startlingly racist/sizeist trailer
This movie would look decent, except there were way too many racist, ignorant, and fat shaming jokes. Shame on Jason Bateman
shareThis movie would look decent, except there were way too many racist, ignorant, and fat shaming jokes. Shame on Jason Bateman
shareJesus Christ it's a movie. If you're so offended why don't you go write a letter to Jason Bateman, or better yet don't watch the movie.
shareSizeist? SIZEIST? I have to say that is the first time I've heard that word in my life.
Arguing against racism and sexism, I understand. You are born a certain race and gender and there's not a whole lot you can do about that. But defending fat people is ridiculous, I'm sorry. If you are fat, YOU made yourself that way and only YOU can do something about it. All that unhealthy food didn't eat itself- YOU ate it. No one is stopping you from having and salad and going for a run.
Normally I would agree but when it is directed at a child I find it a bit uncomfortable.
"Passion is just insanity in a cashmere sweater!"
There are movies where serious crimes (i.e. murder) are committed against children. Some "bad words" aren't so bad in comparison.
Did you consider that maybe it was intended to make people uncomfortable?
Do you only watch and read things that keep you in your comfort zone?
Normally I would agree but this was a kid who could do more than hold his own over any attacker who wasn't packing a pistol ;-)
shareFunny movie. I enjoyed every non-PC remark. As for fat people, the overwhelming majority made themselves that way by consuming more calories than they expend. I don't feel sorry for them. If they make a serious decision not to be fat anymore, they can do something about it. Otherwise, they're just whining between shoving doughnuts and cheeseburgers into their bloated faces. Disagree? Like I care.
shareThere are a startling number of factors that go into one's weight and body shape. It is, unfortunately, exceedingly ignorant to automatically blame a large person (whom you see as fat) for being so.
But go on with your anger towards the overweight. Because they will continue to be the last bastion of people against whom discrimination and hate will be culturally supported.
You're right, there ARE a startling number of factors that go into one's weight and body shape. And many of them can be found in the pastry section of the grocery store.
I understand that some overweight people have genetic disadvantages or other glandular issues that may be out of their control to a degree. But the vast majority of fat people in the US (and the world) are fat because of TWO factors: unhealthy eating habits and lack of exercise. That's it.
He is obviously playing a very immature and petty character, of course he will say such things, even to a child. Sizeist? Really? I guess I was the only one who made fun of fat kids in junior high.
All you people should be ashamed of yourself for being trollist to the OP.
This is very hard to read, isn't it?
first of all, LOL at "sizeist", people who make up words are fun.
second of all, medical treatment for obesity makes up something like 10% of all annual health care costs in the USA, which is more than smokers, and is probably the largest demographic that could lower those costs by exercising self-control (as opposed to the elderly or the disabled or other groups bound to their medical fate by circumstance as opposed to choice); not to mention the almost-impossible-to-calculate value of resources lost due to slow-moving easily-exhausted employees who miss work all the time and thus make companies less efficient, and also the higher insurance premiums employers have to pay for their fat employees. americans who are obese (body mass index 30-40) has tripled since 1960 to something like 35% and morbid obesity (BMI above 40) has risen to 6%, the significance of that last number is that in 1960 that number was 1%; so obesity is the only "genetic disorder" that manifests itself nearly at a rate of over 1% of the total populace per decade - as opposed to the hundreds and hundreds of years it takes every real genetic disorder to manifest; in other words, "genetic disorder" my @$$, if you're fat it's your fault, end of story, and that means you contribute to a rather significant national problem. no matter your opinion of the ACA if you are american and don't like how things are changing you should punch the nearest fattie in their big fat disgusting tummy, because they're a "size-ey"reason that change in USA healthcare has to happen right now no matter what that change looks like. bottom line of my rant: fat people deserve to be shamed, and furthermore insulting someone for something they have the power to change is not at all on the same level as insulting someone for something they can't, such as their pigmentation.
third of all: the main character is a petty d!<khe@d who goes full-on Dirty Work on children 1/4 his age. if guy trilby were not the kind of @$$h01e who would say and do the things he says and does in this movie, there wouldnt be a movie. was it a shock to your hollywood-conditioned system that the protagonist was unlikeable, in defiance of the formula followed by the vast majority of cinema that he/she instead be someone for whom you're routing? might i suggest you thicken your skin, sir/madam. there is certainly nothing envelope-pushing in this movie, and i shudder to think of your potential reaction to literally hundreds of others if you found anything in this one to really be so intolerably politically incorrect that you couldn't just sit back and enjoy this bit of low-brow for what it is.
This movie is great!
shareOP is just angry she prolly had the ketchup thing happen to her lol
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