Horrible Movie

Zero voice talent.
Cliche after cliche.
Utterly stupid (not in a funny way) story by the worst writer in the galaxy.

There were little kids in the theater, and not even they were laughing.

What I truly wanted to say when this movie ended was a two-word expletive, loudly, into the writer's and director's ears.


I agree. No point in seeing this in theatre. I fell asleep at one point and I usually love these type of movies. The 4 year old in the seat next to me kept getting scared.


Strange. The theatre I was in (with my 5 year old and wife) was full of kids and families and I could hear kids laughing very loudly throughout the entire film.
"Zero voice talent"...what does that even mean? Sandra Bullock certainly didn't git this out of the park but she was ok. And she was the weak link in the movie. But Jon Hamm, Michael Keaton, Allison Janney and the guy who did the Minions were great.
It's obviously not your cup of tea (despite what you insist) so why go in the first place?


KIDS ....... even saw a movie when you where a kid then see it later when you are older and are likemmmmmm try super inframan on for size or any old godzilla movie.

Of course kids will love a movie filled with colors and find anything funny.

Its for us adults that get bored. I do beleive this movie will suck.


Minions is the only movie I've been to where more people laughed during the movie trailers than they did for the actual movie. I didn't enjoy it neither did my niece. Hopefully, Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Road Chip will be much better.


i fully second that! My experience is exaxtly the same. Poor!


Did you watch the movie in a monastery?


I enjoyed it, but I didn't go in expecting a GREAT movie. I'm entertained by the minions even when they're in TV ads and all I really wanted was to see them a bit more. I thought the film did a good job of establishing an origin story for them as little creatures whose survival strategy as they evolved was to latch on to the biggest baddest they could find. I was amused by some of the pop culture references and I have to wonder if Queen Elizabeth will ever watch the film ;-) I went on Friday night and the theatre was jammed full of people. The kids were constantly laughing and everyone both clapped at the end and stayed through the credits which I doubt would have happened if they had hated it. It's not as good as the first two films because I think those had a stronger storyline. This third film was really more like a compilation of scenes showing the mayhem the minions can get in - but if you're a minion fan, it will keep you grinning.


There were little kids in the theater, and not even they were laughing.

For some reason I find that hard to belive.


I suppose what you get out of it depends on what you expected.
I expected and entertaining, cheesy, funny, slapstick, random, and pointless romp with my favorite yellow goofballs.
I got it. I was pleased they even gave a plot!

Had I been expecting a Masterpiece, I would have been disappointed

-White Wolf


I got it. I was pleased they even gave a plot!

Not trying to single you out, but I don't think I can ever lower my expectations of a movie to the degree where anything that includes a plot is a bonus.


There are plenty of great movies throughout history that barely had any plot.


"I expected and entertaining, cheesy, funny, slapstick, random, and pointless romp with my favorite yellow goofballs."

This is what I expected too. The problem was it was missing "entertaiing" and "funny".

If you're happy and you know it, go sit in the corner and think about your life.


The M.O.:
Someone scans the top 5-10 box-office draws and jumps to their respective IMDB page to write how horrible the movie is.

The bait:
The usual keywords are placed strategically so that people are incensed enough to write a rebuttal.

The pigeons:
The people who are loyal fans or the people who really enjoyed said movie fall for it time after time.

Trolls gonna troll. Fed by gullible people.

Thank God the threads are few, far between, and easy to pick out and ignore.

Trolls please enjoy in your own filth-lined thread.


The M.O.:
Someone scans the top 5-10 box-office draws and jumps to their respective IMDB page to write how horrible the movie is.

Alternately, someone sees the movie and doesn't like it. Or finds it so particularly awful given the extreme high profile of the marketing, and are compelled to make a comment of how shockingly empty the movie is.

The bait:
The usual keywords are placed strategically so that people are incensed enough to write a rebuttal.

In this case, I'd think the words "horrible movie" pretty much sum up the experience, bait or not. No real strategy required.

The pigeons:
The people who are loyal fans or the people who really enjoyed said movie fall for it time after time.

Possibly. I haven't seen too many adults who honestly said they really enjoyed it. Lots of commentary about how their very young children were entertained but little critical analysis beyond that. I mean, except for the typical "it's only for kids, how can you expect it to be good?" argument.

Trolls gonna troll. Fed by gullible people.

Conclusion: If you point out how this big budget, big box office movie is actually quite horrible (and provide reasons why you've reached this opinion), you are de facto a troll.

Thank God the threads are few, far between, and easy to pick out and ignore.

And yet you didn't manage to do this.

Trolls please enjoy in your own filth-lined thread.



"And yet you didn't manage to do this. "

Um, I'm not going to start some other thread in order to make my point. The troll already illustrated my point, all I needed to be was the Greek chorus.

You can twist my meaning any way you want. Bottom line, there are two sides, good movie, bad movie. I managed to defend neither, and called out the trend in IMDB that goes on because you and all the other trolls are fed by an audience. You wouldn't be here if you weren't looking for validation. You got yours.


I fell asleep about 4-5 times also, it's geared more for kids under 10. The only saving grace was young Gru at the end. Highly disappointed we spent $40 plus snacks.


@lazierfan: I don't like it when people brand other people as "trolls" the second their "favorite movies" are being criticized. Grow up and learn to accept other people's opinions instead of labeling them as trolls just because they don't have the same opinions as you do.

Personally, I still love these cute little yellow creatures that are minions, they're probably the cutest thing ever happened in the history of Hollywood. But to be honest the movie's just flat, no plot, and not well thought out at all. I won't blame some people who would brand it as "horrible". It's not too far fetch from that. The minions themselves are still awesome though.



Just in your style, I attacked the style and method of the OP.
I never stated my opinion of the movie. Since you attacked me you obviously know the reason behind my post. You just took the simple way out, while my opinion of people who troll prevail.
