Hetero male cr@p

I saw this film and realized how much it caters to heterosexual male fantasies of women.

I saw it with four lesbians, none of whom found the sex scenes at all something that they could connect with.

That final act of Adele grabbing Emma's hand and putting it on her vagina was purely a "guy" thing, not a "girl" thing. One woman commented on how it made Adele seem very desperate since it reduced the relationship between the two girls to the physical - something that never happens with women (although it happens all the time with men, even gay men, ESPECIALLY gay men).

These scenes pretty much boiled down to lesbian porn for str8 men.

Furthermore, Adele was something of an unlikable character. Emma tried to raise Adele's self-confidence, but Adele did not seem to appreciate that.

Finally, what was with the movie consisting pretty much of close-ups of the actresses? Good think I had to read subtitles, otherwise, I would have really been bored by the cinematography.

This film got overlooked by the Academy for an Oscar - and it's no wonder why. Even one of the lesbians I was with admitted that, after finally seeing "Blue," she was less disappointed it didn't get a nomination.

I finally concluded that this film, despite so many shortcomings, won the Palme d'Or at Cannes because most of the jury is made of str8 men (like Steven Spielberg), who, no doubt, found delight in the lesbian sex scenes. Such a jury subsequently allowed their lust to overwhelm their collective artistic eye and pronounce this travesty of a same-sex relationship film as "ground-breaking" when nothing could be further from the truth.

"Don't call me 'honey', mac."
"Don't call me 'mac'... HONEY!"



I'm a "hetero male" guy as the op call, i met several lesbian or bi (a lot less gay male), and i always liked to talk about sex with hers because to understand women you need to talk with, that's being said i totally agree with the point of buzzyb, and also the penetration thing is absolutely NOT a male lesbian-fantasy, i even find it insulting for both side.
Its not because some lesbian do not like this penetration thing (fingers, hand, toys etc) all other do not play that way.

For me the op say clearly, US lesbian do not want to be penetrated in any way because the male is the true enemy, so you understand now why i find it insulting for each of us gay or hetero.


Men are the enemy...not all guys are the same. I don't go around thinking all gays are the enemy, I'm not homophobic. Why have this attitude?


Your opinion about this movie seems like you're really fixated on the sex-scenes & your opinion of "the male fantasy".

Which cave do you live in?

The movie IS NOT! an explicit deception about lesbians in love or lesbian sex (as-it-is) but a very beautiful story about those things that can happen (and will happen) if you fall in love.

Should films "say the truth" - I certainly not hope so! I really don't! As well as I don't hope that you see movies as conspiratorial and this one as an attack on lesbians, made from a male point of view.

"La Vie d'Adèle" is an artistic tour-de-force, whatever you like it to be or not.


This movie certainly isn't marketed for str8 men. The segment of str8 men that get off on lesbians, only get off on extremely hot, feminine, lipstick lesbians, ...not what is in this movie.



Keen insights. I agree with the points you make and appreciate the thoughtful post. I liked the film very much. I expected to, as The Secret of the Grain made a very strong impression. While I--a straight male--appreciated the beauty of the actresses, I feel that several scenes could have used tighter editing, not just the sex scenes. What I feel the film does best is offer a compelling, powerful portrait of Adèle and her relationship with Emma. Adèle is a very memorable character. The actress has a very bright future.



I'm with you, NYcruise. Glad I'm not the only one who feels this way.

That being said, it's a great movie otherwise. If the director had the self-restraint to not force two cute girls to film porn in the middle of his film, this would have been a good romance movie.

"Pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source. True humility is the antidote to shame."


I agree with you and I am a hetero male. See my post to other thread on my views on the scenes.


I'm a metrosexual cross-dressing hermaphrodite and I think you're all full of crap. ..

Really, if you don't like a movie, you don't like a movie, but it's kind of strange to say you'd really like the movie if only it didn't have a relatively small amount of "porn scenes" in it. It makes YOU seem a little fixated on sex.

Also, I maintain that people should watch more porn movies because they really overuse the term "porn". Sex, even fairly graphic sex in a movie, is not "porn". Porn is something where sex is the entire raison d'etre of the movie. Somebody who wants to watch girl-on-girl porn isn't going to waste their time with this. It may not be "authentic" lesbian sex, but if you thinks it's hetero girl-on-girl porn, than I will pull rank on you since I'm sure I've seen more of that than you have. It's terrible, it's boring, the girls are made almost entirely of silicone, can't act worth spit, and are much less attractive than this. No one watches it for more than 15 minutes, and I would waste absolutely no time defending it.

But really why can't you just fast-forward through the sex scenes if they bother you so much? There's so much more to this movie.


I think the argument is the length of the sex scenes are there to fulfil male audiences fantasy and appetite for girl-on-girl soft porn and I agree with this view.


Some of the few intelligent words I've seen on the thread.


A "relatively small" amount of porn scenes? By what barometer are they relatively small? Because compared to nearly any comparable movie, they were relatively enormous.

"Pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source. True humility is the antidote to shame."


Obviously not the original poster, but relatively small in that it's a 3 hour movie and there's only about 10 minutes of sex scenes.


your comment made me lol. also i completely agree w you!


Have you ever thought that not everyone is the same? Not all people have sex the same way? Not all straight guys are in to lesbian porn (myself included).

*EDIT* Because my original post was too vague for some people

Yes, the lesbian scenes in this film are overly long and could cater towards a hetero audience. But, I personally do not enjoy to see lesbian porn.


How dense can you possibly be? Whether or not you are into lesbians has absolutely nothing to do with this discussion. The well known fact is that some men are into lesbian sex scenes and the idea of this thread is that these ridiculous scenes were included to appeal to the straight male demographic. Unless you're here to argue that no straight men are interested in lesbian sex scenes, you have no business in this thread.

"Pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source. True humility is the antidote to shame."


I wasn't rude to anyone in this thread, there's no need to be rude to me and call me dense. The point that not all people have sex the same way still stands, I'm pretty sure there are lesbians that enjoy sex in the way shown in this film.

Maybe it was done for titillation. That doesn't mean only men would find it enjoyable. I know plenty of girls who enjoy porn as much as guys, lesbian porn included.

I will post in any thread I wish! As I'm sure you will continue to go around calling people dense that don't agree with everything you say and think.


Nobody said that only men would find this appealing -- again you're responding to an accusation that simply does not exist. I'm a gay woman, I know very, very well that some women enjoy gay porn.

The argument isn't that only men would like it, the argument is that this movie was catered to a heterosexual male audience. Based on the cliche' straight porn style of the ridiculously long sex scenes and extensive evidence from the director and the actors on set, this seems almost guaranteed to be accurate.

You also say that I called you dense because you disagree with me. And yet, I've never disagreed with you. Of course not all men are into lesbian porn, I agree with you 100% on that. I don't know you, maybe you're not dense in general, you seem like a smart guy. But you are being dense in this particular thread, when you're repeatedly misreading its clearly stated points.

"Pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source. True humility is the antidote to shame."


I'm allowed to have an opinion on something. Calling someone dense for theirs is still rude, you don't know me. I'm not arguing the point of the thread, just merely stating an opinion. You know that's what happens on threads people discuss things. Not everyone has to have the same opinions.

I completely understand the point of the thread and it's probably right to some degree, but I was merely adding my own feelings; that I don't find lesbian porn that erotic and not all people have sex the same way. I'm allowed to add my own personal insight without arguing the overall point of the thread. The sex scenes are overly long, indulgent and could be taken out and the film would be better for it. The is a movie forum people are allowed to speak their mind. Again, get off your high horse. You're the one getting on the defensive with people, replying to anyone who adds their opinion and calling them dense for it.

Also, I very much doubt that many hetero guys would watch a long artistic foreign film just for a few sex scenes...you know there is actually real porn out there, lesbian porn too. Any guy with that mentality would find this film boring.


I'm sorry, but you're being dense again. I never called you dense for your opinion. In fact, I agreed with you and your opinion. I called you dense for not understanding what people are talking about.

Your "speak your mind" defense doesn't make any sense either. Are you allowed to speak your mind but I'm not allowed to speak mine? How is it a "high horse" for me to give my opinion, but when you give yours it's okay? You're right, this is a movie forum where people speak their mind. And as such, sometimes people have back and forths or discussions.

You're definitely right that people could choose to watch porn instead of this, if that's what they're after. That's a very good point. But I think the kicker here is that the director put this hetero porn into the film in order to A) cause scandal and B) appeal to some of the straight males who are already going to be watching and reviewing the film. The effect of this is that Blue is the Warmest Color generated more acclaim and more publicity over comparable films that were much better, but didn't include porn scenes for straight males.

"Pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source. True humility is the antidote to shame."


Again, I'll try and make this as simple as possible for you;

I can have an opinion on something without 'arguing the overall point of the thread'. I understand the thread, I get it completely. I was just stating my personal feelings towards it...I GET IT.

The film features long lesbian sex scenes to appeal to some hetero dudes, I get it...I personally don't find that appealing is all. I don't like stooping to your level, but I think it might be you that's being dense here.

I was just commenting that I personally don't like lesbian porn, I wasn't arguing with the OP for *beep* sake. Just cos I don't like it, it doesn't mean some people wont watch it just for the sex scenes. I wish I hadn't said anything...

You've basically taken a passing comment and decided I was arguing the OP's point entirely. I wasn't. Does every comment made in a thread have to be a direct argument? If I'd have left a comment saying 'I like Jam' would I have been arguing with the OP? Oh dear...I feel sorry for your friends and people who have to deal with you on a daily basis, I'd hate to have a friend who took everything so literal.

Judging by your replies you're not reading my posts fully, or skimming over them and picking out bits. SO, I have no more time for you. You're better than me, I'm thick and don't understand the point of the thread, you win...feel better?


It really wouldn't have been a problem for me if you didn't keep misreading each new post. For the third or fourth time, I agree with your point. It was your comments of me calling you dense "because of your opinion" and other misconceptions that reasonably warranted further argument.

"Pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source. True humility is the antidote to shame."


No, you misread mine.

Basically you thought I was arguing the OP's point and called me dense for not understanding the thread. I wasn't arguing with the OP, just stating my opinion. I'm not gonna sit back and be called dense by some random *beep* on the internet, of course I'm gonna retaliate. I haven't misread anything.


"I saw this film and realized how much it caters to heterosexual male fantasies of women."

Speak for yourself. You are obviously doing so anyway.

Not every straight male has fantasies about watching two women together. I sure don't. It doesn't turn me on at all.

Stop pretending your attitudes or stereotypes, wherever you got them from, apply to all straight men.

Oh, and the word is "straight", not "str8". Your credibility is reduced greatly when you can't use the English language properly.


How dense can you possibly be? Whether or not you are into lesbians has absolutely nothing to do with this discussion. The well known fact is that some men are into lesbian sex scenes and the idea of this thread is that these ridiculous scenes were included to appeal to the straight male demographic. Unless you're here to argue that no straight men are interested in lesbian sex scenes, you have no business in this thread.

She never said all men are into lesbian porn, read closer.

"Pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source. True humility is the antidote to shame."


How rude can you possibly be? Why the hostility? It's a movie forum! Get a grip and get off your high horse.


I generally treat people the way they are treating others. You might not have realized how rude it is, but it's rude to barge into a thread and take a defensive stance when nobody has even attacked you, like this poster very clearly has with all his "speak for yourself! Your credibility is nothing!" rhetoric. When someone does this, they're essentially accusing the OP of something they never did, which is rude.

"Pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source. True humility is the antidote to shame."



I think you have a point.


Barge into a thread, are you for real haha! Sorry, call the IMDB police!

I didn't treat you in a bad way and get called dense, treat people the way they treat you, yeah right...


You keep fixating on "getting called dense" as if I was calling you a name. But you were being dense, pretty objectively speaking. Having further explored the thread now, you probably realize yourself that you were being a bit dense, in lobbying those accusations at the OP without having even been accused of anything.

"Pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source. True humility is the antidote to shame."


Huh? Lobbying what accusations?

All I've said is that not all guys are into lesbian porn. I wasn't arguing the point of the thread I didn't say; ALL MEN DISLIKE LESBIAN PORN YOU ARE WRONG!

It was just a passing comment. You'll get over it eventually don't worry x

These are my last comments to you because judging by yours you're not reading mine properly. I can only say I'm not arguing it was just a passing comment stating my personal feelings towards lesbian porn so many times.

Here goes; "Yes, the lesbian scenes in this film are overly long and could cater towards a hetero audience. But, I personally do not enjoy to see lesbian porn."

Is that better? You're arguing for the sake of arguing with someone who wasn't arguing in the first place. I never said your opinion wasn't valid, you replied to me.

"lobbying those accusations at the OP without having even been accused of anything." Are you from the real world? This is an internet forum, we're not standing trial! It's not Judge Judy haha


Did you ever think that maybe I don't sell seashells by the sea shore? Did it cross your mind that some people enjoy the calm summer breeze?

You see, when you respond to a post in an accusatory manner, it makes it seem like you're accusing them. You never said that I sell seashells by the sea shore, but my post made it sound like you did.

Have you ever thought that not everyone is the same? Not all people have sex the same way? Not all straight guys are in to lesbian porn (myself included).

Sounds accusatory.

"Pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source. True humility is the antidote to shame."


Read between the lines. By no means does that comment say I 100% disagree with the point of the thread, just not all guys are into lesbian porn. A passing comment, just a personal opinion. That comment certainly doesn't accuse anyone of anything, what exactly am I accusing them of? Not knowing that some guys don't like lesbian sex? You're being silly. Yeah, I could have worded it better. My bad.

You see a comment on a forum you don't like and abruptly reply to it like a smart ass to make yourself feel better about whatever. Name calling is a sure sign of this, you probably felt pretty good when you left the comment, another sign of this. Continuing to argue with someone who has said numerous times that they're not arguing, explained they understand the thread etc, further sign of this. You even said you agreed with me and continued to argue. I didn't misread anything you said, I'm not stupid. I will retaliate if someone calls me it though. Just because you didn't get the replies you wanted to get doesn't mean I misread yours.

All your replies are self serving and this conversation as come to a close for me.


You're obviously taking this very personally and bringing it into ad hominem territory so maybe you should end the conversation like you've said you will.

I didn't reply to be a smartass and I didn't feel good doing it. I felt bad for the OP. I didn't like how you were lobbying accusations at them. Yes, I was very rude, but I was rude in response to your rudeness towards the OP.

"Pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source. True humility is the antidote to shame."


If you think my comment was 'lobbying accusations' I think you might have some serious problems. My comment wasn't rude, maybe you read it that way?

I like mashed potatoes. See ya Katrina.
