well this has become so common i didn't think anyone but me reacted to it anymore, you can hardly have the tv on at any channel at any hour of the anymore when you got company over, i used to only have tcm on cause they aired classic movies from back when not just anything went, i usually don't watch new entertainment, but whenever i happen to come across it's like your head gets screwed up and you pity today's generation constantly fed with this, and it's like you question if you're actually seeing this or having a bad dream, i have noticed a dramatic change on english speaking channels in just the last few years, words or dancing around words that would never have been acceptable just a short while ago, living in a country that has no boundaries at all where you can hear any word or discussion any hour of the day i always found it inspiring how other countries have a more civilised tone even these days, and it's sad to see the deterioration, still i found this overall pretty light compared to other entertainment of today. it was funny how they were in the same room with the same poster on the wall identical as twenty years before.
whole week kinda cold,
since lack of your love,
after days i was about to pack it in,
suddenly last hour you were returning,
in hot dress the loss made up,
before store closed got you cool make up,
after a long week arrived to feel right at your love.