First off, I don't really like these cheezy feel good type movies. I do like feeling good, but not at the expense of solid filmmaking. That being said, I quite liked The Wedding Date, Walter Mitty and others in the genre.
After only watching the first 40 minutes of the Intern, I'm not qualified to offer a real review, but so far, I'm really not enjoying it at all. Aside from the expected schmaltz, I'm finding myself just loathing most of the characters. One guy can't find an apartment without help. Another rings a stupid bell when someone does something extraordinarily minor. Yet another rides a bike around the loft. I would knock her right off. Yes, I know, some of this actually happens.
A few early scenes I found lazy and weak. We know Ben is old, but those old jokes are simple and cheap. Maybe a little more subtlety would have improved the scenes. I didn't want to create a spoiler for others by describing them.
When I finish watching, I'll come back and finish what I started. Frankly, these types of movies are too simplistic and I'm just not often on brain drain mode where I can lazily watch films like these ignoring the shortcomings. It's also very possible that I'm being too hard and it will get better in the second half.
I did want to run off with Renee Russo and save her :)
Lastly, for anyone who enjoyed this film. I think it's great. My partial review is no reflection on anything and is just one man's opinion.