MovieChat Forums > Robot & Frank (2012) Discussion > daughter is a typical liberal

daughter is a typical liberal

Whine and complain, expect things to be done but do nothing yourself.


She's liberal? So what? You had to make a thread whining about it? Boo freaking hoo. I swear the right wing are the ones crying the most about people's political affiliation than anyone else. When the left wing complain it's usually about some injustice, the right wing complain simply because they don't like something (i.e. whining about gays or minorities).


She's American, and that fact alone makes her an idiot, liberal or not.

Working in the movie business since -92


I was wondering when some jealous, 3rd world putz would chime in....

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


What would you do if you lost your job, became disabled, couldn't get a job or insurance and needed an operation to save your life but had no money and no resources and spent your life savings on medical bills? Would you just say "Oh, well, I guess I'll just sit here and die? Can somebody please euthanize me, please? What? That's not legal?" No, and if it were, your insurance wouldn't pay for it anyway.


Remember all those "gun violence" statistics that you liberals bring up, which are heavily padded with suicides? Well, turns out a free person doesn't need to ask anyone's permission when it's time to die.


Ain't nothing like a politically motivated thread to ruin the positivity of the board.

Im the Alpha and the Omoxus. The Omoxus and the Omega



Why inject politics just for the sake of injecting politics?

Im the Alpha and the Omoxus. The Omoxus and the Omega


Liberals have far more balanced vieew than republicans and democrats put together


nice joke there,mate


What is it with you people and terms like "typical liberal"? One of your thug-like non-thinking morons said that about Gwyneth Paltrow the other day and there's nothing "typical" about someone like that who's got more money than God. Your small mindedness is disturbing. You are the worst Americans and the very people the Founding Fathers designed the country to protect us against.


LOL youuuuuuuuuuuuuu just took something someone else said in a totalllllllllllllly different situation, in a totalllllllllly different context and implied there is some correlation to what I'm saying.

Obviously that comment about Paltrow is effecting you deeply. I suggest you post some more places about it.....perhaps there are some Disney movie message boards that need posting... GO FORTH!


You keep using that word, I don't think it means what you think it means. A liberal is someone who has slightly right-wing political leanings, and consequently would not espouse the notion that one should expect things to be done for them. You are perhaps confusing the word with some other concept (though precisely what, I'm not exactly sure as no ideology would take such a sentiment seriously).


My reaction was that she's very conservative, anti technology, a hippie and fake pretentious. I think you should read what liberalism really stands for. Personally I am pretty left wing and I salute technology as that originally was something that leftist ideologists embraced. I know some people of her kind and they are very conservative and would probably rather use an envoy or smoke signals for communication. You know that kind that say "it has always been done this way" despite not being old.
