Horrible Movie

Zero voice talent.
Cliche after cliche.
Utterly stupid (not in a funny way) story by the worst writer in the galaxy.

There were little kids in the theater, and not even they were laughing.

What I truly wanted to say when this movie ended was a two-word expletive, loudly, into the writer's and director's ears.


lol what did you expect go into this movie? The best unique thrilling movie of all time with plot twist after twist? No it's supposed to be a fun family movie that kids can enjoy because the minions are extremely popular and entertaining in pop culture right now, and the rest of the family can enjoy some laughs and references in an animated comedy about little yellow minions. If you saw the trailer you should have known exactly what you were in for.

Worst writer in the galaxy, and kids didn't even laugh? is you just exaggerating to fit your own agenda and get a rise out of people. Which I guess you accomplished.

Considering this had one of the biggest animated movie profits of all time, and millions of kids are seeing and laughing at this movie, I guess you are going to be pretty offended by that. Good luck in life, if 90 minutes of watching little minions be goofy in a family movie gets that you that upset.


How did this crap even get 50% on RT? Half the critics where high?



We all enjoyed it. The Minions are always funny. The music was GREAT-1968.
There must be something seriously wrong with someone who can't enjoy this. Do you even know how to LAUGH?
Would you rather see a movie filled with F words, a disgusting movie
such as "The Departed" with blood and gore and violence and nothing positive and GOOD?

I feel sorry for people who can't laugh,


Yes, because if we didn't like Minions than,obviously, the only thing we find entertaining is blood, gore, and violence.


You can't pay me to see this "cash grab" again lol.


There are only a few movies that I have EVER walked out on. Minions was one of them. I stayed for 30 minutes, but it just didn't grab my interest. I had no kids with me, but I still tend to enjoy movies that are targeted at kids. But not this one. I loved Despicable Me 1 & 2 and I was expecting more than what was delivered here. I have no idea what happened after the first 30 minutes, but it should have grabbed me by that time.


The theater I was in actually applauded at the end of the movie they loved it so much.


I was it because it was over .

Kidding. I thought the movie was pretty bad, but if you liked it then that's fair and simply proves how subjective movies are.

If you're happy and you know it, go sit in the corner and think about your life.


It was all right, but I definitely didn't love it. My daughters thought is was just an average film.

The Divine Genealogy Goddess


thats bsit because even if theres no guru to strenghthen the story u could have had a decent story with just them... thats the point then theres a story and of course yourl get the troubles and humor.. all that.. not just mindless fun.... and most plp that see a film do not notice the things that make a film great.. oh well... ill seee it drunk
