i thought its juts seems that way and stopped looking, anyway after 10 minutes i was looking at the fences and suddenly, somthing entered in my eyesight i looked right and up and thre it was triangle shape holding still in air about an 3 story apartment high, it stayed there like 30 seconds i was in awe just watched then it moved in dark, after that moment i knew i was right kept looking at sky and witnessed one of the best moments of my life another object with diffrent design and blue lights in it was visible flew and crossed the military emcampments yards so fast that it was just a second or two it was gone, it was impossible for human eeys to follow it and thre was no sound neither the one that stopped almost on top of me neither the speedey one, ufos are real as a day especially aftr you encounter them, this incident happned izmir/turkey,


Project Condign

also, many speculates that's it a new technology, aircrafts built with 3 anti-gravity generators... I think they called it ''Aurora'' but I'm not sure.... anyways, I think the plasma explanation (Project Condign) is better.

The only ''UFO'' I've ever seen has been debunked, it's a faling green fireball over the sky of Gatineau/Ottawa in Canada at 2am last summer.

''Jesus never existed.... I never had a son.'' - Eric Maltais


Yes there are almost certainly ETs out there, but I've seen little to suggest abductions are ET in origin. If greys exist they probably don't come from another planet.

It's not "sci-fi", it's SF!


If they exist, they may come from another dimension. And if our universe is finite and life is actually very difficult to start up considering all the variables needed for it, then there may be a very low count of ET's in our universe.


"there may be a very low count of ET's in our universe. "

Not really. Think of how many billion there are of us. Even if there are a handful of planets with intelligent life on them, we could be talking of trillions or googols of individuals...

It's not "sci-fi", it's SF!


Yeah, no. This is a movie website, not a conspiracy one.


No doubt...This is exactly what i'm referring to. The tone of remarks are what keep this important topic out of the public mainstream.

Now go watch 'The Princess Bride' to stimulate your simpleton mind


what's wrong with The Princess Bride? "never get involved in a land war in Asia"

anyway....aliens....yeah, it would be kinda cool if they were real, but until actually proven I choose to assume that they're just modern myths, I could be wrong, I guess? but just because they COULD be real doesn't automatically mean they are

also, there probably is such a thing as aliens though....somewhere in the universe, I mean the universe is pretty damn big, there could be ANYTHING out there, but I have 3 questions

1. why do aliens have to be intelligent? why couldn't there just be alien animals on some weird planet somewhere? why does everyone seem to assume extraterrestrial life just has to be more advanced than us or have any technology at all

2. let's say there is intelligent alien life, but what if they're only about as advanced as us technology wise? who's to say faster than light travel is even possible? we like to think it is but there's no guarantee and if it's not then we're never gonna meet each other

3. ok, let's assume there IS advanced alien life that can travel faster than light, then why would they care about a bunch of savage hairless apes on some backwater planet? what do we have that they could possibly want?

come visit my review blog!


1. do you not get the extreme vastness of space that forbids us to land on any extrasolar planet, the intelligence and technology for aliens to visit this planet, which they certainly have done so thousands of years ago, means that they must be a superior species.

2. do you understand physics at all, mass increases as you travel towards the speed of light, so to travel at speed of light one would have an infinite mass, like black holes which prevent light from escaping. just going .4c would be soooo fast, .8c would be EXTREMELY FAST. no need to go over the speed of light or even faster. theres much we dont understand but if wormholes that can bend space-time exist, maybe aliens have found a way to do so, so no need to travel at the speed of light really.

3. have you seen Earth? its quite spectacular there's an abundance of life.


Wormholes are bull crap. Earth is an extremely special, and probably extremely unique deal.


youre an idiot if you think we are special for any reason.


Not really, no.


Why are we special (apart of destroying everything we touch?). You sound as those old folks who believed we were the center of the universe....well, we aren't, and we are not remotely special for any reason.


We aren't the center of the universe, but we are very special for many reasons.


Care to list some of the reasons we're supposedly so special and unique?

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not one of these true believers. I do not believe aliens have been visiting Earth. But the odds dictate that it is EXTREMELY unlikely that Earth is the only planet in the entire universe which supports life. Intelligent or otherwise.

Prof. Farnsworth: Oh. A lesson in not changing history from Mr. I'm-My-Own-Grandpa!


The specific gravity that we are exposed to, the specific atmospheric make-up of the troposphere, The specific surface temperature variations experienced on Earth, the specific electromagnetic radiation that is and is not filtered by our atmosphere that reaches the surface... pretty much all of the variables that have factored into the evolutionary process that has lead us to this moment, being as we are. Infinitely unique. And we are the earth, of course. To come close to being this mix that we are, I think is extremely rare.


The specific gravity that we are exposed to, the specific atmospheric make-up of the troposphere, The specific surface temperature variations experienced on Earth, the specific electromagnetic radiation that is and is not filtered by our atmosphere that reaches the surface... pretty much all of the variables that have factored into the evolutionary process that has lead us to this moment, being as we are. Infinitely unique. And we are the earth, of course. To come close to being this mix that we are, I think is extremely rare.

All false assumptions. Just because those were the "requirements" for life on Earth does not mean life cannot evolve under different circumstances. You can't take one extremely small sample and assume it applies universally.

And what you think is irrelevant. Since you're not even taking into consideration the sheer number of stars in this galaxy, let alone the entire universe. One planet orbiting one star out of an incalculable number of stars and planets is about the smallest sample size one can imagine.

Prof. Farnsworth: Oh. A lesson in not changing history from Mr. I'm-My-Own-Grandpa!


I never said that life couldn't evolve in vastly different ways under vastly different circumstances. However, each and every one of those precise circumstances is singularly unique, just like us. We're a special little snowflake, and they are too.

But I think you're trying to go in a different direction with this. The likelihood of life, higher life, sentient life, and so on. In my personal opinion, life is abundant. Mostly bacteria-like life. Higher life is much rarer, though on the universal scale, extremely abundant. Sentient life, in a way we would recognize it, is probably very rare, but again, on a universal scale, still very abundant. Looking at just counting universal numbers, life probably abounds essentially infinitely. When you try to get prospective, like let's say life by volume or some other metric that is beyond me to figure out at least right now, I think a slightly different story is told.


I never said that life couldn't evolve in vastly different ways under vastly different circumstances. However, each and every one of those precise circumstances is singularly unique, just like us. We're a special little snowflake, and they are too.

Again, you cannot claim Earth is unique. You have 0 basis for that claim. How many extra solar planets are you aware of out of the billions upon billions of stars in the universe? Even if you knew of 5%(which is impossible) that would be entirely too small a sample for making the claim you're making.

"We aren't the center of the universe, but we are very special for many reasons."

Certainly seems to imply that humans are the only form of intelligent life in the universe. Otherwise, what exactly was the point of making that comment?

But I think you're trying to go in a different direction with this. The likelihood of life, higher life, sentient life, and so on.

Indeed, I'm referring to life existing outside of our solar system. That should have been incredibly clear. Your argument is much less clear.

In my personal opinion, life is abundant. Mostly bacteria-like life. Higher life is much rarer, though on the universal scale, extremely abundant.

Define rare, and explain how you came to the conclusion that intelligent life must be rare.

Sentient life, in a way we would recognize it, is probably very rare, but again, on a universal scale, still very abundant.

This is redundant. This is exactly the same thing you said in the previous sentence, and doesn't explain anything.

When you try to get prospective, like let's say life by volume or some other metric that is beyond me to figure out at least right now, I think a slightly different story is told.

You could say the same thing of all matter in the universe. There's far more "empty space" in the universe than there is "occupied space." But you wouldn't argue that the universe is empty because matter takes up so little "volume" within the universe.

Prof. Farnsworth: Oh. A lesson in not changing history from Mr. I'm-My-Own-Grandpa!


Again, I can claim earth is unique because no two planetary circumstances are going to be the same, and that's a fact.

"We aren't the center of the universe, but we are very special for many reasons" doesn't seem to imply that humans are the only form of intelligent life in the universe. The point of saying it is self obvious.

Rare=out of the usual. Intelligent life, IMO as we understand intelligence, would require very high levels of complexity which would require long periods of stable geological time with non-extreme circumstances. That's why I think it is out of the usual for a given body at a given time to harbor intelligent life.

That sentence wasn't redundant. Higher life, intelligent life, and sentient life aren't the same thing.

Who would argue that the universe is empty because matter takes up so little volume within the universe? That's ridiculous and shouldn't be said as it has nothing to do with what I am saying whatsoever. However, one could rightly argue that baryonic matter makes up only a tiny fraction of the known universe. What I was trying to get at is that while there may be millions and millions of inhabited planets out there, on the universal scale, that's a minuscule number.


Again, I can claim earth is unique because no two planetary circumstances are going to be the same, and that's a fact.

That is not a fact. Don't say something is a fact when it's totally unverifiable. Anyone with a brain knows you're full of *beep*

doesn't seem to imply that humans are the only form of intelligent life in the universe. The point of saying it is self obvious.

First of all, the term you're looking for is self evident.

Second of all, your statement was incredibly vague. I took from the context of the previous post that you were suggesting humanity was "very special for many reasons."

Rare=out of the usual. Intelligent life, IMO as we understand intelligence, would require very high levels of complexity which would require long periods of stable geological time with non-extreme circumstances. That's why I think it is out of the usual for a given body at a given time to harbor intelligent life.

I should have known your definition of rare would be vague. So by rare, you meant "abnormal."

And do you have no concept of history? Our world has experienced some incredibly cataclysmic events and yet life persists. Further, your reasoning is specious at best. Do you have any background in any of the sciences?

That sentence wasn't redundant. Higher life, intelligent life, and sentient life aren't the same thing.

Yes, it was redundant. If you think it was not, let me post the two sentences together. If you STILL think it isn't redundant, I suggest you look up what the word means.

"Higher life is much rarer, though on the universal scale, extremely abundant. Sentient life, in a way we would recognize it, is probably very rare, but again, on a universal scale, still very abundant."

Both sentences have the same meaning, they're just worded slightly differently. You say there's a difference, but since you didn't define either of the terms you used, how is anyone supposed to know you intended them to be different(even though they aren't). But you're wrong anyway, sentience is a prerequisite for intelligence.

In fact, it's part of the definition. Sentience is consciousness, which one most possess in order to be considered intelligent.

I am curious how you would define "higher life" however. Since I've now established that sentient life and intelligent life are the same thing.

Who would argue that the universe is empty because matter takes up so little volume within the universe? That's ridiculous and shouldn't be said as it has nothing to do with what I am saying whatsoever. However, one could rightly argue that baryonic matter makes up only a tiny fraction of the known universe. What I was trying to get at is that while there may be millions and millions of inhabited planets out there, on the universal scale, that's a minuscule number.

It's called an analogy. I should have known you wouldn't be able to grasp it from this conversation. Silly me for assuming too much of you.

I also think it's funny how you seem to believe you know the number of planets in the universe, even though we don't even know how many stars there are. There are over 300 billion stars in the Milky Way galaxy alone, and current estimates suggest there are over 170 billion galaxies in the known universe. And our galaxy isn't even that "big" in terms of how many stars there are contained within. Your estimates don't even come close to the scale we're talking about here.

Further, preliminary estimates from Kepler suggest there may be as many as 17 billion Earth sized planets in our galaxy alone. Extrapolate that to the rest of the universe and you begin to realize how absurd your suggestions are.

You're arguing from ignorance, which is fallacious reasoning. You're severely lacking in information and using that for a basis for your argument.

Edited to add this link: entially-habitable-planets

You are WAY off on your estimations.

Prof. Farnsworth: Oh. A lesson in not changing history from Mr. I'm-My-Own-Grandpa!


Wormholes would HAVE to be their method of travel, since even when traveling at the speed of light it would take hundreds of years just from the CLOSEST potentially habitable planet we have found. SETI has looked at the closest habitable planets, however, and has found no sign of life with their radio telescopes.........not to mention the chances of one of the closest habitable planets harboring intelligent life is miniscule.

Then, moving on to physics.........if you know anything about physics you realize the incredibly vast amount of energy it would take to OPEN a wormhole. It's beyond comprehension. Sure, a super-advanced race COULD have achieved it, but the chances are slim.........and if they were that advanced, I find it difficult to believe they would be so interested in us. It's far more likely that they have discovered a way to approach traveling at the speed of light.

Then we move on to the UFO "crashes". For such advanced beings, capable of creating technology not only beyond our understanding, but on the verge of impossible, they sure do crash a lot. I find it hard to believe beings that can open wormholes and have been coming here for thousands of years crash so often. That would be quite a bungle. In fact, they seem to crash more than our own NASA does if you believe the stories........

And finally, the complete lack of credible evidence is another blow to the alien visitation assertion. No credible film, pictures, etc........nearly every piece of evidence that is interesting proves to be a hoax. Nearly every "expert" is a complete quack. The people involved would help their cause a lot if they used scientific method and skeptical thinking, but there is nothing scientific about the way they conduct their "investigations". They certainly aren't doing the "field" any favors with shows like UFO Hunters and "experts" like that podiatrist (whose name escapes me) or those who perform hypnotic regression (a farce prone to implanting false memories).

As a skeptic with a soft spot for the supernatural and aliens, I would like nothing more than to read or watch a true scientist with true credentials analyze evidence.......even if they find NOTHING. But alas, all we get are quacks and nuts. I enjoy the alien stories and would like nothing more than for things like them and the supernatural to prove true. I won't delude myself, however, and must see proof to even BEGIN to think it is a possibility. And despite looking at a great deal of "evidence" over the years, I've never seen anything I found to be credible.

So in closing, do I think there are aliens out there? Probably, yes. In the vastness of space, I find it hard to believe there isn't life somewhere else. Are they visiting us? Extremely unlikely, but not impossible. I'll continue to enjoy reviewing evidence and will HOPE for something interesting that makes me reconsider my stance. Just about anything is POSSIBLE........any true scientist will concede that........but the burden of proof lies on those making the claims. And that burden of proof is FAR from being met. Yet, at least. :)


Thank you, clarity is refreshing to hear. I agree with you in regard to the amount of energy necessary to open let alone maintain and use a wormhole for travel across space requires you be able to control energy at the planck length. Ridiculous amounts needless to say. Assume for a moment they could do that. Why would they even be visible to us.If you can tear a hole in space then you can do just about anything, including bending light around your craft as to make it invisible. Hell, you could park on the moon and watch the fireworks as we slowly grind ourselves into the dust.That said, if you wanted to come here for any of the other reasons mentioned in so many SF films i.e. resources, controlling energy at those levels you can make anything, and I do mean anything, you want from Hydrogen through fusion or some other process we have yet to discover.Abduction, where to start;I did one time have a sleep paralysis event.I was convinced there was someone in the room with my wife and I.I could not move anything but my eyes for what felt like an eternity.I wanted to scream but couldn't.As I lay there I slowly started to realize what was REALLY happening,I had heard of it before.I was still scared, mind you.But I calmed myself and I was able to move after a bit. I sat up took a good look around the room but it was just she and I. I lay back down and fell right back to sleep. I don't know what would have happened (in my head) if it lasted longer or I didn't think rationally.I could see, easily, where someone could mistake what happened to me as an abduction, I guess.More so if they had overactive imaginations, or panicked.But it wasn't.Without undeniable,irrefutable,solid, and incontrovertible evidence to the contrary people will cling to belief that we are special enough to warrant a visit by aliens brilliant enough to travel hundreds, if not thousands of light-years but clumsy enough to crash (there's got to be a movie[a comedy]in that much fodder alone).Just like nature, the mind hates a vacuum and will fill it w/outlandish paranoid fantasies (they do make for good stories on occasion but should be left in the realm of fiction) fueled by our own hubris.


1) Aliens most likely DO exist. However, their existence does not mean they are visiting us. You claim they visited thousands of years ago, but where is the evidence for this claim?

2) You're talking nonsense. There are ways around the speed of light limit. Warp drives and wormholes for example. Technically faster than light travel, but they do not use conventional propulsion methods and thus are not subject to the side effects of accelerating to light speed. .8 C is still not very fast relative to the distance between stars. Even traveling AT the speed of light, it would take over 4 years to travel to the nearest star to us(Proxima Centauri).

Wormholes do not bend space\time either. They're bridges between two points in space\time. Nothing is "bent" by using one.

3) So what? Do you think other planets have limited verity of life? Further, why would they have to make physical contact in order to study us?

Prof. Farnsworth: Oh. A lesson in not changing history from Mr. I'm-My-Own-Grandpa!


**what do we have that they could possibly want?**


I believe that "Aliens" are in fact "Demons". That is, I believe they're very real and they're not "intelligent life", but rather, "Fallen Angels".

I believe the number one reason why they mess with humanity is because people are beautiful creatures whom have free-will, whom got choice to believe in X, Y, Z and because they do not want people to believe in God(s). In short, whatever it is they want, we've got it, we obtain it, to them, we are special in a way that they envy; they do not want us to have faith in anything, in fact, they probably want humans to worship them instead. And, I'm sure ancient civilizations have worshipped them, giving that civilization the notion that they are god(s), when in fact they are not.

I believe the sole purpose of their existence is to misdirect the human soul; to make the human being have doubt, and insecurities by means of knowledge. I feel that the more humans gain "knowledge", particular knowledge (not all knowledge), the further away we are from God(s), from mother nature, from The Universe.

I believe "The Greys" are fallen angels meant to portray and give out evil to the world, whilst creating a falsehood of helping and lending of the hand. Do not let them fool you.

The image we see, that is "The Grey", I believe, are the physical form they wish for us to view them as. Or in other words, I believe humans have created this image of them, as if we were to see a fallen angel with our own eyes, and it's the literall form of a fallen angel, so far as humans view them.


@dreamcandyy: I wish my computer had a wormhole to your computer so I can punch you in the face through my screen.

(K) eira

K (N) ightley

(O) rlando

(B) loom

Need I say more?



It's okay, it is a lot to handle and begin to comprehend. This doesn't mean it's not true.

If there were a wormhole in my computer so you could punch my face, my face would consume your hand and you would be left without a hand.

You'd lose a hand for this?

Are you sure you want to risk it?



It's okay, it is a lot to handle and begin to comprehend. This doesn't mean it's not true.

Fallacious reasoning. Just because something is hard to comprehend(your theory is not), does not make it a valid theory. You need positive evidence before you can even begin to claim something as "true."

If there were a wormhole in my computer so you could punch my face, my face would consume your hand and you would be left without a hand.

Are you saying you would cannibalize the above posters hand, or that your face would literally absorb it?

Prof. Farnsworth: Oh. A lesson in not changing history from Mr. I'm-My-Own-Grandpa!


Dear god... This thread just went to a whole new level of crazy.

I believe the number one reason why they mess with humanity is because people are beautiful creatures whom have free-will, whom got choice to believe in X, Y, Z and because they do not want people to believe in God(s). In short, whatever it is they want, we've got it, we obtain it, to them, we are special in a way that they envy; they do not want us to have faith in anything, in fact, they probably want humans to worship them instead. And, I'm sure ancient civilizations have worshipped them, giving that civilization the notion that they are god(s), when in fact they are not.

Umm... Fallen Angels have free will. They're no longer subject to the word of God.

And don't use whom if you don't know when to use it. When in doubt, use who. Using whom incorrectly does not make you look intelligent. Quite the opposite.

For a moment, lets assume your crazy "theory" is true. Why would the demons care what we do anymore than interstellar aliens would?

It's funny, you say you believe all this, but you haven't given anyone any reason to buy what you're selling.

Prof. Farnsworth: Oh. A lesson in not changing history from Mr. I'm-My-Own-Grandpa!


Fallen Angels do not have free will like humans do, they're more limited then humans are, go figure. My evidence? They're bound to evil and can do no good; humans are not bound to evil and can do both good and evil, with good being the better end of the stick, so to speak. So, you're wrong on that one King_of_Nothing.

"Whom", to "whom" are you saying that I must not use the word "whom", but rather the word "who"? In short, who the *beep* cares? You? Who are you? King_of_Nobody... I was a little intoxicated and misused a word a couple times. Cry me a river.

There is more proof for the "aliens" being demons than there are proof that these same beings are "interstellar aliens". This is not to say there are no "interstellar beings", however, when the ancient Sumerians, Mayans, Africans, seriously almost every continent has some sort of painting, writing, belief system, of ancient "beings from the sky" coming to help "give them knowledge" of earth, not of the rest of the Universe. The book of Enoch speaks of these, the christian bible speaks of these. And so, you've got an entire species talking about the same thing, and you cannot see this easily identifiable connection?

Dude, believe what you will. I am not trying to sell anything. This is where you're wrong yet again. What would you say If I do not care what you believe in? Nor am I trying to make you believe in anything. You do more attacking than any actual debating.


Fallen Angels do not have free will like humans do, they're more limited then humans are, go figure. My evidence? They're bound to evil and can do no good; humans are not bound to evil and can do both good and evil, with good being the better end of the stick, so to speak. So, you're wrong on that one King_of_Nothing.

I like how you make up your own rules.

And no, fallen angels are not bound to evil. They're simply cut off from the word of God. That doesn't mean they HAVE to go around committing evil. Besides which, this is supposition, not evidence.

"Whom", to "whom" are you saying that I must not use the word "whom", but rather the word "who"? In short, who the *beep* cares? You? Who are you? King_of_Nobody... I was a little intoxicated and misused a word a couple times. Cry me a river.

You can use it all you want. Never said otherwise. What I said is, that if you use it wrong, as you did above, it makes it hard to take you as the intellectual authority you're presenting yourself as.

Seems to me that you're the one crying here. All I did was suggest you not use whom if you're not sure how to use it correctly. You're the one getting all bent out of shape about it.

There is more proof for the "aliens" being demons than there are proof that these same beings are "interstellar aliens".

There's actually no proof of either being the case. But the rest of this paragraph should be interesting.

This is not to say there are no "interstellar beings", however, when the ancient Sumerians, Mayans, Africans, seriously almost every continent has some sort of painting, writing, belief system, of ancient "beings from the sky" coming to help "give them knowledge" of earth, not of the rest of the Universe. The book of Enoch speaks of these, the christian bible speaks of these. And so, you've got an entire species talking about the same thing, and you cannot see this easily identifiable connection?

That isn't evidence in either direction. That's really not evidence of anything at all. Let alone evidence that aliens are actually demons as opposed to interstellar beings.

I am curious how you believe that marks them as Angels as opposed to interstellar aliens though. One could easily argue the complete opposite of what you're suggesting and the "evidence" points to that conclusion being right too. Vague mentions of "beings from the sky" isn't evidence of anything. Especially when those stories CANNOT be verified.

Dude, believe what you will. I am not trying to sell anything. This is where you're wrong yet again. What would you say If I do not care what you believe in? Nor am I trying to make you believe in anything. You do more attacking than any actual debating.

This isn't about belief for me. This is about credibility and facts. I don't take a belief stance in these subjects because people will believe whatever they want to believe. However, when people like yourself try to make a positive claim, you should try to present some positive evidence. Otherwise NOBODY has any real reason to believe you.

Unlike yourself, I'm not pushing my beliefs. I'm asking you to support your claims. Which you completely fail to do at every turn. I've not stated my beliefs, because I don't believe any of this nonsense, as there's no evidence for any of it. Make up whatever stories you like, but the fact is, there is no solid evidence that we are being visited by anyone, be it alien or angels\demons.

And I'm not attacking. I'm pointing out the horrible flaws in your reasoning. You're taking it as an attack, but the fact is you're simply not engaging in debate. You're trying to present your belief as fact and when challenged on those claims you claim you're being attacked. Grow up, and address the actual problems with your arguments.

Prof. Farnsworth: Oh. A lesson in not changing history from Mr. I'm-My-Own-Grandpa!


Yawn, I've already presented enough evidence for you to begin research on your own there guy. I don't need to feed you with anything. I don't owe you anything. My beliefs have nothing to do with me having to provide evidence to you, none. Believe what you want, I really don't care. Try to punk some other person into giving you what you want.


You've not presented a single piece of "evidence". You have only stated what you believe. That is faith. Faith requires you to deny screaming,stomping,in-your-face,fact; and to stop asking questions.It is subscribed naivete and more disturbing,to me,denial. Writing a lie a hundred million times does not make it true, it makes it pervasive. Like a virus.
I'm glad that you've decided to stop learning. If you change your mind:

Breaking The Spell by Daniel C. Dennett
The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins
The End of Faith by Sam Harris
These are books, they require more attention and effort than a movie or television program. Try one on.


Yawn, I've already presented enough evidence for you to begin research on your own there guy.

That isn't how debate works, kiddo. It isn't my job to do your work for you. You made a claim, that aliens factually exist, and now you're blatantly refusing to support your claims.

My beliefs have nothing to do with me having to provide evidence to you, none. Believe what you want, I really don't care.

Beliefs... Exactly. Not fact. As I said, believe what you want. But do not presume to be an expert on something when you're simply stating your beliefs.

Try to punk some other person into giving you what you want.

Try not joining conversations if you have no interest in seeing them to their conclusion. All you're doing is taking your ball and going home, as a child would. An adult would at least be able to defend their position.

Prof. Farnsworth: Oh. A lesson in not changing history from Mr. I'm-My-Own-Grandpa!


I think when most people talk about UFO and aliens visiting earth the aliens WOULD have to be intelligent and advanced in order to travel such a great distance to visit earth.


Hey, here's tip about humans for the guy who KNOWS so much about aliens. Being insulting and condescending is the worst way to convince people of your beliefs. Not just because they don't want to believe you, but they see you're offensiveness as compensation for the lack of objectivity in your convictions.

Aliens, sports, politics, etc. Over whatever topic, no matter how important, there are people like you, and I can't stand them.


hehe, yea, if its not religion than its some other crazy stuff... people are just easy fooled, they dont understand that there are people who tell lies to sell books and shows. they dont understand that even the smartest person can say dumb things or just make stuff up to sell you his thing, and the weird thing is, its them who are not thinking for themselves lol.

i believe in aliens, the universe is infinite it seems, so there should be infinite possibilities... but that does not mean that fairytales can come true...
creating wormholes to bend space? hahaha, first, like someone said, we dont know if we can ever produce such energy, second, we dont know what happens in a wormhole, third, we dont know if its even possible to bend space... these are just theories, they are not like the theory of evolution which is pretty much proven in science.... that means, that one day, someone could proof that you cannot travel faster than speed of light, that you cannot create a wormhole, let alone step inside one ... and many of those will proof to be impossible, thats just statistics, not everything that comes from your mouth will be the truth, because you dont know the truth about everything.


Yeah, this is my problem with all of these "aliens are 4 realz you guys!" conspiracy freaks... the attitude that "No way, I KNOW all this stuff and YOU are just STUPID SHEEP that are BRAINWASHED by the LAMESTREAM MEDIA! Think for yourself for once and see the TRUTH!!!!"

Ummm no. You are no more intelligent, free thinking, or enlightened than the rest of us... you're just buying into someone else's BS. Just because it's not the "popular" belief, it doesn't make you smarter or less "brainwashed" than the rest of us.

And please, don't bother telling me to search for the "truth" myself. I've spent my entire life reading about UFO's, alien abductions, and conspiracies like Roswell. Not once have I ever heard or read a story where "Extraterrestrial beings traveled millions of light years but don't want to be revealed" was the simplest or most convincing answer. In fact, you know what? I HAVE been abducted. Or rather... I suffer from chronic sleep paralysis and know exactly what abductees describe. Because that's usually what is actually happening to them. I know how real it feels.... and I also know it is not real.

I love the idea of alien visitors. I want it to be true. But I have not ever seen any convincing evidence that it is. Try reading points of view and explanations for phenomena other than the ones that support your beliefs of "Aliens!! Totally aliens are the answer to everything!!" and try thinking for yourself.

Sorry, I usually avoid these discussions, but I get really irritated when you crackpot morons start going on with your stupid "Anyone who disagrees with me is a simple-minded idiot." reasoning. If believing that ET is visiting you at night makes you feel special, fine. If believing in stupid s**t is the only way you can feel more enlightened or intelligent than the rest of us, cool.... you're totally the only one that sees the truth and the rest of us are all living a lie. Whatever. Think whatever garbage helps you feel like you're not a waste of life. If you can't handle hearing the truth from people... fine, then avoid contact with all rational human beings. But don't belittle those who disagree with you.



Part of the problem with the internet is that whatever your unfounded, untested (and often untestable) beliefs are, there's an internet forum dedicated to "waking people up", "stop being sheep", and "educating yourself" which consists entirely of third-hand anecdotes and recycled campfire tales.

I suppose it's a testament to the success of science fiction movies that there are so many people who take this stuff seriously, yet never question the fact that there is no reports of this occurring before the Cold War and paranoia over the USSR beating us in the space race during the Sputnik era.

And before anyone responds with "ancient aliens", let's just closely examine the evidence presented by "researchers" such as Eric von Daniken, whose primary thesis is that when any ancient culture does anything remotely interesting, they either had help from a more advanced culture (who coincidentally are always white), or aliens.

Of course, I understand the appeal. I read von Daniken voraciously as an early teenager, and it wasn't until I honed my media literacy skills that I started looking more closely at some of the claims made by him and others and evaluating them without preconceived notions.



Typical. Rather than present solid evidence, you just insult anyone who doesn't instantly buy into your nonsense.

Prof. Farnsworth: Oh. A lesson in not changing history from Mr. I'm-My-Own-Grandpa!


Here is typical "evidence" for aliens: &

Claude Vorilhon believes he met aliens in France, and continues telepathic contact. This is a basis for the Raelian cult. It is also textbook schizophrenia, the basis for all UFO religion.

Four More Years! Ha ha ha ha ha ha


it's all well and good to single out the crazy people, but you can do that with anything. look at some of the more credible cases (not involving any contact between aliens and people). just look into the Belgian wave or the Japan Air Lines flight 1628 incident. these are sightings of ufo's that were viewed by several (credible) whitnesses and are well documented. with the Japan Air incident the ufo even showed up on radar at ground stations in the area. 5% of all sightings cannot be explained away. focus on those. ignore youtube. don't be a d!ck.

that's what she said


"don't be a d!ck. "

Funny... didn't see you calling out the person who agrees with your point of view when he started his thread calling people that disagrees with him "ignorant" and specifically calling one user a "simpleton" for not thinking ALF is watching us. Being a "d!ck" is only cool for those that agree with you? Interesting.


Seeing something you can't identify is NOT valid evidence pointing towards visiting extra terrestrials. People see things they can't explain all the time, that does not mean we just make up whatever illogical nonsense that pops into our head first.

Prof. Farnsworth: Oh. A lesson in not changing history from Mr. I'm-My-Own-Grandpa!


Claude Vorilhon does not seem very credible. His experience reminds me more of a bad (or good) acid trip.

thecalhouns - If you're a race who can travel through space and make contact with another race (as some reports suggest), then you are superior to human beings. Their agenda is anyone's guess, but the evidence of their existence is becoming more evident.

miatchguy - Fair enough. Believe what you want. This topic gets suppressed too often and you can't deny that it requires more attention though. If you were not curious, you would not have visited this page.

A former representative from The Vatican has been on record expressing his belief in other life forms visiting Earth, which to me is shocking coming from a religious figure. People need to wake up!


there's plenty of evidence to at least merit a closer look into the abduction phenomenon, but if you're in the business of trying to sway hearts and minds, it's best to focus on some of the very credible UFO sightings.

that's what she said


Well...there's almost an infinite number of stars in the universe, there's almost certainly life out there. Of course the planets and stars are roughly the same in age so a race of aliens being so much more advanced than us may or may not be realistic. And we've had ice ages and asteroids smashing into us and such that have halted our evolution, and the fall of Rome ushered in the Dark Ages which set back humanity nearly a thousand years...we could have reached the space age 500 yrs sooner had that never happened in theory...the same could be said for life elsewhere too...but yeah, life if it exists elsewhere could just be fish, or fungus, or animals or trees, or human-like still in the bronze age, or maybe like us 1,000 yrs ahead of us, none could have the ability to travel at the speed of light. But it's pretty small minded to look up at the night sky at all of those stars and think that it's just us...something else has to be out there somewhere.


thecalhouns - If you're a race who can travel through space and make contact with another race (as some reports suggest), then you are superior to human beings. Their agenda is anyone's guess, but the evidence of their existence is becoming more evident.

So lets see this supposedly evident evidence.

miatchguy - Fair enough. Believe what you want. This topic gets suppressed too often and you can't deny that it requires more attention though. If you were not curious, you would not have visited this page.

This topic does NOT get suppressed. Look around the internet for a moment. There are plenty of true believers expressing their beliefs all over the damn place. If there were valid evidence, we would all be aware of it by now.

A former representative from The Vatican has been on record expressing his belief in other life forms visiting Earth, which to me is shocking coming from a religious figure. People need to wake up!

Irrelevant. What people believe does not have to coincide with the facts. What people believe and what is factually correct are not always the same thing.

People like yourself need to realize the burden of proof is on YOU. You're the ones making the extraordinary claims. And extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. So far, not one bit of valid evidence has been presented in this thread. Or anywhere else for that matter.

We don't need to wake up, you need to learn how to present a solid and convincing argument.

Prof. Farnsworth: Oh. A lesson in not changing history from Mr. I'm-My-Own-Grandpa!


... AND the basis for all religion. (schizophrenia that is)

belief is a powerful thing, and when combined with a desire to believe as many humans do have, it shapes the very minds, reality and existence of people. for example, i love the idea of life after death, such as heaven, and would love for it to be real. BUT that desire has no effect on the actual reality of heaven which i "believe" to be nonsense. The fact of the matter is, there is no evidence for heaven, and the only reason i have to believe either way is because ideas of its existence have been created and evolved in the imaginations of people. i could postulate the existence of intelligent rabbits that hide their truth from us with their superior intellect. I have now brought that idea into existence and have created a situation where you have to consider the idea and "believe" in its truth or nonsense either way. When we create ideas with no basis in reality (such as religions, ufo's, or aliens) we must then form beliefs about these ideas, irrespective of how possible or implausible they may be.

Its like a curse of a conscious, intelligent, sentient being. It is also one of the greatest elements to our consciousness... the ability to think of the fantastic, of things beyond the immediate and physical, to imagine the possibilities of reality. We can then use these abilities to investigate these imaginings further and prove things to be real or not. and hence we have science.

but unfortunately there is no proof of aliens, and there is no proof of God. and dont say "there is no proof that God doesn't exist" because that is the logic of a moron, an idiot. Its exactly the same as saying that the universe is run by a planet sized pink toad because there is no proof that there isn't.

i love reading some of the rubbish posted by some of you religious imbeciles. its hilarious.

if my logic is full of holes im sure someone will point that out. i will be very grateful if you do cos im always keen to evolve my understanding of reality and without open discussion i would be forever trapped with faulty vision.


We all have a responsibility to evolve our consciousness through our lives. as we do we are playing our part in the evolution of the planet, in the evolution of mankind, in the evolution of our collective mind, and in the evolution of Gaia.


i do believe that there are other intelligent beings in the universe, of the billions and billions of planets out there its idiotic to think that one isn't capable of substaining life we have 8 planets in or solar system and one contains life so its likely that millions of planets out there have life, "Think about a super intelligent race, that communicates unlike us (telepathically" this is where we disagree, just because they have been to our planet does not mean they are anymore intelligent than us ( I know your going to say that them having been able to travel to our planet proves they are smarter than us) in my opinion I think that they are just an older species, remember humans are a fairly your species lets say humans have been around for a million years (I have no idea how old we actually are. maybe the alien species' that have been to earth have been around for 100 million years. Remember we went from no space program in the 40's to the moon in the 60's look how far we have came in just 20 years, what if they have had a space program for 10000 years, you don't think that in 10000 years we will be able to travel to far off planets, well I do. Remember this is just my opinion yours could be right, or we both could be wrong who knows. Now I want to get back to aliens visiting earth, while I believe they have, why haven't they made their presence known? It cant be that they are scared of us, if they have the tech to travel to earth I'm sure they have far superior weapons. Just my 2 cents.


The government couldn't cover up a simple sex scandal with the President. No way they could keep a secret like the existence of Aliens from the general public. The Government would love for the public to think they could keep secret like that, but they are no where near that competent.



Aliens have been visiting this planet and engaging the human race before you were even a twinkle in your father's eye. Anyone who disagrees is extremely ignorant.

Roswell, for example, did happen. And is one of the BIGGEST cover ups in all of mankind. Technology that we use today was reversed engineered by this event. One of the main reasons (in my opinion) why full disclosure has not taken place yet, is because of the psychological impact that it would have on humanity. Think about a super intelligent race, that communicates unlike us (telepathically), that have been conducting experiments on some humans, similar to how we would on animals in the wild.

As much as I want to believe intelligent alien life exists, and as much as I want to believe the stories of them visiting us, it's worth bearing in mind that there are are a lot of crackpots and liars out there, who would fabricate any story if they thought it would get them attention or fame.

Did Roswell happen? Perhaps something happened. Was it to do with aliens? Not necessarily. We know Area 51 exists, but it is a research facility- all the talk of aliens and space ships provides them with perfect cover for whatever they are really doing (which is probably something to do with military equipment).

I'm not saying aliens have never visited the earth. I'm not saying every abduction story is a lie or false. However, it is prudent to eliminate every other possibility first, rather than leaping to conclusions.

To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.


Excellent tightrope walking...You are right of course, something did happen at Roswell. My questions on that subject would be

1. Why drive all the way into town to complain about string, balsa wood and tin foil. Surely the ranch hand Brazel would have, ignored the wood and collected the tin foil, twine and anything dangerous to livestock and chucked it in the bin. Rather than drive miles to complain about the debris (if it was just as the USAF suggest). Right up to the USAF involvement, as far as I'm aware nobody suggested anything Alien.

2. If the actual (top secret) equipment downed at Roswell was to either detect Russian nuclear explosions or test high altitude suites or parachutes. Why did the USAF waste their time and effort on a cover up in the 90's.

Actual record of Mack Brazel talking to Jesse Marcel

"Something came down on the ranch I work at, I collected a lot of this, a few days ago." "Oh and by the way Major Marcel, there a 100yd long popped balloon stuck on a cactus." "I stuck a couple of rocks on it so it can't blow away" "Do you what me to burnt that along with the balsa wood". "Sure, Mack if you don't mind, by the way - if you find a box with a radio in it, let me know at the base". "Now lets make up a story about it being a flying saucer....That's the quickest way for me to get a promotion in the U.S Air Force". "You're right Major, Nobody would ever question that story"


who are you and why should we care about your opinion
